Where on the ballot paper do you want me to mark with an X?

Started by WiseOwl, April 29, 2015, 11: AM

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Wiseowl hopefully you would put your x where it will be the most beneficial in achieving the best chance of making the country and the town better than it is for all , above all your vote does matter


UKIP struck lucky with our voting system. A full signature would have prevented many from casting their vote............

Monkeys mate

I'm still undecided. I have now had a couple of leaflets through the letterbox for the GE (still none for the locals but that is nothing new as I've never had them)

There are independents who shouldn't be allowed to think about it, never mind stand for election. Their leaflet is shocking.  They have bothered though, The big parties haven't.

From reading this site, media and the party websites I know who I'm not voting for.  The state the town has been dragged into by labour (especially when in government) it is apparent that MP has done nothing. As for the council....well, who can defend their playground politic.

UKIP are a joke, they try to stand as a credible alternative but fail as they are joined by bigoted homophobic racist idiots who make them totally objectionable as a party. I can't see anything that makes them credible on here for the town. I believe they are no more than a protest vote.

So, I still haven't decided who...but I know who not.

I'd quite like a party to tell me why they think I should vote for them as well, to fight for my vote.

fred c


I would certainly not waste my vote, that's worse than not voting.
Hartlepool is riddled, now where have I heard that word before, with problems.
The mayor is corrupt.
The tories are in bed with labour
labour has done nothing for the town's people, and where there is a labour council....ditto!
The Libdems are finished as a credible party
I know the EU is an EU in name only, and there is only one party wanting to get out of it.


I am very proud of our lads and lasses in the armed forces and note that DC isn't bothered in having us spend 2% of our GDP on defence, as agreed with NATO, but when did DC and his mate AC ever keep any promises?
Where have our aircraft carriers gone?

Labour pulled the plug Gordon Brown, on a contract for helicopters out in the Middle East and many of our brave people have died or been crippled as a result of not using the air to transport goods and people.

We can't control our borders because of being in the 4th Reich
We are a sitting duck for any terrorists from anywhere in the EU coming here.
Only UKIP would break up the cosy club.

Only recently one of our ministers bless him attended an international Bilderburg meeting for 2 days when he is supposed to be concerned with the UK: what was he up to and DC didn't know I suppose 8)

The government from national to local is awash with corruption, and unless the whole lot is given a damn good enema it will continue its parasitic ways.

UKIP is the only choice for our people town and countries sake.

fred c

I`m not sure if WiseOwl can speak fluent Swahili, but I am beginning to believe he can Write it.


fred, if you can't offer anything of any use, please don't name call.
I am in Mensa... you're not.
I am far more qualified than you in many areas and I am telling the truth.
Maybe you should look up truth, and whilst you're at it, look up good manners and take a dip in the Antarctic ocean!
have a nice day now :-*


Quote from: WiseOwl on April 29, 2015, 01: PM

I am in Mensa... you're not.

I am a member of The Illuminati. That trumps anything you can achieve.

Anyway must dash,  Obama is ringing......

Quote from: WiseOwl on April 01, 2423, 05: AM
I am far more qualified than you in many areas

You are just very good at hiding it.

Quote from: WiseOwl on April 01, 2423, 05: AM
and I am telling the truth.
Maybe you should look up truth,

Now where have I heard that mantra before.................


Land Phil

There is no such thing as a wise owl, it is a fallacy built on the fact that they have the appearance of a large head when in fact it is largely feathers concealing a pea brain.

Go look at an owl skull to see what I mean.

Tools for the job, having MENSA, in your kit bag is a bit abstract when looking for common sense, respect, dignity etc.



Quote from: WiseOwl on April 29, 2015, 01: PM
fred, if you can't offer anything of any use, please don't name call.
I am in Mensa... you're not.
I am far more qualified than you in many areas and I am telling the truth.
Maybe you should look up truth, and whilst you're at it, look up good manners and take a dip in the Antarctic ocean!
have a nice day now :-*

Better qualified in what ? certainly not common sense, and what's MENSA got to do wth it ?


Quote from: WiseOwl on April 29, 2015, 01: PM
fred, if you can't offer anything of any use, please don't name call.
I am in Mensa... you're not.
I am far more qualified than you in many areas and I am telling the truth.
Maybe you should look up truth, and whilst you're at it, look up good manners and take a dip in the Antarctic ocean!
have a nice day now :-*

I'd give you an A+ in Bullshitting, any day. ::)
Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.