HartlepoolPost Forum

Politics => National and European(EU) Matters => Topic started by: Julie noted on July 04, 2012, 08: AM

Post by: Julie noted on July 04, 2012, 08: AM
Why is it that whenever I hear the word 'mandelson' my hackles go up?
Not too long ago he stated Bob Diamond was the 'unacceptable face of banking' when his salary of £6.3m was announced.
Why was that, I wonder.
Maybe because he couldn't find a way to ingratiate himself into Diamond's circle?

mandelson had no problem with wining/dining/holidaying with his buddy, multi-millionaire investment banker, Nat Rothschild.

When European Trade Minister, mandelson caused ructions when he cut import duty on aluminium to the EU for his close friend Oleg Deripaska, the billionaire owner of Rusal, the Russian aluminium company.
This act has saved Rusal billions in taxes.
Conversely, it has cost the EU billions in lost revenue.
The whole banking, political ediface is (allegedly) corrupt.
We don't know the half of it.         mandelson....GRRRRRR
Post by: for fawkes sake on July 04, 2012, 05: PM
Didn't mandelson once try to purchase/claim a Maserati or similar car on EU expenses? I believe they turned the request down - heaven knows what his Guacamole bill is.....
Post by: mk1 on July 04, 2012, 07: PM
We live with  Mandy's legacy and he carefuly nurtured 2 of the current thieves to be his standard bearers.
A bunch of self-enriching  power-crazed thugs who could not give a toss what people think about them. Like their hero they believe they are 'born for high office'.
As long as the money is rolling in then they can put up with the critics.
It seems to me it all went wrong when they let in people who starve their dog to death or abandon their kids to start a new life.
There is hope. As Brash found out it is very easy to be out-factioned and I live in hope some of the new intake grow a pair and get rid of the preening carpetbaggers.