your round are not so slim yourself

Started by Land Phil, March 31, 2014, 04: PM

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Land Phil

Remember when PHF was like a chat around the table at the pub.

Things got said that were not 100% correct, politically or otherwise but it was a way of voicing frustrations at a lot of wrongs and wrong doers in the town.
The type of environment where if you got too out of hand you got an Oi and put back in line.
Look back when Ged has his stroke and everybody treated him has a human being not a councillor ...except one that was soon corrected, doesn't matter who that was.
Now it is more like a court room but with more than one judge jury and accused ...dangerous chaos.

Keith Fisher's hospital campaign may not be the best but nobody bothered to organise anything else.
The PHF campaign may not be perfect but it does a good job of attacking the incompetent Lab-Con group ruling the town at the moment.

Lets make the best of what we have got or push for an alternative.

The end of the current war is going to be a big pile of rubble everywhere except for those in the ivory towers of the Civic Centre. They are all going to be laughing their heads off as they make their next big mistake ?

If you can't see anything constructive in any side of the debates or add s constructive alternative to the debates then why be here ?


now there's a nice balanced post from Phil. I hope you all read it