UKIP's Chances

Started by beanzontoast, October 17, 2014, 09: AM

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I was reading a national newspaper last week, part of the story was how UKIP should do a deal with the torys, it may have had some merit. Then I thought of Hartlepool UKIP it wouldn't be able to make a deal with the Torys as there isn't any, there hasn't been for a long time its only the residents of Rural West Ward who don't know they have 3 LABOUR councillors.


Quote from: beanzontoast on October 17, 2014, 09: AM
I was reading a national newspaper last week, part of the story was how UKIP should do a deal with the torys, it may have had some merit.

Even on their best polling UKIP are not going to get many MPs. There only hope  is that of all minorities,  do as Wells and the 2 muppets have done and sell out.
It is naive to think that if the Tories get in bed  with UKIP it will not be required to ditch its more looney policies. Once he gets a sniff of power Nigel will sell out in a flash.
The man is angling for a seat in the Lords and nothing will stand in the way of this ambition.


Maybe farage is angling for a seat in the lords and maybe they don't get many MPs, you have to admit as a political party only started 21 years ago,  its already taken the place of the lib dems and is now not only the 3rd most popular party in the country but  Labour and the Torys are changing their policies because of the threat posed by UKIP


Quote from: beanzontoast on October 17, 2014, 11: AM
Maybe farage is angling for a seat in the lords and maybe they don't get many MPs, you have to admit as a political party only started 21 years ago,  its already taken the place of the lib dems and is now not only the 3rd most popular party in the country but  Labour and the Torys are changing their policies because of the threat posed by UKIP

Seen it many times before. SDP anyone? 45-50% poll ratings and 24% of the national vote. 
Jimmy Goldsmith and The referendum Party? Goldsmith had 50,000 members and also had a Tory turncoat gift him a seat.

The death of the Liberal Party has been announced many times in the last century  but they are still around.

Enjoy your present 'high' because I have a feeling you are going to be a lot  less sucessful in the upcoming by-election.
It is just the nature of these things. The Greens have more Elected MPs and a better track record than UKIP.


Point taken MK1, maybe just maybe farages peoples army might just stick around,we have some very fine freedoms in this country, and from what I read on this forum, many it seems are fed up of labour running the show but don't do anything about it, one of those fought for freedoms was the vote so go out and vote in May and demand change with your vote. Manor ward would be a good place to start, care to make a prediction MK1.

grim reaper

We have at least one thing to be thankful to Nigel Farage and UKIP for; FORCING the Govt. to rethink a number of its policies, esp. unfettered immigration to our welfare system etc.
I don't give a damn about how many seats they gain across the country (actually, I do...but realistically.....).
What I dream of seeing is Phillip Broughton take Hartlepool from our inert, comatose, vacillating MP.
That is what we should be focusing on between now and next May.
We need to think of ways to get people of their bums and go to vote.

Maybe 70% never bother because it's always been a foregone conclusion in Hartlepool.                                 Well not now!
Let the potential of new blood make people realise the time has come for Hartlepool to rise from its moribund state;

As David Riddle has injected fresh air into the chamber and rattled skeletons in cupboards, let us give Phillip Broughton the chance to do the same with Hartlepool.
He could be the MP that DOES take an interest in the councilor shenanigans and financial back scratching and ask questions in the House?
Let's shine a light under those dark stones and see what can be unearthed.


If the people of Hartlepool don't vote to remove labour councillors from their wards, it is unlikely they will return Phillip Broughton as their MP. It works like this if the local people elect Labour councillors to every ward its reasonable to assume a great many people support Labour it is also reasonable to assume they would vote for a Labour MP. Likewise if a party like UKIP starts to resonate with voters and gets lots of councillors the other partys must loose them and that is whats happening David Cameron would not of even consider giving a referendum on the EU if it wasn't for UKIP no would he today get tough on immigration so you don't have to be in power to change things, but you do have to vote, all have a unique opportunity in May with two strokes of a pen change Hartlepool now thats power.


Quote from: beanzontoast on October 17, 2014, 01: PM
If the people of Hartlepool don't vote to remove labour councillors from their wards, it is unlikely they will return Phillip Broughton as their MP. It works like this if the local people elect Labour councillors to every ward its reasonable to assume a great many people support Labour it is also reasonable to assume they would vote for a Labour MP. Likewise if a party like UKIP starts to resonate with voters and gets lots of councillors the other partys must loose them and that is whats happening David Cameron would not of even consider giving a referendum on the EU if it wasn't for UKIP no would he today get tough on immigration so you don't have to be in power to change things, but you do have to vote, all have a unique opportunity in May with two strokes of a pen change Hartlepool n
ow thats power.

Last time in the local elections PHP and UKIP could have won seats if they had not decided to fight for the same seats in the same wards therefore splitting the vote. At the General Election if the PHP supporters back UKIP Wright could be in for a shock, I don't believe for one minute he will lose but it could be close.


Even though I don't support UKIP or agree with the opinions that some of the UKIP supporters have, I will be voting for UKIP in the general election. I don't believe they will actually win many seats in parliament & I'm not sure I want them to either, what I do want is change in Hartlepool & the only way to do that is to get Labour out!


  For those who have not seen Phillip Broughton's first leaflet, it shows the results of the May elections which quite clearly prove that, here in Hartlepool.Labour can be beaten in both national and local  elections. Phillip uses the slogan
                              Only U.K.I.P. can beat Labour.
Another slogan he might use is
                          A vote for the Conservatives is a vote for Labour


Come on Ryehill, May did not show Labour could be beaten in both national and local elections.

It showed they can be beaten in local elections, also at international level (i.e the European elections) but it gives us no indication of UKIPS likely success next May in Hartlepool at national Level against Ian Wright.

PHF could get 5,000 votes if we put up a strong, local, charismatic candidate who knows how to work a crowd.  ::)

However, all that is likely to do is split the vote and keep Labour in.

However, if PHF were to put up a candidate it could certainly help us win some seats along the way at local level.

Interesting times ahead methinks.

one direction

Quote from: DRiddle on October 17, 2014, 04: PMHowever, if PHF were to put up a candidate it could certainly help us win some seats along the way at local level.

Clear change of direction from PHF, they previously were very clear that PHF were NOT going to stand a candidate in the general election but now it's IF. How long before it's WHEN? Can I get a bet on now that Cllr Riddle has his eye on the seat (and has done since day 1 of his membership of PHF  ;) )


Quote from: one direction on October 17, 2014, 05: PM

Clear change of direction from PHF, they previously were very clear that PHF were NOT going to stand a candidate in the general election but now it's IF. How long before it's WHEN?

Hook, line & sinker!


If the Tories  run a no-hope (and the candidate really has no hope of winning) then that will  (intentionally or otherwise) probably be enough to keep Wright in his job.
I suspect there will be no cooperation nationally on this front from them and if the decision is taken locally then Ray will   bust a gut (  put up another family member?) to make sure he keeps his fellow conspirators in power.

Ray, the kiss of death for local democracy..............

one direction

Quote from: mk1 on October 17, 2014, 05: PM
Quote from: one direction on October 17, 2014, 05: PM

Clear change of direction from PHF, they previously were very clear that PHF were NOT going to stand a candidate in the general election but now it's IF. How long before it's WHEN?

Hook, line & sinker!

Once again mk1 you are just too deep and devious for me?