Article 50

Started by grim reaper, November 16, 2016, 06: PM

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grim reaper

With the Europhile judges pontificating on points of law regarding the signing of the Treaty of Lisbon, which includes Article 50, who agreed to David Milliband signing the Treaty in the first place? (Brown signed it a while later).

Did THEY go to the Parliament for 'permission' to sign us in?  :o
Going by the logic of the Europhile judges, they ought to have.
But of course, these Europhile remoaners twist and turn every which way, as they MUST have their way.
But hey, who cares? By 2019 the EU will no longer exist, as the thread it is hanging by is close to snapping.  ;D

Cue mk1 and his bong eyed racist rants against white people.
( I suppose I DID mention a Brown person  ;D  ;D  ;D )


Typical bong-eyed fruitcake. All for the rule of law when it suits but the minute it goes against they shout whine and scream about the 'end of democracy

Look sunshine you obey the law and if you dont like it then feck off to the country where the law is more to your liking-Russia perhaps?  They like to murder opposition MPs there so will feel at home.

I mean how dumb do you have to be to think 'renewable'energy will run out!!!!!!!!!


This is the typical  attitude of the little englander:

An Italian minister has accused Boris Johnson of "insulting" his country by suggesting it should back his version of a Brexit deal or face losing sales of Prosecco sparkling wine.
Mr Calenda, Italy's economic development minister, told Bloomberg TV: "His idea is, 'We want to have access to the common market without giving you access in terms of free circulation of people,' and I think this is wishful thinking.
"His answer was, 'OK, but you are selling a lot of what we call Prosecco in the UK... and you will allow us to do this because you don't want to lose Prosecco exports.'
"I said, 'Maybe we're going to lose some Prosecco; you're going to lose some fish and chips exports. The difference is I'm going to lose [exports] to one country, you to 27''

Earlier, Mr Johnson reportedly told the Czech newspaper Hospodarske Noviny he did not believe the UK would remain in the EU customs union - which allows members to move goods without the imposition of tariffs on each other - after Brexit.
He was quoted as saying he believed this could happen while "maintaining free trade" with EU states, suggesting the UK could remain within the single market.
Speaking to the BBC's Newsnight, Dutch finance minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem - who is also president of the eurozone's Eurogroup - said Mr Johnson was putting forward options that "are really not available".
"He's saying things that are intellectually impossible, politically unavailable, so I think he's not offering the British people a fair view of what is available and what can be achieved in these negotiations," he said.

The 3 'Brexit' ministers are complete clowns-so UKIP will love them!



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U.K. Has left the building