What's going on?

Started by DRiddle, November 06, 2019, 10: AM

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I'm actually very willing to listen and discuss reasons for leaving. I'll listen to and consider any reason people care to raise.

The frustrating thing from my point of view is . . . No one ever does.

There are people on here who don't seem willing and are possibly unable to explain why they voted to leave.

Isn't that really saddening? You vote to do something, but you don't know WHY you did it.


And as for the suggestion to lock down the whole forum. Lol 😂

Yes, let's lock down a forum specifically designed for political discussion right in the middle of a general election. A general election which COULD change the established political order for decades. A general election which could result in a few Brexit party candidates including one right here in Hartlepool. A general election which could end 60 years of Labour control in Hartlepool.

Yes, let's lock down a political discussion forum right bang smack in the middle of those circumstances.



Quote from: DRiddle on November 08, 2019, 06: AM
And as for the suggestion to lock down the whole forum. Lol 😂
A general election which could result in a few Brexit party candidates including one right here in Hartlepool. A general election which could end 60 years of Labour control in Hartlepool.

.....Which needs to happen but results in the town being controlled by who/what? A team of liars who follow the money it would seem?....nothing actually different then?

Nobody with any sense will ever trust Shane and his cronies, his antics have been well documented here by MK1. yet again we end up with a group of wannabes hell bent on boosting their egos, their perceived standing in the community and in some cases their bank balances.

The whole system needs overhauling...god knows why we need a local clowncil  ( why not have a team of qualified experienced managers?) and why in this day and age are electoral decisions not based on proportional representation driven by a web based voting system.

Another can of worms opened....
The Morons seemed to have gone but so have the normals.....

Inspector Knacker

Quote from: DRiddle on November 08, 2019, 06: AM
I'm actually very willing to listen and discuss reasons for leaving. I'll listen to and consider any reason people care to raise.

The frustrating thing from my point of view is . . . No one ever does.

There are people on here who don't seem willing and are possibly unable to explain why they voted to leave.

Unbelievable pomposity. Why would anyone debate with you, you could 'debate' with a gate post for  all the good it would do.
You are incapable of debate because all you wish to do is spread your inflexible, uncompromising doctrine and hope a few of the 'gullibles' will swallow the guff and join those who are joyously saved by the Pied piper of Remain, the damned who won't  can be discounted as gullible oafs.

What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


Given the many  claims that Steve would not be happy with the way the UKIP The IU The Brexit Party are treated I thought we could do with an actual example (as in one of many examples) of how he saw things

Quote from: steveL on April 28, 2015, 01: PM

In fact, you're a typical UKIPper; blinkered vision, ignorant and someone who sees everything in terms of black and white - literally.

Inspector Knacker

Quote from: mk1 on November 07, 2019, 10: PM
Quote from: Inspector Knacker on November 07, 2019, 09: PM
Close the board down till the 13th December,  because all we're going to get is.........................'.

.................awkward facts that Shane can not explain away.

Rather than address Shanes duplicity you now want to 'close down the board'?

I said this earlier:
Quote from: mk1 on November 07, 2019, 08: PM

No one  has (so far)  defended Shane and no attempt has been  made to justify or explain his  questionable actions. I guess the duplicity is so obvious that no cogent defense is possible

and your censorship call is confirmation the duplicity is so obvious that no cogent defense is possible
Censorship, oh dear.
I don't know how to break this to you, but I'll try. Nobody cares.
The only people banging on obsessively are you, David and a couple of fan club members. You're shouting in an echo chamber.
It's like walking past one of those odd Christian sect churches and some persistent firebrand is preaching hell and damnation from the pulpit to a congregation, 99% of which left a long, long time ago, but still the Vicar of Remain and his curate persist in praying for and saving the souls of sinners who fell victim to the lure of Brexit.

