
Started by minime, November 13, 2014, 06: PM

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clav 73

So as I said if they want a site the council will have set out a criteria in the new plan to what would be acceptable.

Would any one take a punt on one of the criteria being must be in Hart village

fred c

Quote from: minime on November 14, 2014, 05: PM
Some Hart residents also received this letter a couple of weeks ago.  The final paragraph is one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever read:

Your spot on about the last paragraph...... Crikey, the man is more deluded than i thought.

Decisions that chime with public expectations..... "Complete B****x"

Refelecting the "Trust you place in our council under the our new Governance System"......... "He really is a legend in his own Mind"...

I suppose if you say it often enough, you actually start to believe it, the town is going downhill on a handcart & that buffoon mkes statements like that.......

Only In Hartlepool & Only Under The Dear Leader  :D :D :D

Land Phil

Such an honourable leader, he should buy himself a bottle of fizz out of the million pound savings that are no doubt accumulating as a thank you to himself.

To chime with everybody I know, I can give him a good place to stick said bottle.

Lord Elpus

Dear Doris,  Is this wot you wrote grammatically correct?  'write this utter piece of total bollocks himself?'


Maybe the Dear leader should take 'afresh' (sic)  look at his typist's English skills?

2nd paragraph line 3

Inspector Knacker

'....under our new governance system'....? 'governance' ......? Sorry to inform you you govern no one....you're just transient political nonentities, strutting about a balsa stage....This is Hartlepool ...not Pyongyang...!!!
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


Gypsy traveller's are an ethnic minority,  and therefore subject to the need and demand mentioned earlier in this thread,  it was a directive from the EU signed into force by the Labour party,  there is now a need for such people's who wish to settle on our shores to INTERGRATE within the community it has  been demonstrated there is no need or demand for such a development from residents of Hartlepool, therefore why not just repeal the directive ,

one direction

Something that has always confused me but im sure the fonts of all knowledge that populate this forum will br able to explain it to me. Surely if you integrate into the host vommunity then you lose the diversity from the differnces in your own culture. If i go to Spain to live and when im there i learn to sleak Spanish, dress in Spanish style clothes, eat tapas and paella and take up flamenco dancing and bull fighting ten I've integrated? But if i continue t drink Watney's Red Barrel, eat fish and chips and watch cricket on my English language Sky box then am i celebrating the diversity I've brought to my new Spanish home or am i just continuing my uk life in a place with better weather? So if integration is good then diversity must be bad? But increased diversity is something we are told is a benefit from imigration? So integration must be bad?