General Election 2017

Started by steveL, April 19, 2017, 09: AM

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Fred, people have been unkind during (and after) the referendum and it's unacceptable. And I would expect the EU to play hardball - they don't want a domino effect (but I don't think May is helping either). And yes Akarjl I would agree - the overseas aid system needs reforming (as does the EU!). Locally, if people are unhappy with Labour then they need to vote accordingly I guess. Would another Labour MP help make the Labour run Council more effective (and of course I'm not suggesting it is ineffective)? I don't know. We have been quiet of late but behind the scenes we have been busy but I take the point about raising our profile in the future. But here's my challenge to your comment Riddler5, and all of you who read this great Forum - forget about which party we are all with, and vote for the candidate you think will make the biggest positive difference to the town. If it's not me, that's fine, but if I gain one extra vote by suggesting it, it will have been worth the 2 seconds to write it!

Inspector Knacker

Quote from: AndyHagon on May 12, 2017, 04: PMLocally, if people are unhappy with Labour then they need to vote accordingly I guess. Would another Labour MP help make the Labour run Council more effective (and of course I'm not suggesting it is ineffective)? There's diplomacy and there's naivety. Are you actually in touch with local politics. I am suggesting they're ineffective. If you intend to displace them you should be saying it too.I don't know. We have been quiet of late but behind the scenes we have been busy
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


Quote from: AndyHagon on May 12, 2017, 04: PM
But here's my challenge to your comment Riddler5, and all of you who read this great Forum - forget about which party we are all with, and vote for the candidate you think will make the biggest positive difference to the town. If it's not me, that's fine, but if I gain one extra vote by suggesting it, it will have been worth the 2 seconds to write it!

Your getting there a counter challenge. Will you confirm that, you will, where possible, shine a spotlight on the activities of certain clowncillers who are running Hartlepool, as if it is their own personal feifdom?

There are many issues outstanding relating to their activities for which the people deserve answers, most listed on here. A typical example of money wasted was the Cafe in the Crem and cwisterpher throwing his hand bag around because he didn't like carpets in a new facility, wasting a reported 95,000 pounds of public money, not to mentions "wife" Lying Ste getting sacked for claiming he was at a funeral when he was actually at a council function. Then there is the Willcox story.....

An MP, allegedly, is a figure of authority and respect (well apart from Mandy and Shitey both of whom were a waste of space and ignored the people) who should be listened too and has the benefit of parliamentary privilege on which they can rely.

Simply put....

Will you shine the spotlight on what has been happening at the clowncil over recent years....the "biggest positive difference to the town" would be to stop this clowncil wasting our money allowing it to be used for the benefit of the people of the town.


Quote from: steveL on May 12, 2017, 11: AM
I agree we need to be far more picky on how the money is spent and where it goes and maybe the Chinese have the right idea -

Chinese 'aid' is essentially 'sell us your minerals and we will make it look like we are providing aid'.

There is also an ongoing debate inside China about the goal and management of Chinese aid to Africa. For the foreign policy bureaucrats at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, foreign aid is essentially a political instrument for China to strengthen bilateral ties and facilitate the development of African countries. In their view, political considerations should be the most important criteria in aid decision-making. Economic benefits associated with aid projects, such as profitability, resource extraction, or the acquisition service contracts for Chinese vendors, should only be secondary.   However, trade promoters such as the Ministry of Commerce have rather opposite perspective. In their view, foreign aid serves China's overall national priority, which by definition is economic growth. Therefore, all aspects of aid decisions should reflect broad economic considerations. Under this logic, the inclination is to allocate the aid budget to countries that offer China the greatest number of commercial opportunities and benefits. Since China's top economic interest is Africa's natural resources, aid decisions are inevitably skewed toward resource-rich countries while others receive less favorable consideration.

Which is just a kick in the ar*se away from UK Aid which  normally comes with conditions the aid is spent with British Firms. So all the Rolls Royce cars and 300 pair of shoes for the Presidents wife get bought in Bond Street.

Nobody gives aid without strings and the strings are usually enough to swallow most of the aid.

Cue  ''I was working with some Chinese people the other day  and they told me the real story and it is the  exact opposite of what you said..........................''


LOL I suspect that was "bait" directed at myself? Well I did live in China for a few years.... ;)

Obviously the real world experiences of several members here really pisses you off. ;D How many countries have you actually visited? Lived in? Other than the online world and youtube land? I suspect not many hence the reliance on second hand news harvested from Youtube/the mail/the guardian.


Just seen this on linkedin.