What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


Shane on Farage some 3 political conversions ago:

Quote from: SRMoore on April 28, 2015, 12: PM

UKIP's new election poster unveiled in Grimsby today highlights the plight of fishing businesses that have been 'gutted due to the EU'.  Greenpeace has responded that UKIP's voting record in the European Parliament and Nigel Farage's appalling attendance on the Fisheries Committee makes a mockery of UKIP's claim to be standing up for fishermen.

Over the three years that Nigel Farage was a member of the European Parliament Fisheries Committee, he attended one out of 42 meetings. Greenpeace research released today shows that during the three major votes to fix the flaws of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), Nigel Farage was in the building but failed to vote in favour of improving the legislation.

  In 2013, Nigel Farage was again present but chose not to vote on the part of the reform of the CFP that introduces an obligation on governments to give more fishing quota to sustainable fishermen who contribute the most to the local, coastal economies. This would see the government giving more fishing quota to local, low impact fishing fleets, such as the fishermen featured in UKIP's poster.

. There was a vote for an amendment to the CFP regulation on using environmental and social criteria to allocate fishing opportunities and incentives for low impact fishing (this is more or less article 17 of the final regulation) – on 6 Feb 2013

This amendment was passed with 366 in favour (55%).  9 out of 10 UKIP MEPs abstained (in line with the position of their EU group) but Nigel Farage again was the only UKIP MEP who didn't vote, even though he would have been in the building.


Nigel Farage turned up to just one out of 42 meetings on the fisheries committee when he was on it. (£) http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/85563e82-8f44-11e3-be85-00144feab7de.html

Original article - http://www.greenpeace.org.uk/media/press-releases/farage%E2%80%99s-voting-record-fishing-%E2%80%98makes-mockery%E2%80%99-new-election-poster-20150408


Quote from: SRMoore on April 09, 2014, 08: AM
Residents are right when they refer to you as the Nigel Farage of PHF. A one man band full of empty rhetoric and populist sound bites.

Inspector Knacker

Quote from: mk1 on November 08, 2019, 07: AM
Given the many  claims that Steve would not be happy with the way the UKIP The IU The Brexit Party are treated I thought we could do with an actual example (as in one of many examples) of how he saw things

Quote from: steveL on April 28, 2015, 01: PM

In fact, you're a typical UKIPper; blinkered vision, ignorant and someone who sees everything in terms of black and white - literally.
There are no shades of grey in your world, just binary black or white. No middle ground, just good or bad, right or wrong.
Inflexibility and compromise an anathema
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


Inspector Knacker

What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.



Anyone thinking about supporting Corbyn nationally/Labour locally something to consider

The Morons seemed to have gone but so have the normals.....


I'll just repeat what i said, except in more blunt terms.

Nobody yet has offered up a specific or series of specific reasons for why they voted to leave the EU.

I actually don't think anyone attacking me is ABLE to. It's not as simple as they WON'T, it's they CAN'T.

It's not me saying you don't know WHAT you voted for, it's me saying you don't know WHY you voted the way you did.  ???


DRiddle,I personally voted to leave the EU because I wanted to ,because I was offered a personal choice in what I wanted and because I was able to let my choice be known. That was a good enough set of reasons for me and it should be enough for you and everyone else to accept my choice and not try to impose their own choice on me.

Inspector Knacker

Quote from: DRiddle on November 08, 2019, 10: AM
I'll just repeat what i said, except in more blunt terms.

Nobody yet has offered up a specific or series of specific reasons for why they voted to leave the EU.

I actually don't think anyone attacking me is ABLE to. It's not as simple as they WON'T, it's they CAN'T.

How modest of you.
Has it never occurred to you that people know what the outcome of stepping into that minefield of finger wagging will be and give it a wide berth.
Accept the fact you're not the Messiah and come down to earth. We don't need lecturing to, re-educating, enlightening, saving, our eyes opening, thought re-alignment, blinkers taking from our eyes, just try to accept the result.

Just a thought, but if the Councillors had voted to join the Lib Dem's or the Labour Party, would you be having the vapours still.....?
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.