One Life

Started by not4me, April 12, 2012, 11: AM

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Julie noted

Steve L & Shepherd, you beat me to it.
How DARE the pen pushers come out with the same old puerile diatribe?  >:(
We are talking about peoples lives here, you this case, yet again, a defenceless child!  >:(
The council spends tens of thousands a years on CRB checks and 'safeguarding' procedures...what are you doing to safeguard THESE children???  >:(
Are you looking into the lack of 'safeguarding' these children are receiving?

Why doesn't the 'trust' (what a misnomer that is) have a telephone 'press button' system for inane responses to incidents?
If your child has developed a severe viral infection that we didn't spot, press one;
if your child has lost a limb because we didn't spot the green bacteria, press two;
if your child has lost an eye because we didn't spot the nail, press three etc. etc.

Ali wishy washy states she will work with assura 'WHO PROVIDE THE SERVICES AT ONE LIFE'.  ???
I thought it was NHS staff that provided the services.....just what is going on here? Maybe their chief spokesman and flag flyer Jim Allen can give us some answers?

The lack of response from the people that sold us down the river with our hospital saga speaks volumes.  >:(
People of Hartlepool; look at what you have voted for all these years;
look at how they override your wishes and concerns;
PLEASE, bear this all in mind when voting in May.
Because the 'One Life' is going to be just that; we are going to lose 'one life' before a very angry Hartlepool DEMANDS action on the abomination.


Assura is now owned (70%) by Richard Branson's Virgin Medical - which now gives the Hospital Trust someone else to blame. Pretty soon, when you have a complaint, you'll be told that its not really a matter for the NHS Trust and you should contact Assura directly. A bit like when you buy a TV in a shop and they tell you to contact Samsung.
Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.

testing times

I don't think it matters how many of these incidents we endure or even if someone eventually dies. I'm quite sure that there is a file somewhere of pre-prepared statements to cover every possible event. Arrogance beyond belief.

Inspector Knacker

I have this theory that the whole One Life is just a film set with frames holding up the front of the building with nothing there behind it and all the complaints, which oddly happen at regular intervals and most astonishingly of all are actually reported in the Mail, are just a ruse to get us to go direct to North Tees and actually be happy to. :o
How the hell did they get away with this ....?
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


mm...that's an interesting theory...but are they that clever?


R5, Its funny you should say that!

I saw a friend of mine the other day getting into her car, with her daughter.

She could not stop because her daughter who is 18 was very poorly.

I asked where she was going 1LC? No she replied 'waste of space' we are going straight to North Tees!

So the propaganda is working! >:(

Its an outrage, but there you go!


have you noticed the shadow does not post on anything important?
in case he upsets his hierarchy.


Who's his hierarchy?

Labour, Tory, his wife, the family dog?

I mean to put it bluntly, the question I would have is..

"Who's bitch is he"?

The Shadow

The One Life Centre is a bit like Hartlepool First. It doesn't do what it says on the tin.

Inspector Knacker

Quote from: Shepherd on April 13, 2012, 03: PM
R5, Its funny you should say that!

I saw a friend of mine the other day getting into her car, with her daughter.

She could not stop because her daughter who is 18 was very poorly.

I asked where she was going 1LC? No she replied 'waste of space' we are going straight to North Tees!

So the propaganda is working! >:(

Its an outrage, but there you go!
The One Life was never going to be a replacement for A&E, it's a group practice with bells on and a first aid station bolted on, the name 'minor injuries unit' gives the game away. It's been lauded by the suits as the answer to our dreams, a sort of Lourdes of Hartlepool, leading to the bleedin obvious question that if it's so brilliant why aren't they replacing North Tees with one ....?
We have been lumbered with the cheap option, an option that suddenly demands the people of Hartlepool acquire the medical skills to diagnose which option for treatment they must take, we are given the responsibilty to decide where to go for treatment, sheer lunacy.
The One Life is North Tees best recruiting sergeant.
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.

Inspector Knacker

Quote from: The Shadow on April 14, 2012, 10: AM
The One Life Centre is a bit like Hartlepool First. It doesn't do what it says on the tin.
.... as opposed to ....?
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


Was there ar councillor who's family gained bigtime from the opening of the One Life center.

Was his dad a major shareholder or something and didn't he vote for it and talk it up 24-7.

Is he now the sandwich maker?

Also Shadow, how can you know at this point if P.H.F. does what it says on the tin?


. . . like a Tory Councillor that consistently votes with Labour, you mean?


He recons he doesn't Marky?

He recons these 25 votes have benn cherry picked!!


I recon he is a bullsh1tter!

Their leaflet was pushed through my letterbox yesterday, I did read it before discarding to the recycle bag, never mentioned his voting record, but recons he has sorted out Tunstall Court.

That's it!!!

That's all right then eh?

Did not mention his voting record funnily enough and he has not knocked on the door yet. Hope he does!

The man is not worth the sh1t he is printed on!