Bit of a dilema for UKIP here.................

Started by mk1, November 11, 2014, 11: AM

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The European Court of Justice has ruled that unemployed EU citizens who go to another member state to claim benefits may be barred from some benefits.

The ruling on so-called "benefit tourism", relating to a case in Germany, could set an important legal precedent for the rest of the EU.

It could allow the UK to exclude some unemployed migrants from receiving some benefits such as jobseeker's allowance.

I presume they will wish to overturn this ruling?


More UKIP fun and games.

The Labour'defector' was actualy kicked out of the Labour Party. UKIP were so deperate to get a minority woman they did not even bother to check her credentials.

And now here is a surprise. Hamilton is in trouble with his expenses again

I suspect that  there are a lot more of these pathetic people on UKIP shortlists. Professional politicians who drift from party to party in the  pursuit of fame and glory.
UKIP are just another  corrupt party of chancers and con-men/women.


I have just been trying to track down all the crowing UKIP  articles/film clips about Natasha Bolter's defection to them but for some strange reason they seem pretty hard to find. One  might  think they have all been  taken down by UKIP.
Anyway a clear line of attack is opening up on UKIP friendly sites. It seems they are now going to claim it was all a Labour plot to discredit them and  Bolter was a Mole.
How desperate can you get?


Here you are. Enjoy the moment as UKIP are shown to be gullible idiots........


Conirmation of the obvious:

'Half my job is spent not finding good candidates to stand, it is weeding out the lunatics, the people who shouldn't be there'.................

Obviously the follwing has yet to be  enacted in Hartlepool:

Mr Soutter had even resorted to 'doing tests to make sure people were vaguely sane and that they could string their words together more or less'


I would not be suprised if the real reason UKIP are after him is in this sentence:

A UKIP MEP who was poised to defect to the Conservatives has been suspended over financial and employment concerns.

However this is interesting:

a continued affiliation with Mujeeb Bhutto

And Mujeeb Bhutto is:

A man who served as UKIP's Commonwealth spokesman for a year is the former leader of a kidnapping gang in Pakistan

Just another back-stabbing, boot-filling, 'say & do anything to get elected' political party.

So much for the 'new broom'!