Tall Ships: Best Event in England Tourism Awards?

Started by christine blakey, April 09, 2012, 01: PM

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fred c

Miss Obama ????..... good to know HTH has crossed "The Pond"


christine blakey

marky is absolutely spot on.  I would ask the new poster to provide evidence which was presented for the nomination, to show that it was worthy.

I have evidence which shows that the event was definitely badly organised and managed.  The figures professed for the million visitors, £26.5 million and an unfortunate mis-calculation of parking revenue were not correct.

Businesses stocked up and were devistated when left with unsold stock.  That includes the company who had the contract for Tall Ships T-shirts etc.

We had to pay compensation to some in order to keep it out the courts.

Can anyone who reads this let me know how this conduct and mismanagement is worthy of any award at the expense of others who may really deserve one?

The Shadow

The award is for tourisism and not event management. Since it was a fantastic event that attracted many visitors and everybody had a jolly good time I'd say it was qualifies for a tourism award. 


The tall ships event was top draw and great fun.

The management of the event was shambolic and wasteful, that is what boils people urine!

As Marky said, if we were told up front it was going to cost £2 million it might be a different matter but to go so far beyond budget indicates some pretty poor control over what is tax payers money.

It seems time and again our money is burned in profligate ways and then we are told the town is broke and people will lose their jobs and services will be cut back, so our quality of life is degraded. That needs to be highlighted when there is clear indications of waste and excess spending on hobby horse activities, and excessive salaries.

christine blakey

Accountability was not in place.  Even brought up by Rob Cook and they all just let it all go under the carpet.

I know there are people without buses today for even the simplest of services, the ones into Elwick might not run passed May.

It makes me wonder if Hilary Thompson was hoping to stand but then had second thoughts?

Tourism is about good management. 

We would have had a good time, as weather was great, the parades were great, Entertainment was great, the people of Hartlepool made the event also.

The management was poor.  To overlook this with three years lead in was shocking.


That bus service cost us tax payers £3,750 for the first trial period I am told.

The Shadow

Stop focusing on the management! The award is judging the event for the fact that it was a fantastic event for locals and tourists alike. It ticks all of the boxes for that so stop complaining, we have heard it all before.


Quote from: The Shadow on April 11, 2012, 06: PM
Stop focusing on the management! The award is judging the event for the fact that it was a fantastic event for locals and tourists alike. It ticks all of the boxes for that so stop complaining, we have heard it all before.

Do you want the 300,000 people from Hartlepool (who visited the Tall Stories Event) to stop complaining or just the 100,000 who live in Hartlepool?


Only the people who didn't earn out of the £26.2m windfall we had.

That's about everybody then in this town.

The Shadow

I haven't heard 300,000 visitors or the 10s of thousands of local people who attended complain. Just the same old few who refuse to accept that anything good could come from the event or Hartlepool.

If the award was for event management then your criticism of the tall ships event would be justified. As it is a tourism award the event ticks all of the boxes and proved to not only bring hundreds of thousands of people to the town it also showed what we have to offer.

The sad reality is McKenzie is that people like you would rather see Hartlepool on the and in the news for all of the wrong reasons so you can whinge about how bad we have it and how everything is so wrong. God forbid something we should be shown in a good light for once!


Quote from: The Shadow on April 11, 2012, 06: PM
I haven't heard 300,000 visitors or the 10s of thousands of local people who attended complain.

Well you wouldn't would you.
I mean how can  300,000 Hartlepool people (who visited the Tall Stories Event) complain when the actual population of Hartlepool is 100,000.
Obviously the phantom 200,000  have no complaints!
Perhaps your ignorance as to the claimed 'visitor numbers' put out by Dumbo is the root of your inability to grasp the point being made?

Quote from: The Shadow on April 11, 2012, 06: PM

Just the same old few who refuse to accept that anything good could come from the event or Hartlepool.

Well Hartlepool sure did provide enough parking spaces for the throng. Dumbo and Molly got the number wrong by a wide margin.
The monkey then tried to claim  the cars did arrive-they just all parked in Hartlepool side streets!

The way you talk leads me to believe you are the type of person who always defers to those in authority.
You seem to be someone who goes around telling people 'they' know best and we should not be so bold as to challenge the latest diktat or question the press releases!

Quote from: The Shadow on April 11, 2012, 06: PM

the event ticks all of the boxes and proved to not only bring hundreds of thousands of people to the town it also showed what we have to offer.

There you go-the only man in Harlepool who believes the crowd figures..........

The Shadow

I believe the "figures" said around 2m visitors. So from actually attending the event and seeing first hand the crowds I'd say hundreds of thousands is a good estimate.

I am sure you could have testified to this too but sadly it would have required you to log off World of Warcraft,  actually leave your house and mingle with real people.
You missed a good weekend.

Lucy Lass-Tick

It was great fun...but was it £2 million pounds worth of fun?