How low can UKIP sink?

Started by mk1, February 14, 2017, 05: PM

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UKIP leader Paul Nuttall has admitted that past claims that he lost "close personal friends" in the Hillsborough disaster were incorrect.
He told Liverpool's Radio City he was not responsible for statements on his website in 2011 and 2012 claiming this.
He told the station it was "someone he knew" who had died in the 1989 tragedy.
The MEP, who is standing in the Stoke Central by-election, said those casting doubt on whether he was at Hillsborough that day were "cruel and nasty".
Mr Nuttall, who was 12 at the time of the disaster, has long said he attended the match with his father and two uncles.
A recent article in the Guardian quoted a number of people - including an unnamed former classmate and two Labour politicians - questioning why he had not spoken about his experience.

In a press release on his website in August 2011, the Bootle born politician urged the government to release files on Hillsborough - in which 96 Liverpool supporters died.
He was quoted as saying: "Without them being made public we will never get to the bottom of that appalling tragedy when 96 Liverpool fans including close personal friends of mine lost their lives."
In a second press release published six months later, he was quoted as saying: "I lost close friends at the match and understand as well as anyone how deep the scars of that tragedy go".

Pressed on the 2012 statement during an interview on Tuesday, Mr Nuttall conceded the references to the loss of close friends were not accurate.
"I haven't lost anyone who was a close personal friend," he said. "It was people I knew through football and things like that."

He said the statement - which has been taken down - had not "come from him", adding "I haven't put that out, that is wrong."
The MEP has said he is "hurt, angry and disgusted" after doubts were cast on whether he was present at the Sheffield stadium at all on the day of the disaster.
He said he had provided two written statements to the Guardian testifying to his presence and could "provide more" but accused the paper of "twisting" the story.
He told Radio City: "I want to make it perfectly clear that I was there that day. I have witnesses who will stand up in court and back me 100%.
"It is cruel and nasty and is making out that my family are lying as well which is just nor fair or right."
Labour apology
In the article, it was reported two people, a childhood friend and a former teacher, could not recall Mr Nuttall ever mentioning he had been at the stadium disaster.
The paper also carried a quote from the Hillsborough Family Support Group questioning why he had not offered any support.

Lied about his Degree, lied about his Football Careeer, lied about Hillsborough. Typical UKIP


How to use a blatant racial slur on the sly

They took a cartoon about the Labour Leadership Election, cropped it and added words that made it appear to be immigrants  being smuggled by Labour. The slogan:

"if you want a jihadi for a neighbour, vote Labour"

is a reference to the original that was used in the  1960s:

"if you want a n*gg*r for a neighbour, vote Labour"

PS. Don't that UKIP fella look  the double of Max Clifford!


Big brave Nutsall is now hiding behind a woman.

Nothing is to stand in the way of saving the leader. She must have drawn the short straw and was ordered to take the blame for all his lies.

Paul Nuttall's press officer has offered to resign after saying she was to blame for "mistakes" in statements about the UKIP leader's involvement in the Hillsborough disaster.
Mr Nuttall earlier admitted claims on his website that he had lost close friends in the 1989 tragedy were false.
Lynda Roughley said she was "entirely responsible" for two press releases that were posted in 2011 and 2012.


Ref the truck full of illegal immigrants.
mki, you really are a bit of a numpty.
Have a look at this clip below that accurately describes the contents, intent and mind-set of the population of Corbyn's truck that you sadly posted.
You are really fearsome and brave behind your QWERTY thoughts, but to me you are a clueless naïve.
Get real and smell the coffee.
If you can reach up to 7.55 on the clip......I'm sure you'll agree that Pat Condell is talking about you personally. It's almost as if he knows you!!!
Why don't you give up your SJW mantle and try to focus your limited intellect on aspects of Hartlepool's health and future prosperity. Commit your undoubted energies into..... for eg:- the demise of school bully Cranney (proven, documented) the Gingger-bint from Mansfield, Comatose Barclay, and any of the other HBC tossers who think if their names are hyphenated they are classy (as if spending a month on your honeymoon with your paramour in LA is classy.......wan+++ers!!!!), or plighting your troth whilst fingering drug-addled felines in Thailand whilst wearing your shorty-shorts)

While I'm on a diatribe vs mki, just want to say that posters such as FredC, Akarji, Riddler5, et al, contribute about X1000 more useful stuff than you do. Put a bit of thought into what you are trying to say next time. But keep smiling!!!


Howdy Doody my friend mk
Take a look.
Have a think.
Weigh the options up.
Think Hartlepool vs Wandsworth 
Allahu Akbhaar.

(SJW imbeciles like you will get what you deserve come the judgement day)


Quote from: Hubris on February 15, 2017, 12: AM
Ref the truck full of illegal immigrants.
mki, you really are a bit of a numpty..............................smell the coffe............. moan.................bitch.................whine.................................freedom..................democracy...............white power.............

The cockroaches are forced into the open. Not a pretty sight.

By the way where you at Hillsborough?