No council tribute for D-Day

Started by minime, June 06, 2014, 07: PM

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In reply to mk1, show a little respect please, indeed TSteels is a Cllr and it is my opinion that he did mock by choosing not to post in his real name as a Councillor in relation to such a subject as D Day.


Quote from: Tommy on June 07, 2014, 11: AM
In reply to mk1, show a little respect please, indeed TSteels is a Cllr and it is my opinion that he did mock by choosing not to post in his real name as a Councillor in relation to such a subject as D Day.

There you go again. Where did I show any 'disrespect'?


Quote from: Tommy on June 07, 2014, 11: AM
pensionator I am waiting to see the Cllrs post on other pages on here with their false names opting not to reply to this stream first.

I see your confusion. You are under the impression screen names are false names.


mk1 I do not wish to argue with you, I will say again "it is my opinion"


Quote from: Tommy on June 07, 2014, 11: AM
mk1 I do not wish to argue with you

This is not an argument.

In my opinion you have grossly over-reacted to a failry innocuous post.

Further you seem overly aquainted with forum gossip/history for one so recent.


As i said, the organisation i work with were heavily involved. I have been a cllr for what 2 weeks? I'm not the Mayor or the council leader. I fail to see how i can be responsible for the lack of action from HBC.


MK1 I appreciate that you too have an opinion, further it is my belief and that of millions of others, you have an opinion due to those that endured D Day 70 years ago.

David I appreciate your reply's on here, you cannot be blamed really due to your only recent election success, however can you use your role at PHF to encourage the obvious silence on this subject to the 4 other PHF Councillors to make a respectful reply and further advise them that it may not be wise to do so using a false name to to the sensitivity of the subject.

Veterans from all theaters of Operations here in town without political preference can only support questions being asked as I am doing on this thread and like me would appreciate your help, thank you.

fred c

With "The Dear Leader & Handsome Ste" it is all about "Self Self Self" narcissistic egotists in the extreme.

"Handsome Ste" was all to keen to have "His Ceremonial Mayoral Procession" 12  months ago & we saw that members of "The Mob" were in attendance at the recent workers memorial day service, milking it for all it was worth despite the fact several of their number are "Strangers to Employment"

They have obviously had something far more important to do than the D Day Remembrance....... possibly another Meeting with Developers, or maybe experiencing another Visionary Episode ?


Fred C, you highlight only two Elected Members and one political party, this to me (my opinion) is the responsibility of all Elected Members (excused are those recently Elected with no continuous service as a Cllr in the run up to the recent elections), all the Towns Political Party's and Council Officers, especially the Council Officers that form part of the Events and Culture Team.

fred c

I respect your opinion Tommy..... However in Hartlepool, nothing & i mean nothing is organised for any Public Occasion, unless it gets the go ahead from the publicity seeking dynamic trio.

We have the recent "Hand Out" of committee chairs as an example of the absolute control exerted by them, they use every possible trick in the book to suit their purpose & if it ain`t in the book...... they re=write the book....aka "The Towns Constitution"

I agree with you totally that our Civic Leaders should have made the effort to commemorate the 6th of June 1944, but unfortunately we as a town don`t have civic leaders, well none with any real moral compass.


Totally agree 100% with you last post FredC.


Quotehowever can you use your role at PHF to encourage the obvious silence on this subject to the 4 other PHF Councillors to make a respectful reply

Hi Tommy, I'm sure they will be comments from the other PHF councillors on this and many other issues. Whether they'll be direct replies to people who frequent this forum, I don't know.

I think people need to remember that, by and large, in my opinion, PHF are the most immediately accessible group in terms of dialogue with residents.

We have a very active facebook page and it's very clear that some of our members and councillors comment directly on The Hartlepool Mail's online site.

I know for certain that some councillors don't even respond to e-mails from other councillors, let alone their residents.


Craig. Nothing in it for the dynamic duo. As for the Workers Day they do as they are told by their master, the Union.


Hartlepudloin, did you read the account of the young lad who lost his life because of the negligence of the company he worked for?.I am not purporting to explain the reasons for tommy's posts ,but can we please stop using the tragedy in peoples lives for political point scoring.

fred c

Quote from: pensionater on June 07, 2014, 11: PM
Hartlepudloin, did you read the account of the young lad who lost his life because of the negligence of the company he worked for?.I am not purporting to explain the reasons for tommy's posts ,but can we please stop using the tragedy in peoples lives for political point scoring.

There you go again pensionater........ of course there are genuine reasons for having a workers remembrance service & yes i did read the accountant of the young lads tragic passing.

But the sheer hypocrisy of "The Mob" in doing absolutely nothing about the treatment of the 4 employees of a council funded organisation "MRA" is disgraceful.

These elected councilors are the self same people who shortly before the Tribunals of the MRA 4 proposed a "Living Wage" for employees of HBC & any contractor who works for HBC.

As for political point scoring you need look no further than the daily press releases printed in the mail for examples of that particular behaviour.