Whatever happened to BBC's independence?

Started by WiseOwl, June 11, 2015, 04: PM

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Quote from: WiseOwl on June 14, 2015, 10: AM
When histories assess the causes of the great tragedies of life, the foolishness of self-delusion must rank extremely high
No spelling mistakes so obviously not your own work. . The last line of this article which appeared both in the Daily and Sunday Express.


I hate to be the harbringer of bad news my ex-Nazi friend but look at the viewing figures for the anti-Europe crap and compare that to the viewing figures for the local forum. It reflects the ratio of UKIP voters to sane voters!
No one cares but you and your bierkellar drinking buddies.
It is a wasteland populated  mostly by  UKIP People who 'kant rite proper'.


I love my country
I love our great wealth of history
In many societies you get freaks of nature you know, like the  sad unfortunate interbred from way out in the back of beyond where the men are men and the sheep are worried.
The unfortunate offspring sometimes get a chance to run away, many to London and one or two even make it to Hartlepool.
Now the story of the monkey who was hung wasn't quite correct, it was another offspring of the interbred, whose probable great great grandchild can now string a few words together and get onto this site.
Nazis didn't love anything.
Nazis had a tendency to be German
The criticisms of all and sundry, who are "not one of them", is indicative of the mixed up thinking of the sad quirk of nature.
Any fool can criticize, so the saying goes: and most fools do!
Back to the thread, and it's back to bed, or into your cage for you young.... what do you call a thing from the dark side?
Only the quirk mentioned any political group, and only quirk has been vaccinated with a gramophone needle stuck in its own sad old rut!
The frightening thing is general forum type conversation just flies over her head, and the BBC can continue goose stepping down Whitehall if they so wish as long as they have nowt to do with UKIP!


Quote from: WiseOwl on June 14, 2015, 03: PM
I love my country
Ah so  that is why you are so desperate to f*ck it!
