Taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture

Started by ARC86, August 01, 2013, 07: PM

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Is anybody surprised the 4th tribunal was lost? I think it has been made pretty clear by now, that every tribunal MRA are set to face they are going to lose. As employment law stands at present if you don't do things by the book i.e following correct procedure, then you are liable to be sued for unfair dismissal. Is it not feasible that AW had told her trustees that she is likely to lose all tribunals because of the errors in MRA's administration procedures? The trustees have then voted and  accepted by majority vote that she should stay on as manager, or resigned as the two councillors have done so? Call me naive if you like, it may not sound like something some contributors to HTH want to hear.

It is common place in voluntary organisations to guarantee workers 16 hour contracts as this does not affect employees benefits such as tax credits and so on. These workers then agree at the time to work extra hours voluntarily to gain the skills needed to move into full time employment. The anomalies in all these cases appear to lie in the fact that all contracts have not included the voluntary hours stated at the time of being employed. This is wrong and MRA has rightly been brought to book for it. It is not slave labour as has been suggested, to request employees to work extra hours voluntarily as long as it is in their contract and they agree to it, if they don't wish too, they don't have to take the job.

Given the recent changes to legal aid, anybody who was thinking of claiming for unfair dismissal will now be charged upto £1200 to seek justice, if your not already in one, join a trade union (UNITE) who will cover that fee.

Councillors need to be at the forefront in the voluntary sector, the voluntary sector already provides fantastic frontline services for the general public, in many cases better than those that the council can offer themselves. With more cuts to come in the next budget the town will be outsourcing more services. Having your finger on the pulse as many councillors do going forward, is not a bad place to start.

Finally, how many more scalps do members on here want? The damage this is causing in the voluntary sector to well run organisations and their reputations is huge. There is this huge storm brewing over WCNE, but i've not heard of one complaint about the service they provide, this leads me to believe this is basically a witch hunt against the management team. Basically playing politics with peoples lives which is shameful.

Mr Mister

Quote from: ARC86 on August 01, 2013, 07: PM
Is anybody surprised the 4th tribunal was lost? I think it has been made pretty clear by now, that every tribunal MRA are set to face they are going to lose. As employment law stands at present if you don't do things by the book i.e following correct procedure, then you are liable to be sued for unfair dismissal. Is it not feasible that AW had told her trustees that she is likely to lose all tribunals because of the errors in MRA's administration procedures? The trustees have then voted and  accepted by majority vote that she should stay on as manager, or resigned as the two councillors have done so? Call me naive if you like, it may not sound like something some contributors to HTH want to hear.

It is common place in voluntary organisations to guarantee workers 16 hour contracts as this does not affect employees benefits such as tax credits and so on. These workers then agree at the time to work extra hours voluntarily to gain the skills needed to move into full time employment. The anomalies in all these cases appear to lie in the fact that all contracts have not included the voluntary hours stated at the time of being employed. This is wrong and MRA has rightly been brought to book for it. It is not slave labour as has been suggested, to request employees to work extra hours voluntarily as long as it is in their contract and they agree to it, if they don't wish too, they don't have to take the job.

Given the recent changes to legal aid, anybody who was thinking of claiming for unfair dismissal will now be charged upto £1200 to seek justice, if your not already in one, join a trade union (UNITE) who will cover that fee.

Councillors need to be at the forefront in the voluntary sector, the voluntary sector already provides fantastic frontline services for the general public, in many cases better than those that the council can offer themselves. With more cuts to come in the next budget the town will be outsourcing more services. Having your finger on the pulse as many councillors do going forward, is not a bad place to start.

Finally, how many more scalps do members on here want? The damage this is causing in the voluntary sector to well run organisations and their reputations is huge. There is this huge storm brewing over WCNE, but i've not heard of one complaint about the service they provide, this leads me to believe this is basically a witch hunt against the management team. Basically playing politics with peoples lives which is shameful.

"What a load of old pony"


Quote from: ARC86 on August 01, 2013, 07: PM

Councillors need to be at the forefront in the voluntary sector, the voluntary sector already provides fantastic frontline services for the general public, in many cases better than those that the council can offer themselves. With more cuts to come in the next budget the town will be outsourcing more services. Having your finger on the pulse as many councillors do going forward, is not a bad place to start.

Perhaps one should start by finding out  how much these 'public spirited' Councillors pay themselves?
Can you ask Angie how much she and her daughter  earn?
If it turns out she is  only getting the Minimum wage then I will bare my hairy ar*se in Middleton Grange at noon on a Saturday to be chosen by you.

Get real, the only reason these parasites work in this sector is because they know  can pay themselves obscene amounts of our money.

Mr Mister

Who else is going to pay Angie 40k and her daughter 25k?

That's right NO ONE!!


Im not in a position to know which councillors are involved in which organisations and my position has not changed re wilcox resigning from MRA, but only the board of trustees are in a position to change the manager of their organisation, if I were id be calling on her to resign.

