Money to burn ? ...

Started by Stig of the Seaton Dump, March 07, 2013, 01: PM

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Stig of the Seaton Dump

Praise to dedicated firemen and firewomen ...but can we really afford new buildings in the current climate ?
I don't believe it.

testing times

I saw that too and had the same thought. It's not a very old building and seems perfectly suitable for its purpose. Buildings seem to be so temporary these days and too often demolished simply because some bright spark 'fancies a change' as if theyy were buying a new 3 piece suite or something


Quote from: testing times on March 07, 2013, 02: PM
Buildings seem to be so temporary these days and too often demolished simply because some bright spark 'fancies a change' as if they were buying a new 3 piece suite or something

I believe it was mentioned  here that the reason the Council is so keen to demolish perfectly good houses is that they can charge more council tax on the rabbit hutches that replace them.
Short term gain to the fore and bugger the real cost.............