Five Hartlepool councillors resign from UKIP

Started by Lucy Lass-Tick, January 19, 2018, 04: PM

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What I find frustrating about this whole 'UKIP quitting thing' is the reasons given for doing it. This isn't a dig at UKIP, I think getting out of that party is the right thing for anyone to do. But, for me, the public reasons offered don't stand up to scrutiny.

Listen to what is actually said in term of the reasons for doing it offered up in the interview with the Hartlepool Media people. What John Tennant actually says sounds like he's reading directly from the Putting Hartlepool First website.

All that stuff about wanting to take national politics out of local politics is the drum Geoff Lilley and others have been banging for over 6 years.

It's clearly not about that in my opinion. When UKIP lost 140 council seats in the election last year, that was the alarm bell sounding for any serving UKIP councillor. Unless there's a dramatic issue of social unrest caused by a U-turn on Brexit, UKIP have served their purpose. Assuming of course that you believe they ever had one.

Make no mistake, this is about being re-elected as a councillor for most, if not all, of the 5. In one particular case it's also about protecting a wage which could not realistically continue to be drawn by a member of UKIP.

That's all this is. There's no soul searching or morality here, merely self preservation.


I disagree with your assessment, David. But then I can only really comment for myself.

I originally got involved with UKIP with the sole intention of helping out a friend. I met with the late Dave Pascoe at his invitation where he explained that he had recently been diagnosed with some rather serious issues and he asked me if I would be prepared to help him behind the scenes whilst he was undergoing treatment. Say what you will about Dave but he was a decent bloke and he really cared about this town and wanted to see the "shower of s**t" running the town replaced. I became more and more involved and I will actually state that the 2015 manifesto  in which I stood on is still the manifesto closest to my political views I have ever read. Maybe read it if you ever get a chance, it's far from the picture of UKIP policy usually painted.

Fast forward some time and there was the disastrous 'Integration agenda' which I abhorred. The move to pacify the Muslim hating vocal minority within the party really pis*ed me off. And the latest fiasco with the leadership and, as the husband of a beautiful mixed raced lady and the father of two beautiful mixed raced children, the comments made by Jo Marney in relation to Meghan Markle was the final straw. I was A. not prepared to defend knuckle dragging Neanderthals, and B. Sick of being dragged into national issues that I cared nothing for or expected to defend them.

I genuinely love the job I do as a Borough Councillor and devote a lot of time and energy into doing it. However I have been increasingly hating politics and party games, from all sides. It does nothing to help the people of Hartlepool and only makes getting positive outcomes more difficult (because God forbid you have a good idea that may help people if you are not of the same political party as those who make the decisions). I'll be honest and say I used to think that people like Geoff who would say they wished party politics was banned at a local level were bonkers, not living in the real world. But actually, when you are on the inside seeing how it ruins things I have to admit he and others were right. (First and only time I'll say it Geoff  :P )

So we are where we are today. I'm an Independent Councillor who is not a member of any political party. I sit as part of a 'grouping' within the council as without it I would no doubt be stripped of committee places out of spite. This grouping is not a political party and it will not be fielding candidates in local elections. That isn't to say I and others wouldn't assist Independent candidates who stand for election or others who may ask for it.

I've been asked why I didn't just join PHF and I guess thats a reasonable question. The answer is simple. I didn't want to join another political party as Putting Hartlepool First is. And to be honest, when you speak to people in town PHF can be just as polarising as other party's in getting very political at times. I genuinely wish to stay out of it.

So far I've yet to receive a negative comment to me from a resident I represent after making this decision.

Hope that clears things up for

fred c

On the same topic....over the last 10 years or so I have gradually worked around to being 'apolitical', my roots and beliefs are basically working class labour, but having witnessed how Hartlepool has been allowed to degenerate under this LabTor council I finally called it quits with 'Party 'Politics'.

Like Geoff Lilley I believe party politics and self servers are more about the party and themselves than they are residents and the wellbeing of the town, look no further for evidence than the fact we have a labour/tory coalition council.

I can only hope, that others welcome a move towards independent councillors who can act with the best interests of Hartlepool and the good people who live here.

ps..... I have to agree with Shane...... Dave Pascoe was a gentleman, his deep interests for a better Hartlepool were self evident.

Lord Elpus

 A good post, for Cllr Moore.

The inability of most Labour and Tory Councillors to view issues in a detached logical manner is part of what held this town back for years, proper debate is almost unheard of and even if you can win the argument tribal politics unsure you'll never win the vote.

I still say there is hope if only Hartlepool Labour group can ditch the current so called leaders and replace them with some rational clear thinking people.

Like Cllr Moore I loved being a community Councillor but the political, self serving games played by too many screwed it up as far as I was concerned. 

Lucy Lass-Tick