HartlepoolPost Forum

Politics => National and European(EU) Matters => Topic started by: one direction on November 02, 2014, 02: PM

Title: Ban Postal votes?
Post by: one direction on November 02, 2014, 02: PM
We the undersigned do strongly believe that postal voting should only be available to those whom are disabled and can not physically attend the polling station.

The current postal voting system is wide open to abuse and has in the past been proven so with block vote rigging and brings great distrust in the current system.

Changing the system to only verified disabled that could be very easily be crosschecked with those receiving disability benefits being able to use the postal voting system and remove the ability to abuse the postal voting system.

Postal voting has been shown in recent criminal cases to be a major factor in electoral fraud.

The misuse of postal voting is widespread and leads to the electorate being misrepresented and this needs be rectified at the earliest opportunity.

Sign this petition at........

Title: Re: Ban Postal votes?
Post by: grim reaper on November 02, 2014, 04: PM
Spot on, One D.
Does anyone know the logistics of the local postal vote system?
Once it arrives with all of the daily post via Royal Mail, where does it go?
To a sorting room, staffed by office juniors, or are the 'postal vote' envelopes 'directed' to a 'special room' in the bowels of the Civic, staffed by ????????  8)

This system is INTRINSICALLY UNSAFE, especially now that we are finding out, on a weekly basis, how the alleged corruption occurs in our town.

My advice would be NOT to wait for the Govt. to legislate against this pernicious, Labour induced racket.  >:(
                           Cancel your 'postal' option tomorrow!

It may be a bit of a pain to actually put on your coat on election day but if we want this rabble out of our town for good, it is the only way.
We have witnessed how brazen they are in the Civic chamber, so we KNOW they can't be trusted with the postal system.

This should be shouted from the rooftops...don't use the postal system!
Title: Re: Ban Postal votes?
Post by: mk1 on November 02, 2014, 04: PM
Why is it no one says why they really are against postal voting?
The prejudice that dares not speak it's name?
Title: Re: Ban Postal votes?
Post by: mk1 on November 02, 2014, 05: PM
Nigel Farage may have boasted of parking his tanks on Labour's lawn, but the fact is that Labour's electioneering artillery is still way mightier than Ukip's. Miliband's party might not be very good at coming up with policies that capture the public imagination, but it is still adept at getting its vote out. They are particularly good at winning on postal votes – something that infuriates the smaller parties, who are always playing catch-up during a short election campaign.

"A scandal!" said Ukip's deputy leader, Paul Nuttall, who was left shocked by the percentage of postal voters.
Mr Nuttall had claimed the result was skewed, claiming that the the lax postal voting system in the UK plays into the hands of the bigger parties and stops new political parties from gaining momentum.


It's just impossible for anyone else to win now. The electoral system is now so firmly biased in favour of Labour. The scam of postal votes combined with a large and growing ethnic minority population makes it certain that they will win.

Comment on article here:


Above all, Labour's organisational advantage helped with the postal ballots. Not surprisingly, Farage's complaint on that front is the sourest grape in the bunch. For incumbent parties with up-to-date lists of supporters, postal votes are now paramount in a campaign. Asking about them was, from what I could see, an absolute priority on the doorstep – more so than the traditional offer of posters and garden-gate placards. With enough postal votes a contest can be settled before polling day.


Title: Re: Ban Postal votes?
Post by: DRiddle on November 02, 2014, 06: PM
If you organise yourself in a local election and target the postal voters effectively, you can actually gain an advantage over Labour. Last May I, along with everyone else who fought the local election in Hart, targeted the postal voters.

Some just made more effort and did better than others.

It's an absolute total myth that Labour can't lose Hartlepool council. It just needs organisation and EFFORT to make it happen.

They can be beaten in virtually every ward. The main reason they HAVEN'T been turned over in recent years is because not enough people make a proper concerted effort to beat them.

