seaton carew huts

Started by jawsbbc, February 03, 2019, 05: PM

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I think they ran out of money last year when Hartlepool Council agreed to take ownership of 3 of them - thought at the time to be the SCAB's summer residence

Inspector Knacker

Well there's a surprise. NOT!
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Land Phil

I thought they were already paid for by HBC ?

Another dodgy deal backfired I guess.

fred c

I went past around 2 weeks ago and there were 2 or 3 lads working on the last 2 couple of cabins, what struck me was how small they are inside, the insulation still hadn't been fitted and when it is, it looks as though you couldn't swing a mouse never mind cat.

What prompted the council to buy any is beyond me, why interfere with a private business, it would cost more to admin and maintain them than they would get in fees.

Only in Hartlepool and Only Under the LabMob

Inspector Knacker

Should we really be surprised about anything these people do anymore?
Something so mind numbingly simple as building small number of  becach huts at a seaside location takes more time than the HS2 project. On the plus side, at least they aren't running an emergency service.
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can be dismissed without proof.