do we really need this?

Started by steveL, April 16, 2013, 11: AM

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do we really need this sort of publicity from this parasite... 
Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.

testing times

It's people like this who give the Tories the excuse for their ham-fisted benefit reforms.


I now wonder if THE MAIL will do a follow up WHY?
His son's in tonight's Mail. Theft. Burglary. No Insurance now just where have we heard all this before?
Again the judge would not sent him to prison.



crime figures are dropping because the police are doing everything possible to avoid progressing any reports of crime to keep the numbers low


  • there's not much we can do
  • the camera was pointing the wrong way
  • it's a civil matter
  • you didn't get the registration number
  • I'll have a word with the CSO in the area
  • it was on private land
  • it's really a matter for the security company
  • etc et ad infinitum


Quote from: tankerville on April 16, 2013, 04: PM
I now wonder if THE MAIL will do a follow up WHY?
His son's in tonight's Mail. Theft. Burglary. No Insurance now just where have we heard all this before?
Again the judge would not sent him to prison.


Another attention seeking loser like his dad, who is a great advert for the benefits of chemical castration. >:(
'They don't like it up em'


This low life and his drones lived in Angus street prior to be demolished, they were nothing but trouble from the day they moved in.

He used to lay on the settee with the front door wide open like a beached whale, his kid's could do whatever they wanted, and he/she let them.

She the mother had so much gold in her ears and around her neck it's a wonder he never weighed her in at Pout & Foster's.

He had three scrap cars in the back street on top of another the wind used to make them shake, the council 'eventually' made him remove them. It's wonder no one was killed.

If you went to his door to complain he would shout just F****** Belt him 'his son that is' What a pity he moved.

Like Hell.


I think you will find that you are all mistaken. I have just finished reading a Labour party/mk1 briefing which states that this type of benefit claimant does not exist other than in the pages of the Daily Mail. :p

fred c

It`s not rocket science to realise that The Coalition are, through the press & media Demonising people on benefits, they constantly highlight examples of massive benefit excess such as this, SRMoore like the rest of his tory muckers know these cases are few & far between, but use them as a stick to beat the rest of us over the head with.

For the vast majority of people on benefits they are the difference between having an existance at the minimum level, or having to leave the heating off or do withput a hot meal, for Ian Duncan Smith, Gideon, Cameron et al, (Multi Millonaires one & all) to claim we are in this together is complete Bo**ox, they have never gone without anything in their lives.....

On the other side of the street we have the people who are using Tax Avoidance on a massive scale, do we see Gideon & Dave attempting to demonise them, of course not, do we see them tightening up on the massive bonuses given to Bankers, bankers who incidentally work for banks that the Tax Payer Owns, no we don`t..... 

Another example from Their side of the street.


Fred, that stating that I and all of my 'tory muckers' like to use these cases as a stick to beat everybody with is as untrue as it is that ALL benefit claimants are dole wallers who refuse to work.