Trust me, postal vote or no postal vote, they've never been more vulnerable than they are now under Akers-Belcher.
Title: Re: Ban Postal votes?
Post by: Hartlepudlion on November 02, 2014, 07: PM
Kd. The first year of postal voting in Hartlepool (2003?) Labour Councillors turned up at the Civic with bagfuls of postal votes. They were rapped over the knuckles by the then Chief Solicitor, not Devlin, as naughty boys and girls. No investigation was made into how they came by these postal votes and no vote was annulled because of undue influence. They, the Councillors, were let off because it was the first postal vote. Guidelines were then issued but seem not to be policed. Rumours still abound that Labour activists (and Councillors) still assist vulnerable people to complete the postal vote but I have heard of no checks by HBC or the Councillors to verify or disprove these rumours. I understand that more postal votes were cast at the last election than at the ballot box - can anyone confirm this?

As for the internet, CAB has already proposed that voting via Facebook should be allowed. He requested that this should be investigated but the current state of such a proposal is anyone's guess. Anybody know?
Title: Re: Ban Postal votes?
Post by: Party Pooper on November 02, 2014, 07: PM
Quote from: one direction on November 02, 2014, 02: PM
We the undersigned do strongly believe that postal voting should only be available to those whom are disabled and can not physically attend the polling station.

The current postal voting system is wide open to abuse and has in the past been proven so with block vote rigging and brings great distrust in the current system.

Changing the system to only verified disabled that could be very easily be crosschecked with those receiving disability benefits being able to use the postal voting system and remove the ability to abuse the postal voting system.

Postal voting has been shown in recent criminal cases to be a major factor in electoral fraud.

The misuse of postal voting is widespread and leads to the electorate being misrepresented and this needs be rectified at the earliest opportunity.

What is your evidence base for this assertion One Direction ?
See I am benefiting from your university education by not believing what I am reading on the internet?
Title: Re: Ban Postal votes?
Post by: one direction on November 02, 2014, 07: PM
I didn't write the petition in question, the author was called George Firth. I am mearly pointing out its existence. All petitions however are checked by the government department that looks after the issue and the petition would be rejected if it contains confidential, libellous, false or defamatory statements. Presumably the government therefore accept the claims made in the petition as accurate.


Title: Re: Ban Postal votes?
Post by: Party Pooper on November 02, 2014, 08: PM
One Direction you didn't write the petition! That's not what I asked, I asked what is YOUR evidence base, given the clever comments you posted on other matters about such evidence I would have expected a university educated person like you yo have checked the facts before spreading the UKIP word .
You obviously agree with it!
OD do you also think postal ballots for unions to take strike action should be scrapped and replaced with workplace ballots as postal ballots are open to fraud?
Before you answer check what Nigel tells you to think.
So much for your independece and party neutrality OD.
Oh maybe a guy in the pub that Nigel wants smoking back in told you about the petition,
Try following your own advice
Title: Re: Ban Postal votes?
Post by: pensionater on November 02, 2014, 08: PM
What about people who can't actually get out to vote,do we just ignore them?.
Title: Re: Ban Postal votes?
Post by: one direction on November 03, 2014, 07: AM
Party pooper, my original source was given as a link at the bottom of my first posting, sources can be anything, they just need to be given in order for the reader to make a value judgement on their reliability and accuracy.in answer to your next query i expanded the first level source to a second level that told you the criteria xfor a petition being allowed on the government website. Once again, source only as good as the individual or organisation providing it. In this case HMGovernment.

Yes i do agree with the petition. Dont you? Or do you prefer a system open to slledged abuses! Surely the result of any ballot should pass the test of Caeser's wife and be above suspicion?

Yes ido think union postal ballots should be scrapped but i dont want to go back to show of hands, too easy for intimidation to occur.

I have no idea what any guy in any pub talking to nigel thinks or says. I do however support the smoking ban. Id go further and ban it in the streets or any public place as well. Id also give people the right to refuse to carry out work in a private home that stank of smoke.

Pensiobaiter, the petition already desls with those physically unable to attend a poling station. It retains the postal vote option for them.

