More cream for the UB

Started by Alnwickist, July 22, 2016, 11: AM

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Cranney at it again , swiping town funds to keep his UB afloat. Would appear that he nicked funding to feed kids two days a week in Jutland Road,also to feed kids three times a week at the farm/stables his Mrs runs.

He has another scam running to save his loss-making and understaffed Jutland Rd UB. Volunteering is a perfect way to get round paying people,  In this, he has had success. What he fails to tell the honest people is he gets funding from HBC to train each person.Also, solves his acute staff shortage, paid for by tax payers.


well said if there,s a way to scam money out of this town   he will find it  all hook line and sinker why is this man able to carry on what he is doing  why is he not been investigated