General Election June 8th

Started by steveL, April 18, 2017, 10: AM

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Quote from: Shepherd on June 11, 2017, 02: PM
Its worth pointing out that two weeks ago it was going to be a landslide and a corination for TM with a majority of 140, with May enjoynigthe best approval level of any PM ever!

Then it just felll apart, with every utterance and she visibly deflated in plain view.

Stong and stable became weak and wobbly, so it stopped, magic money tree was the next out the box until she was reminded about the bankers magic money sequoia, final twitch was her prattling on about continuity, before retreating into number 10 after telling everone it was business as normal, she's lost the plot.
Press is interesting as it ran an utterly biased campaign on behalf of the tories but, as predicted, they have turned like dogs the last two days and the knives are going in to Mays back like they have come out of a gatling gun. The unalloyed joy on the face and in the words of Osborne this morning was nauseating.

Conservatives vote up by 1.2 million, Labour vote up by 3.5 million from 2015. There was no overall winners, but there was a very clear loser. It will be very interesting to see how this affects Brexit, 2nd referendum? Certainly the march to hard brexit looks weak and wobbly right now.
Nice one H.


Quote from: mk1 on June 11, 2017, 05: PM
Quote from: steveL on June 11, 2017, 04: PM

I suspect that if the iPhone 8 had been launched on June 8th, turnout of the young would have been negligible.

I am reminded of The Spartan 'if'.

I suspect the Spartan response to Philip of Macedon threat is lost here? but a fabulous answer. Laconic indeed.


Brexit is still Brexit- End of European law and the borders closed.

I am a realist. I suspect its game over for hard brexit, closed boarder etc and I voted for it. Protest because I did not think it had a hope of winning and I am pig sick of how it is in this country

The results of this election are absolutly damning. May went of the killer blow and missed by a mile, we are now left with the worst of all possible worlds. The government is super weak, May is a laughing stock and sitting duck, undone like Cameron before her by her own hubris and Boris is in the wongs, god help us! If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck  with a broken leg and it quacks, its a duck [lame]

Situation now is to keep what we want, a decenet country, standards of living, nurses on wards, people picking friuit an veg, but we are going to have a situation where we have to keep what we don't want, dirty foerginers crawling all over the country, farting in the palaces of the mighty and them sh1tting on the flag, bible and constitution (which we dont have hehe) [I hope people are seeing the joke here] ...its all gone wrong and WE are truly fooked, WE start the negotiations with a broken jaw, one eye dangling round our cheek, shot in the leg, shot in the arms, bayonetted in the ar**, a bollok out of its bag and our rifle barrel hammered closed, with the General telling us, its all ok and "get back to work".

The Europeans are going to shred us now, take us the the cleaners, take the other eye out and both sockets because we need to be made an example of because oth the vanity of Teresa May.

Alternative is we tell them to got to hell, give us our share of the assest we have paid for becasue right now,  we are expected to pay every debt/ promise but we get nothing in the assests we have paid for, and see where it goes. Thoughs welcome!

Inspector Knacker

What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


Quote from: Shepherd on June 12, 2017, 09: PM

I am a realist. I suspect its game over for hard brexit, closed boarder etc and I voted for it. Protest because I did not think it had a hope of winning and I am pig sick of how it is in this country

Lets be blunt her. The Brexitears have been unbearable since the referendum. They never missed an opportunity to berate and humiliate the opposition.  They behaved like arrogant  pigs and now they have had their comeuppance. The dream of  railroading through a deal where the UK cuts itself off  from Europe completely appears to have evaporated.
Now you can do two things about it. You can cry whinge throw a paddy etc can agree a deal with those who  oppose you so that a solution where both sides get  some of what they want can be reached.

The choice is personal and  hopefully  common sense will  kick in after the rabid leavers get used to the idea they will have to compromise.

Perhaps in the new climate  this type of disastrous side effect will reverse itself


Quote from: Shepherd on June 12, 2017, 09: PM

Alternative is we tell them to got to hell,
The 'No deal is better than a bad deal'  slogan is not what it appears to be. Getting 'No Deal' means the UK defaults to WTO rules. It most certainly does not mean what most think it means-that the UK walks away with no penalty. WTO Rules are the penalty.


Stunning set of figures

The Tories are the party of the old and less well educated. When the  post-war baby-boomers  expire the Tories are in trouble. 