Kipperdip, understand the debate? Since when has this site promoted debate? Its just a series of statements and attacks on the people making postings that express any alternative viewpoint. Thats the nature of on line "debates" just diatribes, ranting,  unsuported opinions and general abuse. Maybe that counts as political debate, it seems to describe hartlepool council chamber  at least,well provided you add in lip quivering and allegations of homophobia if anyone critisises the leader or chair lol
Title: Re: Ban Postal votes?
Post by: Party Pooper on November 03, 2014, 08: AM
I don't support the petition One Direction, postal voting may be open to fraud so tighten up the regulations and policing of postal voting. Lots of things are open to fraud, such as, the tax system, benefits system, how companies like Tesco record their trading figures, should all these scrapped?
What I support is the fullest participation of citizens in elections, it's called democracy, and it may not be perfect but haven't come across abetter way have you.
I am in favour of maximising new technology to get people to vote if that's what it takes. We need to realise the world keeps moving on and not everyone will take time to go to a polling station to vote. Now don't come back and say they don't deserve a vote, offer them alternatives.
Yes it's sad, but it's a fact that more people vote in the XFactor every week than in political elections? But it's how they vote, would the XFactor vote be so high if they had to go to a voting station? And yes I do know it can be rigged and double even treble votes take place but FFS surely we have the savvy and technology to ensure safeguards are in place? We cannot uninvent the technology we need to harness and maximise its potential.
Maybe if the suffragettes had not campaigned to get women the vote but rather just said scrap voting because it's unfair we wouldn't be having this exchange. If it's broke fix it, don't  throw it out.
Title: Re: Ban Postal votes?
Post by: Party Pooper on November 03, 2014, 09: AM
One more point on this;
If let's say UKIP were sufficiently organised and large enough to harvest postal voting to their benefit do you think they would be calling for it to be banned?
The honest answer is no, so this then raises the real issue which is not postal voting but doing something which disadvantages their opponents and therefore advantages them. This is not a moral and righteous crusade, it is self serving.
Title: Re: Ban Postal votes?
Post by: one direction on November 03, 2014, 06: PM
Quote from: Party Pooper on November 03, 2014, 09: AMIf let's say UKIP were sufficiently organised and large enough to harvest postal voting to their benefit do you think they would be calling for it to be banned?
The honest answer is no.

And so we come full circle! Your source for this statement is? Or are you just reverting to your previous position of offering your opinions as statements of fact? The honest answe, in your opinion, is no. Unless you are a highly placed member of UKIP of course and have discussed this with Nigel Farage and hence can provide the definitive answer to your own question?  ;)

Title: Re: Ban Postal votes?
Post by: Party Pooper on November 03, 2014, 06: PM
Quote from: one direction on November 03, 2014, 06: PM
Quote from: Party Pooper on November 03, 2014, 09: AMIf let's say UKIP were sufficiently organised and large enough to harvest postal voting to their benefit do you think they would be calling for it to be banned?
The honest answer is no.

And so we come full circle! Your source for this statement is? Or are you just reverting to your previous position of offering your opinions as statements of fact? The honest answe, in your opinion, is no. Unless you are a highly placed member of UKIP of course and have discussed this with Nigel Farage and hence can provide the definitive answer to your own question?  ;)
Who put you in charge One D ? Are you the only one who can express opinions on here but everyone else needs "sources" for their continuations? Having read many of your previous posts I see many of them are opinions you are expressing and cannot possibly have a"source" for them.
Do have any source based facts thats will convince readers on here that political parties deliberately pursue policies they believe are not in the parties interests?
Give us all a break with this sh**e tell us about your university days when the world was a better place and you could leave your front door open.
Title: Re: Ban Postal votes?
Post by: one direction on November 04, 2014, 12: PM
I'm not in charge of anything, I'll have to check that statement with my partner of course! Anyone can express any opinion they like, I regularly express my opinion, but I do try to point out it is my opinion. Big difference between quoting the fact that Party Pooper is a complete prat and saying that Party pooper is, in my opinion, a complete prat! Providing sources for "facts" is rather like the apostrophe argument, you either get it or you dont/don't! Personally I am fairly relaxed about it, its not something that lights my fire. I did enjoy my university days thank you, both my undergraduate degree and my postgraduate Masters degree. Education is never wasted, in my opinion........ :)