QuoteDoes anyone know how to cancel a bid on Ebay? I've made a terrible mistake and put a £3 bid in for a Cowboy outfit. I'm Six minutes away from owning the Labour Party......

50p will get you the  clowncil.....


May going after the UKIP vote.

Some here seem to believe her recently discovered concern for the 'working class' in genuine..........


LOL Mandelson tried "getting down with the working man"....


The May picture was a test. I wanted to see if there would be  some form of 'get even' response. I was confident there would be and I was right.
The Forum seems to have morphed into a UKIP tribute act.  Otherwise normal people have become rabid Labour-haters. Myopic 'one-issue' politics is the norm and I struggle to understand how a local MP can dictate Council policy. 
No normal voter who visits can get any other impression than the Forum is mainly made up of looney right-wing immigrant-hating Labour-loathing obsessive old white men reeking of pi*ss  and howling at the moon.
UKIP may be gone but its covert agents still stalk the Forum.

fred c

"I struggle to understand how a local MP can dictate Council policy"

It isn't that I expect a local MP to dictate council policy,  however I do expect a local MP to dictate the personal Integrity, Honesty, Principals and Morality of the Councillors of the party of which he is the MP.


Quote from: fred c on May 15, 2017, 08: PM
"I struggle to understand how a local MP can dictate Council policy"

It isn't that I expect a local MP to dictate council policy,  however I do expect a local MP to dictate the personal Integrity, Honesty, Principals and Morality of the Councillors of the party of which he is the MP.

Agreed Fred. Anyone with half a brain would.....but then again....

Quote from: mk1 on May 15, 2017, 08: PM
No normal voter who visits can get any other impression than the Forum is mainly made up of looney right-wing immigrant-hating Labour-loathing obsessive old white men reeking of pi*ss  and howling at the moon.

:) Bit of a broad sweeping statement insulting to forum members?

Normal voter = As in, someone who has same views as yourself?
Looney =  Define?
Right-wing = Any worse than being left wing?
Immigrant = Nope economic tourist/chancers/criminal/terrorists= yes.
Hating = I don't suppose any here HATE anyone- try do not want.
Labour-loathing = Wrong again, try "Hartlepool Labour Party Loathing"- I would suspect most here fall into that category.
Obsessive = nope = Try "with a healthy interest"
Old = Again insulting, old implies  some have simply been around longer than some others.= try experienced?
White men = The race card? What is there to say? You keep playing it. I have to wonder why?
Reeking of pi*s = Show some empathy, I would suspect any members suffering from incontinence bath on a regular basis?
Howling at the moon = Lost me, too much time spent watching council telly?

Damn I must remember the advice given by others not to respond to gibberish ....but sometimes you make it so satisfying it is almost impossible to resist  ;)


Quote from: fred c on May 15, 2017, 08: PM

It isn't that I expect a local MP to dictate council policy,  however I do expect a local MP to dictate the personal Integrity, Honesty, Principals and Morality of the Councillors of the party of which he is the MP.

So how can an MP 'dictate' to local councillors? What system is in place so an MP can influence his local Council-apart from corruption that is.
Corrupt Councillors are all over the country and of all parties so by that measure then you will never vote for any Party.

Does Jeremy Thorpe's  killing of Rinka mean you will never  ever vote Liberal?

There is no such thing as  a completely honest person.  We all lie and only differ in the degree of our lies.
You are either a virgin or you are not a virgin.


Quote from: mk1 on May 15, 2017, 09: PM

by that measure then you will never vote for any Party.

Probably the only viable option available to us here in Hartlepool.

Inspector Knacker

Quote from: mk1 on May 15, 2017, 09: PM

Corrupt Councillors are all over the country and of all parties so by that measure then you will never vote for any Party
It all depends on your interpretation of 'corruption', not necessarily the accepted form of criminal corruption, but corruption of an ideal. Then I reject their politics till removed. I can then vote for the new entrant to the field of politics. I do not assume or believe all politicians to be tainted.
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


Akarjl, I was going to respond to mki's sad, juvenile and ill-lettered post ref typical Forum contributors, but your excellent message hit all the right notes, so couldn't add more to the points you made. The one you struggled with (howling at the moon) may have a connection with a post I sent last week from Transylvania and the anti-freeloader fence in Hungary.
Do you think mki must actually be a troll Akarjl?...beacause after ploughing through yet another of his constant, repetitive, myopic, narrow-minded, petty, mean-spirited diatribes......the only rational conclusion I can come to is that he CANNOT be for real! No-one that is genuine could be so immature.