The Unravelling of Labour

Started by steveL, May 10, 2016, 03: PM

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Quote from: Lucy Lass-Tick on April 30, 2019, 06: PM
A couple of posters on our FB page are querying what appear to be Labour claims that the independents are 'in' with Labour/will back SAB. An attempt to confuse the electorate? Bizarre, anyway.

Labour tried very hard to give that lie legs. They used the well-know 'useful idiots' to spread it  and even Jonathan himself felt brave enough to spam Facebook with these 'reports'.
Let us remind ourselves of this 'cunning plan':

We then received notification of something much more sinister...

An ally of the Hartlepool Independent Group contacted one of us regarding an alleged 'deal' being made between Hartlepool Independent Group, the Conservative Councillors and Councillor Christopher Akers-Belcher.

They suggested that after the Local Elections in May and after the Labour Group of Councillors nominate a new Leader for Hartlepool Borough Council, that the Hartlepool Independent Group and Conservative Group will welcome Christopher Akers-Belcher, Stephen Akers-Belcher, and two other Labour Councillors into the Independent camp.

Apparently, these soon to be ex-Labour Councillors have pledged to support the Independent Group's bid for Leadership out of sheer spite toward the Labour Party and potentially in exchange for Policy Chairships and the extra allowances that accompany them, as well as a continuation of the numerous revenue channels they are currently benefiting from (HealthWatch, Rifty Youth Project, and several other CICs).

This could be the nail in the coffin for the faith that Hartlepool residents have in local politics...

A great number of residents have turned away from Labour due to the Leadership and those surrounding them in recent years. For the Hartlepool Independent Group to betray Hartlepool residents and join forces with the very people that pushed the masses away from Labour would be 'unforgivable', as our source described and could see voter turn-out at Local elections drop to less than 10%.

The results show that the Corbynites need a new Black Ops guru 'cos the one they have is cack and nearly everything in the above turned out to be wrong.
Could it be the same genius who ran Ann Marshall's  kamikaze election blitz in Seaton? Far from damaging the opposition it gave them a boost.

Inspector Knacker

I don't know who organises these 'cunning plans', but it's like having the KGB run by the Scouts.
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.

fred c

What it tells me is that the Corbyn Pixies have the capability to be every bit as devious and dishonest as those they seek to remove....... What is it with Hartlepool labour ?

Inspector Knacker

It's there state of mind. They've been in power so long it has become their little fiefdom. They see it as a right to be in power and that right transcends everything else.
The Tories are a small family affair.
And so it has been since the Flintstones, now it's turned into a political Jurassic Park where an isolated, walled community is separated from the outside world to stagnate.
Not so much a Party, more a dysfunctional dynasty trying to reinvent themselves as an alternative to ....themselves.
I'm not buying this clodhopping clumsy conversion on the Road to Damascus.
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


Am I right in saying that under the 'leadership' of Akers-Belcher Labour have lost seats at one time or another in 10 out of the 11 wards in the town? I think there's only Victoria where that hasn't been the case via the ballot box.