What No Fountain?

Started by not4me, March 18, 2013, 11: AM

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I once challenged a Labour Councillor over a similar project some years ago and was told it keeps people in work at little cost to the Council. No thought to the tax payer. This is why we have so much street furniture out of all proportion to the Town's needs, road 'improvements' that are not needed etc etc. So, just be grateful the next time you can't pass someone on the pavement because of these useless 'safety' improvements - IT KEEPS SOMEONE IN A JOB

Private Fraser

So does Hartlepool Borough Council Dept of c**k ups. Putting crossings in only to remove them a year later, altering junctions, just to change them a few months after. I swear they employ people to make a mess of stuff so that it employs people to do the job then change it again.
"Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it."