There in lies the problem I have stated in my original post, tarring everyone in the voluntary sector with the same brush and not recognising the great work they do.


Perhaps an example of a councillor working in the 'voluntary  sector' who does not get a wage would  help us believe in flying pigs.


Is that not why people elect councillors! Because they see them working in their community?

fred c

This is the only thing you need to step back & Look At ARC86.

Manor Residents 0 v Claimants 4

Losing 4 Tribunals on the trot & a Judge labelling the Manager a Liar gives a clear Indication that there is something seriously wrong with an organisation.

Would you accuse Mr Tom Mitchell Barrister at Law & the man conducting a Public Inquiry that was thought by a Peer Review Group to be neccessay, of conducting a "Witch Hunt" ? I suspect not.

Your ludicrous asssertions that members of this forum are engaged in a witch hunt against MRA / WCN/E is an Insult to each & every one of them.

The only point in your post i can agree with is that incalculable damage has been done to Voluntary Sector organisations in Hartlepool, but given what has been going on at MRA the council tax payers have every right to be sceptical about future Grants awarded by HBC.

And that my friend has nothing to do with the members of this forum, rather it has an awful lot to do with certain councillors that are supposed to represent the town, not themsleves.


Firstly, as ive stated twice now on this thread, i agree with the majority on here that management change is needed at MRA, unfortunately not a soul on HTH can do a thing about it. Maybe I should be a bit more careful with my words and remove "witch hunt" and replace it with "going for the kill"

Secondly i didnt even know there was a public inquiry.. unfortunately i dont have time to attend meetings that others on here do.. does this said inquiry cover WCNE? Will its findings even be accepted by MRA?

Thirdly, I do believe we have good councillors across the town in all wards.. the inquiry, im sure, will have this in its conclusion.

Finally, im pleased we agree on something  :)


To all patrons of this great site! It's not MRA that is in question it's the deliberate actions of the manager AW and the board of trustees and or management commitee, to sweep under the carpet the appalling and deliberate barrage of lies and deceit.

I and a lot of residents believe under new management MRA will thrive, MRA is a community centre for the community we need to get it back, but we need to know how to go about it, any help will be appreciated. 8)


This is the point im trying to make.. hundreds if not thousands of jobs in Hartlepool are in the voluntary sector and they are all being put into doubt because of one selfish person.

As far as taking it back im not sure what you can do.. the only way I can see is if the council pulls the plug on ll funding, that way the board is forced into making a decision, either change management or close the doors never to be opened again


It is not '1' person. It is a group and at the core are the Labour Group. The SCABs knew what Angie was up to. They also have no qualms about Cranney's trail of failures. Many in the Labour Group have  their hands in my pocket. The Tory group are the personal property of a wide -boy who gets control of planning in return for his unconditional support for Labour. The problem is much bigger than a rogue Angie working on her own. Indeed the woman is simply incapable of  doing this by herself.

The 'Voluntary Sector' in Hartlepool has been taken over by a bunch of thieves posing as politicians.


It IS NOT JUST Angie Wilcox, other Labour councillors, Tory councillors, etc...

IT IS the staff in the council whom are paid and contracted to prevent these very things from happening!

Something should be done!  Zooming in on Angie Wilcox is a red herring, and for me, a red rag to a bull, so had no choice but to start posting on this site!  Hope I will be welcomed!

There are guidelines set down and Angie Wilcox letter stating breaches by the Brashes is good for pointing this out.  People need to unite and fight this.  I know it has been said time and time again on this site and elsewhere, but it is the time now if ever there was a time!  Think of the money we are losing????

Think of those who are going home at night, and we are paying their mortgages for such incompetence and corruption.

There are contracts signed.  People have signed up to honesty, integrity etc etc and as they are not keeping to those contracts, they should be sacked for GROSS MISCONDUCT!

We the people need to take stock and take the reigns!

There has never been a better time when you have two sides displaying such greed and grassing one another up!  We have longed for this to happen, don't miss our opportunity!  I am appalled at the Brashes as much as the others and feel relieved that at last the truth about Hargreaves and Thompson's money making scam in their XIVVI Ltd Company has also come out as discussed.

We are talking about councillors.  They are absorbing so much money from this town.

Maybe we should do guestimates as to the incomes that are coming in for each councillor?

Some people have no mooney other than benefits and they are dubbed scroungers.  Councillors are finding out first about jobs and opportunities and they are grabbing them fist first so that they have multiple incomes living little else for any residents!!  You couldn't make it up!!! 


Mr Mister

Post It Note

Two points if I may,

1, People of Hartlepool re-uniting is a pipe dream, never going to happen, hence why we have the p**s taken out of us by Councillors.

2, Regarding Hargreaves & Thompson's scam, as you say, we don't know that yet, some may think it but, that's what an investigation into it will decide.

Then when the facts of the matter are known, people can decide what they think about the whole matter.