Fair fares ...

Started by Lucy Lass-Tick, March 02, 2013, 11: AM

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Lucy Lass-Tick

This looks like a really good idea ... pity about the lack of buses ...  ???



more than enough buses during the day when most jobseekers would be seeking work. ::)


I won't knock this idea because it all helps but the people I feel sorry for most are those in work but who are on such lousy wages/tax credit that they can neither afford to own a car or gain cheaper bus fares from being on JSA. There's a significant group there who now seem to be getting shot at from all directions. 
Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.

testing times

I think this is an excellent idea and well done to Stagecoach for something that will be a great help to some people in these difficult times.