Labour HOLD Manor House

Started by steveL, July 09, 2013, 09: PM

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Well I'll have to beg to differ on that one. What you say is correct but only in the sense that it applies to a 'normal' council. HBC ceased to operate as a 'normal' council sometime ago.

As others on here will know, I once found myself the focus of a torrent of personal abuse from the then 'Vice Chairman' of the Council, Stephen Akers-Belcher and this having just arrived in the council chamber and before I'd even settled in my seat.

My own attempts to answer back were quashed by the Chairman, Carl Richardson, who told me that members of the public weren't allowed to speak, even though he was quite happy for SAB to carry on with his abuse.

Peter Jackson said to me sometime later that he was surprised I didn't deck him.

Like I say, don't confuse HBC with a 'normal' council.

Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.

Mr Mister

Quote from: tankerville on August 10, 2013, 12: PM
It may be of interest to you that although you can call a Councillor/s all you wish to in writing or to their face/s defamatory replies cannot be returned by said Councillor/s.

Because of Hartlepool Borough Council's Code of Conduct.

I stick by what I have said that it is wrong to tar everyone with the same brush.

There is good and bad in all walks of life being rude and abusive is Wrong. No matter which way you want to twist it to justify for your own reasons of hate or spiteful vindictiveness.

I'll tell you what then, in the interest of fairness, you find me a stand up councilor amoungst the pile of crap we have and I will try and be nice to them, can't say fairer than that.

Talking about same brush etc etc, I recall a post by you recently, that was somewhat taring with the same brush, the people of the Manor, in fact someone pulled you over it I recall.

I don't need to twist things, as the facts speak for themselves, regarding Councillors in this town, past and present.


Tankerville, you are quite right; my comment was somewhat out of order because it isn't fair to lump them all together with that label. There are some noble councillors, John Lauderdale being one of them. The man doesn't say much but he has a good heart.

Having said that I have been present at numerous meetings when I have left with the distinct impression that the council is full of 'pregnant fish'.

TSteels - I appreciate what you are saying and trust me, I understand the frustration. However you and many others don't see what I and others do away from the pages of HTh or the Mail in relation to changing things within our party.

If you have any particular concerns you are welcome to raise them with me. My full contact details are on our website.


Shane, are you going to comment on what your party put on the Manor leaflet or what............?

mo the lawn

Barcley was at victoria park today with a bucket to collect  money for charity, but wasnt allowed in because he didnt  have a permit and never bothered to ask the club.
He wants to run a ward and cant even  organise a bucket collection.


So he can stand outside Victoria park with a bucket but a chap with a guitar is no longer allowed to sit at the bottom of the ramp to try and make a couple of quid to pay his bills. Have to love hbc.

mo the lawn

Oh right does he have probs with some thing as technical as a bucket then


Lets be quite clear about this by election.. if PHF cant win this seat on the Manor then what scope is there for anymore success elsewhere.. put simply if the PHF candidate doesnt win on Thursday then the party is just another busted flush.. considering how weak the Labour Party in Hartlepool are as professed by PHF members on this site, the only laughing stock in town will be PHF.

I look forward to the excuses on Friday morning


I havent said that this is a two horse race this is what is being said on here by your members.. but lets be honest because it is a two horse race labour and phf.. who knows the outcome, certainly not me! But when people are unsure they stick with what they know.. it would be better that phf were channelling all their energies into persuading the people of owton manor to vote phf instead of squabbling on here over a tory election leaflet which from what i have seen explained on here is true. Is it not against election rules to call candidates alcoholics and winos? This is a dirty election campaign where the only ones who appear to be not entertaining in dirty tricks throughout the campaign are parties except PHF.. the Labour camp will be quietly confident of holding on to a seat that they really should not win.. oppositions which PHF are should be wiping the floor in circumstances like this against again, what your members call a "weak p**s artist" candidate


Quote from: ARC86 on August 10, 2013, 08: PM
what your members call a "weak p**s artist" candidate

You mean what everyone calls a  p**s artist" candidate.
It is a statement of fact. The man is famous for his benders.

Mr Mister

Quote from: ARC86 on August 10, 2013, 08: PM
I havent said that this is a two horse race this is what is being said on here by your members.. but lets be honest because it is a two horse race labour and phf.. who knows the outcome, certainly not me! But when people are unsure they stick with what they know.. it would be better that phf were channelling all their energies into persuading the people of owton manor to vote phf instead of squabbling on here over a tory election leaflet which from what i have seen explained on here is true. Is it not against election rules to call candidates alcoholics and winos? This is a dirty election campaign where the only ones who appear to be not entertaining in dirty tricks throughout the campaign are parties except PHF.. the Labour camp will be quietly confident of holding on to a seat that they really should not win.. oppositions which PHF are should be wiping the floor in circumstances like this against again, what your members call a "weak p**s artist" candidate

My work here is done, I have found someone with an ounce of common sense, that's not blinded by the PHF light :)

I will sleep easier in my bed tonight :)


HTH has been going 11 years now and we've seen quite a few elections - enough to know the routine of planted posters and to be able recognise them when they appear.
Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.


Quote from: ARC86 on August 10, 2013, 07: PM
Lets be quite clear about this by election.. if PHF cant win this seat on the Manor then what scope is there for anymore success elsewhere.. put simply if the PHF candidate doesnt win on Thursday then the party is just another busted flush.. considering how weak the Labour Party in Hartlepool are as professed by PHF members on this site, the only laughing stock in town will be PHF.

I look forward to the excuses on Friday morning

Well I would say that PHF is already onto the possibility of 3 more councillors in the Hart ward given the way that they've just been let down by the three existing incumbents.
Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.

Mr Mister

I posted what happened regarding the leaflet on here earlier, of course the truth was getting in the way of the story told by PHF Your administrator for some unknown reason decided to delete it.

Why I don't know..

Regarding p.45 I agree totally.

mo the lawn

QuoteC Akers-Belcher   
Voters on #labourdoorstep today loving Hartlepool's Free swim initiative for children in hols. Gr8 support all round too for road investment

So are the mob paying for swimming or the people of the town