Quote from: mk1 on June 15, 2017, 04: PM
Stunning set of figures
Clearly you must be easily 'stunned'
What pattern did you expect to see? As people mature and cope with life's realities. As they gradually wake up and smell the coffee. As they shake off their naivety and juvenile view of things, they generally realise that there are practical limits to things, and the Tory approach becomes eminently more sensible than the one espoused by the left who's bribery based on  tax-spend-borrow-tax-spend-borrow-bust cycles always look appealing to the greedy, the jealous and the takers in life......until it all inevitably goes tits-up (always has, always will)
The Tories have to come in and clean the mess up and of course some of the needed remedies are by their very nature often unpalatable and so the wheel turns again.
My point? Doesn't seem as if you yet managed to break out of your naive phase.


Quote from: Hubris on June 15, 2017, 05: PM
Quote from: mk1 on June 15, 2017, 04: PM
Stunning set of figures
Clearly you must be easily 'stunned' your oldness and  your lack of education!


Quote from: Hubris on June 15, 2017, 05: PM

The Tories have to come in and clean the mess up and of course some of the needed remedies are by their very nature often unpalatable

Yes that is why the oldies were fuming at May's 'Dementia Tax' and the suggestion the Triple Lock on pensions would go.  Good to see these  'eminently more sensible ' over 60s step up and take their share of the cuts.


Do you know what MK1 ?  I don't really believe that you believe what you typed on this thread.  If you can't understand Hubris' excellent but obvious point about how voting habits change according to life stages, I think you're in danger in losing whatever iota of credibility you had by simply being a member of this board.

A second point that's worth making is that in my experience, it's been Remain voters who've been a pain in the ar** since the referendum as they find new ways to express their outrage that a majority of voters who actually bothered to take part in the referendum disagreed with them.  It seems to be a developing theme that, in general, people on the left of politics are unable and unwilling to accept defeat in the democratic process.  We've seen the Remain side of things claiming that people who voted to leave the EU were stupid, racist knuckledraggers; and those who voted Tory were all uninformed multi-millionaires who couldn't think for themselves and followed orders from the right-wing press.  Great stuff !!


Quote from: ReturntoZenda on June 15, 2017, 07: PM
Do you know what MK1 ?  I don't really believe that you believe what you typed on this thread.  If you can't understand Hubris' excellent but obvious point about how voting habits change according to life stages, I think you're in danger in losing whatever iota of credibility you had by simply being a member of this board.

My point was simple but not simple enough for some. There is a bulge of oldies because of the post-war baby boom. Old people are overly-represented so (for example only) there could be 1.5 over 60s to every  1 under 30. Once the 'old'  age group die off then the population goes back into balance. If there are 5 under 40s to 3 over 50s then that will give a natural advantage to the 'young'.  That better?

Quote from: ReturntoZenda on June 15, 2017, 07: PM

A second point that's worth making is that in my experience, it's been Remain voters who've been a pain in the ar** since the referendum as they find new ways to express their outrage that a majority of voters who actually bothered to take part in the referendum disagreed with them.
I don't need a crystal ball for my next prediction. You are a Brexitear and used to go around  lording it over the Remainers.
Pause for a second and consider the possibility that you might be a bit biased because you see you are no longer in the driving seat. I have a bit of advice for you. Check what you used to say to Remainers and apply it to yourself.

Quote from: ReturntoZenda on June 15, 2017, 07: PM

It seems to be a developing theme that, in general, people on the left of politics are unable and unwilling to accept defeat in the democratic process.  We've seen the Remain side of things claiming that people who voted to leave the EU were stupid, racist knuckledraggers; and those who voted Tory were all uninformed multi-millionaires who couldn't think for themselves and followed orders from the right-wing press.  Great stuff !!

I have been very specific in my claims and always base them on reliable and checkable  data. It is a fact that, on average Brexit voters/Tory voters voters are  old people who are less educationally qualified than Labour voters. If you dispute this please supply polling data that shows my reading to be incorrect.  This is no way means every Tory is  addled and  wheelchair bound and that all Labour voters have 6 University degrees.


I did, in fact, vote to leave the EU but have never, ever 'lorded' it over Remainers.  Most of my family voted to stay in, and I respected their reasons.  I was actually gobsmacked at the result.  So take your b@##sh*t generaisations elsewhere.