The way the wind blows

Started by Stevef, November 16, 2012, 07: PM

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With 82% of voters in Hartlepool and 85% nationally refusing to take part in what is in effect one of the most crucial elections in moden times, I find myself wondering how long it will be before someone, somewhere decides its not really practical to rely on the general population to make such important decisions.

That it would be far better to lift that burden from them and have the decisions made by a smaller more select and better informed group of people, who would act on behalf of, and in the better interests of the majority.

The natural state of any form of government is complete tyranny. Freedom, justice and liberty are aberrations of that state.  They first have to be fought for often at great cost and once won they have to be maintained by applying constant pressure to force those in power to explain and justify their actions.

Like coiled springs governments constantly push out as far as they can before being checked by the people they govern. We are in danger of finding out what happens when the countries voters fail to accept that responsibility.

I've often heard it said " Use your vote or lose it." Thursday was indeed a dark day.
You are what you do. It is what it does. Everything else is illusion or Delusion.

Stig of the Seaton Dump

It was a vote for another over paid and in a lot of cases under qualified manager that will have rings run round.

If it was a vote directly for more front line police, for harsher sentences for criminals, even the death penalty then I am sure there would have been a massive interest ....but this was about somebody that will probably have the pinnacle of their career noted as outsourcing the vending machines in the canteen or championing a new 'county' police station at Wynyard, 'efficiently closing the ones down in surrounding towns.

Money and powerpoint charts is all that matters these days, not service and hence the disenfranchisement.

I don't believe it.


I wonder how long we will have to wait before we find out how much CAB plans on paying himself as the new Leader of the Council?