for how long

Started by kevplumb, March 23, 2019, 05: PM

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A councillor is an elected representative of their ward, not their political party!
Councils need communities but communities don't need councils
Party politics have no place in local goverment

Inspector Knacker

Whoa, don't give then daft ideas.
Odd however that the Mail should raise the subject, why? The Mail don't usually bring up things like this and I now doubt they even know what's going on here anymore, so I wonder why they raised the subject?
Do they know something we don't?
Who pointed it out to the Mail or did they randomly raise the topic?
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


They do charge for it by imposing one of the highest rates of Council Tax in the country.


They darent even mention it with the local elections coming up, they would say we were one of the fortunate towns where it is free, wait till after the election and see what appertains.

Inspector Knacker

That's how their cockeyed thinking works. The collection is not free, we pay our rates for the service so they can cut out the Lady Bountiful routine because it ain't gonna wash.
If they find out the air we breathe is free they'd look into charging for it.
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.