Alternatives to UKIP?

Started by Stranger in a Strange ..., October 19, 2014, 11: AM

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one direction

Quote from: mk1 on October 31, 2014, 03: PMIts all about money.

And there it is, right at the end. The truth.

Its not just the truth about UKIP. Its the truth about the Tories, its the truth about Labour, its the truth about the Lib-Dems, its the truth about all politicians from the lowest Parish councillor to the Prime Minister. They are all as bad as each other its just some people hate UKIP so direct their bile and vitriol at UKIP, some people hate the Tories so direct their bile and vitriol at the Tories, some people hate the Lib-Dems so direct their bile and vitriol at the Lib-Dems, etc, etc. etc.  However, all the established parties fear UKIP because they are starting to take a slice of the cake and if UKIP have more then the established parties have less. It really is all about the money!

Does anyone really think Carswell and Reckless joined UKIP because they had an attack of principle? No they joined because they realised UKIP were going to be a threat to their seats in May so the bes way to keep their place on the gravy train was to move to the UKIP carriage. Its all about the money (and the perks and the pension) in the end.

Now I too have had enough of this thread. Time for my dreadnought to sail away and look for new targets to fire my meaningless broadsides at...... ;)


Quote from: one direction on October 31, 2014, 03: PM
Time for my dreadnought to sail away

I think you mean 'steam away'.

Sly dig
I would be the last person to claim a unrealiable energy source (wind)  could power all sea travel for 4000 years. Everyone knows that  it could not possibly work.
Next people will be claiming water-wheels could power sawmills!


Quote from: mk1 on October 31, 2014, 03: PM

Note her critic  partial agreed with 55:00.. and said all sources of energy were needed.

I am not going to get involved in an endless argument about the minutiae of energy storage. You made a basic claim that is incorrect.

Sorry couldn't resist, using the link you kindly provided, the woman clearly states, "you can store wind and sun" nothing about power just wind and sun.  End of.


Quote from: Mican on October 31, 2014, 04: PM
using the link you kindly provided, the woman clearly states, "you can store wind and sun" nothing about power just wind and sun.  End of.

Yes she probably believes you can store lightning as well.....................

Party Pooper

Quote from One Direction
I detest them all equally but i also detest people who throw around allegations of racism, sexism, homophobia, islamophobia or indeed any form of politically correct claptrap. Fanatical ukiper, fanatical ukip hater?  Two sides of the same coin to me!

One direction your above quote would carry some credibility if you slagged off all equally and didn't only defend the fascist UKIP .
I note your lack of any comment on the clips supplied by MK1, and I repeat my comment UKIP are fundamentally racist.
Thanks for pointing out you went to university, was there a point to that revelation or did you just feel you should clear up any misunderstanding anyone on here had?


So, everyone will be voting Green, yes?


Lord Elpus

Quote from: mrb on November 01, 2014, 06: PM
So, everyone will be voting Green, yes?

The Green Party lost all credibility in Hartlepool when they chose 'Iris the Virus' Ryder as their by-election candidate in 2004.


One direction your comment regarding politicians are all in it for the money is a little simplistic as it is more like the politics of envy, and clearly you have not read some of my comments on the subject, I will repeat im sure MK1 will correct me with dates. I must be clear to you all I am not playing tribal politics here just  interesting stuff from history, prior to 1831 england was ruled by a french king Charles 1 he wasn't by accounts a good king but at that time kings had the divine right to rule by god along came a british civil war Oliver Cromwell  and eventually came our parliament we have today I say this arrangement is better, I do agree with one direction regarding the money aspect  up to a point,  I won't go into what Parliament is there to do and the role of councillors, I will move on to the political party s all political partiys apart from UKIP have what are called Whips their role is to whip MPs into voting the way the party leaders want lets take immigration as a reference it's pretty interesting Labour signed for it to happen and any MP whose constituants did not want this would be whipped to vote for it, my point being all political party's have a core agenda in which they do not waver from now as there are really only 2 political party's yes its not a typo then it follows if you look for the core values you can see the direction of travel, so back to immigration Labour introduced mass immigration WHY. the torys did nothing to stop it and they said they would again WHY. Once you identify the core values the jigsaw becomes clear, Labour and Conservatives at leader level are playing good cop bad cop, lets see if we can get to the core values on this forum without resorting to tribal hysteria.


I notice SRMoore won't be voting for the Greens, I also notice he is a Maverick Conservative,  if he has noticed lately the conservatives in Hartlepool council always vote with Labour,  then he will no doubt be a maverick and vote Labour in may, while wearing a blue rosette,  he has been quiet on the voting habits of tory councillors, the picture is still hazy but whats the betting he will stand as an MP.


'Maverick Conservative'. Interesting description that - wonder what it means. At a guess, I would say that it's a Conservative that keeps voting with Labour even when it means going against traditional Conservative policy. That would suggest that, in a Hartlepool context, it's not Shane, a proper Conservative, that is the maverick but each of his parties three councillors.
Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.


I've been much more vocal than you and your fellow UKIP councillor has been since being elected.

I appreciate how desperate you are to know whether I will be standing since I refused UKIPs three offers of being their Prospective Parliamentary Candidate in Hartlepool before you settled for Phil, and you'll have known the answer if you actually bothered to take notice. Since you haven't I guess you'll have to wait for the official announcement.


This thread just gets more and more laughable the longer it goes on.


fred c

Whatever you think as an individual about UKIP, when it comes to May 7th 2015 we should set that aside & use the opportunity to throw a spanner into the works of the Hartlepool Constituency Labour Party.....

They select the candidate as MP ( look who they gave us ) the "Member" they also have a massive influence on "The Dear Leader & The TorLab Mob" & look at the embarassment they have brought on the town.

Apart from that... the thread is boring the A**e of me & lots of others who use this forum.

for fawkes sake

The two UKIP councillors have been carried along on the national UKIP wave and, as I always thought, now that they are in the council have proven to be struck dumb when faced with matters that do not involve Europe, Immigration or Muslims.

While a lot of people appear to be considering holding their noses and voting UKIP in the General Election in order to rid the town of a careerist and disingenuous MP, my worry is that the same people may make the mistake of carrying over that sentiment to the local elections which will be held on the same day. It seems clear to me that more of the same detached kind of councillors as UKIP have so far provided us with would not be in the interests of the town. What is needed is an active opposition willing and able to challenge the actions of the local Labour group and their co-conspirators, the Tories.

That challenge is coming from Independents and PHF at the moment with the two UKIP councillors dithering silently on the side-lines. People need to think very carefully next May about what is best for Hartlepool. Voting UKIP to get rid of Wrighty and giving the national parties a reality check might well be the best thing to do but on their performance so far in council, the last thing the town needs right now is more UKIP councillors.
"Remember, remember the fifth of November.
Gunpowder, Treason and Plot.
I see no reason why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot."