Bongo Bongo Land...

Started by perseus, August 07, 2013, 09: PM

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This is why, or at least part of why, I can't take these fellas seriously.

grim reaper

P; the 'headline' was in bad taste but don't say you are another one that agrees we should be spending billions of £ on foreign aid?  ???
India has stated they don't need it, or want it. With their multi-billion nuclear programme etc. etc. I suppose they don't.
Pakistan is likewise, although they still hold out their hands with glee.

The corruption in the African countries is endemic...the Swiss banking system would go bust without the income from African despots.  >:(
Cameron was on the TV this morning stating we HAVE to give to these countries, as it saves us having to pay them if they come into our country.
Doh.  ::)   :P   :'(
What about a robust border control system similar to America/Australia/Russia and many others? Why can't we control our borders?

Whilst money is in short supply for drugs/hospital operations/care for the indigenous population of the UK, we should NOT be sending vast amounts of taxpayers money abroad.

The so called 'bedroom tax' is a perfect example of how we screw the people of this country, because of 'austerity measures', but we can still spend billions on people in other countries.
It is so wrong.     Bongo Bongo or not.


Grim reaper it is not only britain who provides aid to all those countries in need. The three countries you mention in your post America, Australia and Russia all do too.

You also mention austerity, this government has given up on austerity because it simply doesnt work, so our good people have had 3 years of pain because of what, a conservative myth that britain would end up like Greece or Spain and end up bankrupt, to my knowledge neither of those countries have declared themselves bankrupt.


Quote from: grim reaper on August 08, 2013, 10: AM

Whilst money is in short supply for drugs/hospital operations/care for the indigenous population of the UK, we should NOT be sending vast amounts of taxpayers money abroad.

I thought UKIP were going to increase the defence budget by 50%?
That is an awful lot of hospitals/drugs money wasted so white elephant aircraft carriers can swan around threatening all them there people in bongo bongo land!


Quote from: grim reaper on August 08, 2013, 10: AM

The corruption in the African countries is endemic...the Swiss banking system would go bust without the income from African despots.

The corruption in the UK is just as bad. The Isle Of Man is kept afloat by the income from UK despots.  Nigel Farage himself was caught out hiding his ill gotten gains in his brothers name (he got­ £969,000 as a 'gift' from Nigel)in the land of the the 3  legged............

grim reaper

I couldn't care less what other countries give away, my concern is this country. People on here are blind with hate for UKIP that they fail to see the wood for the trees.
Whilst OUR people have financial issues, medical issues, employment issues etc., OUR money should go towards alleviating those issues first.
It has bugger all to do with UKIP per se, it is about how much of our money is given away and the UK is left to struggle.

Greece & Spain haven't declared themselves bankrupt 'cos they are bankrolled by the EU.
Watch the bleedin' news, there are riots on the streets of Italy, Portugal, Spain and now the German people are getting restless about THEIR money going south. And THEY aren't UKIPers!!


Well said Reaper, Perseus dosen`t much like UKIP and has started this thread to do some further UKIP bashing but in his small minded view he has vented on the bongo bongo statement and missed the content of the publication, i suspect many people will agree with his take on aid money it will in the end do UKIP no harm and he has bounced the coalition into a debate on the subject, as UKIP will bounce the into a debate on immigration, and this is why voting for local councillors with a national party is to be welcomed.


You talk about helping those out most in need but propose a flat tax rate of 37% just how exactly does that help the working man or woman? UKIP are exactly as others have proclaimed on this site,  after the inevitable referendum when the UK votes to stay in UKIP will be irrelevant


Quote from: beanzontoast on August 08, 2013, 05: PM
i suspect many people will agree with his take on aid money it will in the end do UKIP no harm

I am sure all the  bigoted racist will flock to your party after hearing that outburst. The problem UKIP have is that parties of the extreme never win elections. Simply put there are not enough nutters about to get themselves a government. Why do you think Cameron is using the Libs to neuter his  barking mad 'bas*tards'?
It may be that you move in a group where such sentiments hardly raise an eyebrow but in the wider world  you are still seen  the Cameron way:
"a bunch of  fruit cakes and loonies and closet racists, mostly"


Absolutely mk1 fruitcakes and loonies full of bluster with only one goal, when that goal fails they will be back over to the BNP


        Godfrey Bloom's comments on foreign aid has given our resident U.K.I.P. bashers a field day but they seemed to have completely missed the point of his comments namely a proportion of foreign aid never reaches those for who it was intended. In the words of the economist Lord Bauer ' Government aid is a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.'
         This year G.B. will be giving £12 billion in foreign aid. This amount is bigger than any other countries contribution Some of it is going to countries that are hostile to this country. Some of it is going to countries that have a space programme and nuclear weapons. Some of it goes to countries that desparately need help. How the needy can be helped without unscrupulous people siphoning off funds is a very difficult problem but at least Godfrey Bloom has, in his own way, highlighted the problem.


British foreign aid = 0.7% of GDP. I'll say that again... 0.7% of GDP

Bloom brings it up, not because he has genuine concerns about how GB distributes foreign aid or where it goes, but because he is a dinosaur and he knows that by telling people about the small amount of money that doesn't get to its intended target instead of the hundreds of thousands of lives that are saved every year by vaccinations, food and water aid, some of the British public will be up in arms.

Well I'm sorry but I for one am extremely proud that Cameron has had the balls to keep to Britains pledge to spend 0.7% of gdp on foreign aid. Which makes us the ONLY G8 nation to do so.

Actions speak so much louder than words.

grim reaper

So there you have it...Perseus reckons 'old men' have no relevance in 2013. What a charming character.

SRM says it is 'only' 0.7% of GDP. Well why are the population of this country subjected to a postcode lottery when it comes to cancer drugs etc. 'cos the Govts quango (NICE) says we can't afford to supply them?

Oil rich Nigeria has announced it intends to join the 'space race' and have its own space programme.
This is a country that receives a billion £ from UK citizens!

What I suspect is those that are happy with our largesse to well off countries have themselves jobs, a house, car etc.
Try seeing it from the perspective of the unemployed, the seriously ill that are refused life saving drugs.

Put our people first and then, if we can afford it, assist other countries.
Just like you would with your own household finances.
And that's it. I can't be bothered arguing any more.


How is having a flat tax rate of 37% beneficial to the working man? I suspect UKIP are supporters of the views of the traditional britain group too


    ARC 86     U.K.I.P. advocate a flat rate of income tax of 30% with a increase in the basic tax allowance. Many people on low income would no longer pay income tax.
   S.R.Moore      The foreign aid budget of £12 billion has to come from somewhere . The government  borrows it. In other words we borrow money ,which at some point has to be paid back, to give it away. I am not against foreign aid but considering our financial difficulties we have to be sensible in what we give and 0.75 of our G.D.P. is at this point in time just too much.
     Perseus  I would just like to point out that age group which you write off are the group most likely to vote, they still pay tax and generally are pillars of the community. Your comment was unpleasant an unnecessary.