Eric Pickles approves call for a government investigation into our council

Started by DRiddle, June 15, 2013, 10: AM

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Hello again everyone. I haven't commented much lately due to my on going issue with Councillor Hall. Anyway, i'm still trying to do what I can from the sidelines now that the ruling group have banned any of us asking meaningful questions.

Please find above a link to an e-petition approved by Her Majesty's Government and the depatment for communities and local government. The petition titles reads as follows:

People in Hartlepool are strongly concerned about finanical practise in Hartlepool Borough Council. Specifically involving elected councillors working for, funding, and drawing wages from voluntary sector organisations. The people of Hartlepool would welcome a full investigation by the government into our Labour controlled council.

It took a few days to get approval from Mr Pickles departmnent to get the go ahead with this. But it's live now and it just takes a few seconds tp 'sign it'. You can also promote it via twitter/facebook etc by simply pasting the link above to your social media status or tweet or whatever.

It can also be promoted by simply word of mouth or e-mailing it around your list of contacts in your e-mail account. 

IF it was to attract 100,000 signatures, i'm told our local MP would be obliged to raise it in the commons.

I realise (a) He probbaly wont and (b)That's more people than live in Hartlepool, but it can be signed by anyone from anywhere.

At the very least if this petition were to be signed by thousands of Hartlepudlian's, it would demonstrate the strength of feeling in the town towards certain councillors.

P.S I know petitions 'don't work' but there are many objectives I think people who use this site have which can only be helped by this.

Thanks. Keep the fight up.


I think Shane should be comfortably able to drum up plenty of names for this petition.. that said i've networked and will be putting this about by word of mouth



Thanks everyone. Things like this are a 'slow burner' but if we all work hard to get it out there via Facebook, Twitter, hotmail etc it should keep growing in momentum. By the way, all signatures are anonymous in terms of anyone seeing your name, besides my name as the starter. So nobody need be worried about signing it.

Stig of the Seaton Dump

I don't believe it.


I've signed and other 'Ardent Labour' voters are also signing it, many asking WHY our Labour MP has not done anything about this Labour Fiasco.

I think I'm correct in that Iain Wright quoted he had nothing to do with how Labour Councillors conduct their business well if that statement is true.

He damn well should do something about it now.


A good aim today is to try and gain another 50 signatures or so, that would be enough to push the petition into the top 50 in this government department. If you've signed it already, see if you can encourage someone else to do the same. Thanks.


I imagine Private Eye might be wanting to feature HBC AGAIN. When you think about it, we now have a situation where at least 3 serving councillors (Brash, Hargreaves and Lilley) have publicly backed and signed a petition calling for a full root and branch inquiry into aspects of their OWN council.

It would be interesting if The Mail were to ask every single serving councillor their thoughts on the petition.

It also begs the question from any councillors who have signed or endorsed it, what is it that you think a government inquiry might reveal?

for fawkes sake

How peculiar, you might say. I clicked on the 'most discussed' tab on the Mail website and Mr Riddle's petition is top of the list but when you load the story all comments have disappeared. Does Carl have access to the <delete> button now, Joy?
"Remember, remember the fifth of November.
Gunpowder, Treason and Plot.
I see no reason why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot."