Could this be Chris's biggest calamity yet?

Started by DRiddle, May 07, 2018, 09: AM

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Word reaches me from Labour sources (yes that's right Christopher) that there's currently a battle going on for committee chairs with the Labour group.

The moderates within their group want Lesley Hamilton to take over the good work done by Alan Clark, where is the SCABAL are wanting...... wait for it....... mad dog.

The woman who left her own kids in Rotherham wants to be  in charge of the well being of children in Hartlepool?!?!  Well, she wants the money that goes with the role at least. You genuinely couldn't write this stuff if it was a sitcom.

In a second battle the respected Dave Hunter is having to fend of a challenge for his chair on Neighborhoods from....... SAB.

Honestly, there are 6 or 7 of the '31 per-centers' up in 12 months time and Chris is looking at putting vulnerable kids under the guidance of mad dog and leaving the seaton parking fiasco to Stephen.


fred c

errrrrrrrrmmmm Will the Boy in a Mans Body be up to it, if he ends up as chair of neighbourhoods I can see that committee breaking attendance records, irate Seatonians could well besiege him as he 'Conducts his Meatnuns'

Unless of course, both he and Mad Dog are suspended for inappropriate language and behaviour towards 2 PHF councillors in the members lounge prior to the last full council meeting........ Any investigation should only take a few minutes, the Monitoring Officer only need to listen to a recording of Mad Dogs invective filled comments to come to a decision.  ::)

Lord Elpus

This has nothing to do with who is the best person for the role of Chairman its simply about the pigs wanting to be at the deepest end of the trough.

Without a doubt Cllr Dave Hunter has shown himself to be an outstanding chairman, especially from a public not party point of view, he was unlucky to have inherited some of Mad Dogs c**k ups, but he has tried to find a way out of the mess she left behind her.

SAB would be a joke as Chair of Neighbourhood Services, lets face it 'the boy in a mans body' appears to be semi literate,  has a short attention span and has absolutely no inter personal skills, (Although I'll give the fookwit this, compared to Mad Dog he's marginally better, in the same way one would compare herpes to syph).

The role of Chair of Children's Services needs a person with compassion, empathy and a degree of intelligence, it also needs to be a person who can work with others and have the ability to listen to professional advice.  In my opinion Mad Dog has non of these qualities, her bombastic aggressive manner would do more harm than good. 

Both Mad Dog and 'The boy in a mans body' in my opinion have shight interpersonal skills, the poor Officers who would have to work with these two jokers must be dreading the prospect of it.  Little wonder HBC loses so many good Officers

I don't know Lesley Hamilton but I'm 100% certain she'd be 100% better than Mad Dog.

I wonder how long before we see at least two more decent Labour Councillor walking away from Calamity Chris and his cabal.  It would be interesting if a few did go, it would put the 'odious little t*a*' in a more powerful position, I wonder if Calamity would be willing to be even more 'accommodating' to keep him sweet.

CAB Civic Leader, in your dream son


Quote from: Lord Elpus on May 07, 2018, 05: PM

SAB would be a joke as Chair of Neighbourhood Services, lets face it 'the boy in a mans body' appears to be semi literate

Was he not the one who sat through a Finance Committee and then at the end piped up ''what does HMRC mean?''

Lord Elpus

Quote from: mk1 on May 07, 2018, 05: PM
Quote from: Lord Elpus on May 07, 2018, 05: PM

SAB would be a joke as Chair of Neighbourhood Services, lets face it 'the boy in a mans body' appears to be semi literate

Was he not the one who sat through a Finance Committee and then at the end piped up ''what does HMRC mean?''

I always thought that was Carl Richardson, I doubt he's ever paid into the system


Yeah I can confirm that was Carl. Understandable when you consider he hasn't had a job since Duran Duran released their debut single.

fred c

How can a supposed "Socialist" go through life without having any meaningful employment, even more ironic, a Supposed Socialists who's main source of income has been for donkey's years,
from the public purse.


Never understood why SAB stepped down from chair of planning - or was he pushed by Cook, who's natural charm & reason may have persuaded him. 
I would have thought he would have been out of harms way receiving guidance from the right-wing faction of the Hartlepool Labour Party and a canny little earner to boot

Stig of the Seaton Dump

We all know the it is going to be emperors new clothes.

What some regard as a disaster is a reason to pop open the socialist champagne for others.
I don't believe it.


Lots of developments regarding this pantomime and as expected Cwistopher is making a real hash of it. I won't go into all the details because to be honest it's easier to just let him crack on with it, and opposition councillors and supporters can just sit back and watch their group implode due to poor leadership.

The way I see it, Cwistopher has now backed himself into a corner and is stuck between the proverbial rock and hard place.

If he sticks to what HE wants (Mad Dog and the handsome one as chairs) he runs the risk of at least 3, possibly even 4 or 5, of his councillors walking and the council will fall into a 'no overall control' type situation, although Wells will unofficially prop him up.

Given the way the mainstream media spun the overall situation in the local elections, making out Labour and Corbyn has a nightmare when they actually did quite well, imagine what the national media will do with Hartlepool council NOT having a majority of Labour councillors.

That's his first option.

The second option is to back down, do a big U-turn, appoint the other two other contenders as the chairs and no doubt CLAIM that was his intention all along. If he does that, he might just cling on to the 'leadership' for another few months. BUT in doing so he'll have shown himself to have no real leadership qualities at all. In effect, another councillor will already be essentially running the group in all but name.

My guess is he'll bottle it and he won't dare let SAB or Mad Dog anywhere near those committee chair positions.

In fact, I dare him to prove me wrong.

fred c

It's a question of does he go with Handsome Ste so he gains another £8k..... with the possiblity / probability of CAB losing £23k......and the household allowances drop to £16k

Or, does he eat humble pie and keep the status quo ?.....household allowances remain at £39k.

Errr which will it be.... eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a hypocrite by the toe


Lord Elpus

My take on this farce is, Chwissy may well be leader of the Council but his husband rules the roost and will go ape if CAB does not give him a chairman's allowance.

Poor Calamity Chris's life must be an emotional roller coaster right now.  I understand they are having a special meeting to look at damage limitation, that suggests, he's given in to 'The boy in a man's body' and Mad Dog.

Can things get any worse?  well yes, guess who's just joined the Labour Party.


Quoteguess who's just joined the Labour Party.

Barclay's little dog? Mad Dog's better half? Cranney's wife (number 6)? Angie's daughter?


Quote from: DRiddle on May 09, 2018, 05: PM

Barclay's little dog? Mad Dog's better half? Cranney's wife (number 6)? Angie's daughter?

I think he is referring to a bloke who likes to make jokes about ping-pong balls......shades of sticky Vicky!

Warning: Do not search for Sticky Vicky on Youtube if you are easily offended!!!!!!