How would you like to be one of 375 new millionaires every week?

Started by WiseOwl, April 20, 2015, 10: AM

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Imagine what you could do with a million smackeroonies;
A new house
New car
round the world cruise
a comfortable lifestyle

All you have to do is put your national insurance number into a brand new random number generator and wait for the weekly draw: 375 brand new millionaires would be created every 7 days.
The cost to you is not one penny more than you're already paying.
Free entry and 55 happy millionaires every day of the year.
Don't worry, it is all costed and paid for out of our taxes.

That could be of far more meaningful and positive benefit to British taxpayers than spending that amount on the bloated 4th Reich called the EU.

Spend spend spend or give it to the public to enjoy.


It is enlightening that nobody has plucked up courage to give a comment on this crazy topic.
Why crazy?
It is ludicrous to think that our hard earned tax money is going to pay for millionaires every day instead of following the  wise old and true proverb of charity begins at home.
It is monstrous to see it spelled out here the futility and monstrous frittering away of money on a white elephant.
That frittering away of our money is continued by the silly waste of taxpayers money for the HS2.
The route plan of this monstrosity even plough straight through the middle of a cemetery!
What part of RESTING PLACE do the government not understand?
The thread is simply to highlight the waste and total disregard of public opinion by the government.
What I find sickening are the rest of parties big and small who want to continue the massive waste of our... yes mine and your hard earned taxes!
Labour should be ashamed of supporting this 4th Reich, because that's what it amounts to.