To vote or not to vote.

Started by Jamescampbell78, April 07, 2014, 07: PM

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Quote from: SRMoore on April 08, 2014, 11: PM
I've continued to campaign in and around the Hart ward since I last stood for election there. It is a ward I know, I know the many of the people and, once our current house is sold, is the ward I will reside in. And I'll be campaigning there long after PHF have lost there and jump on another bandwagon elsewhere in town as they did with the gypsy camp.

You'd stand more chance of winning a vote if your party told Wells to join the party he actually supports.

Hartlepool Conservatives are Labour with blue ties and I'll never believe otherwise while Wells has his seat.


Quote from: Jamescampbell78 on April 09, 2014, 12: AM

ADMIN/MOD - I have an answer to this but the last time I posted on this topic I ended up on pre-mod....Now I have this answer ready to post but I WILL NOT hit send if you think this is going to go over old ground and pre-mod me.

Just post the links that show how you are even handed and not concentrating on one party/individual.
No need to  give a long winded answer, the links will suffice.


Quote from: Pwilson on April 09, 2014, 12: AM

You'd stand more chance of winning a vote if your party told Wells to join the party he actually supports.

Hartlepool Conservatives are Labour with blue ties and I'll never believe otherwise while Wells has his seat.

Wells has taken control of the Tory Group for his own personal advancement. His only concern is to  control planning in the town and he will say or do anything the SCABs tell  him. . Shane knows this just as well as everyone else but party loyalty prevents him saying it out loud.  There is no Tory Party in Hartlepool. 


Quote from: DRiddle on April 09, 2014, 12: AM
Quoteonce our current house is sold, is the ward I will reside in.

Anyone from anywhere in the town could make such a statement Shane. Don't bother talking to me about spin. Not after the tory leaflet of lies put out in the manor by election by your lot. Remember that? The one even Chief Solicitor for HBC Peter Devlin essentially stated was bo#L@cks.

For someone so dedicated to the people of Hart, I could have sworn you were prostituting yourself to the residents of Seaton not 18 months ago....

Once again you shy away from the valid points being made in the original discussion and attempt to deflect the attention elsewhere, David.

I'll happy answer your accusations one at a time. I have nothing to fear in giving open and honest answers.

1. Anybody could indeed claim they are likely to move to the ward, you yourself could too. The reality is however that in the case of me and my family it is true.
When Suzzi and I looked at buying our first family home there wasn't much available to us that fell within our needs and price range. We settled on two homes, both built by Persimmon Homes and both the same style, a Kingswood home. One was in Sedgewick Park and the other in Bishop Cuthbert. (The latter costing £30k more than the former).
Just before we were due to purchase the one in Bishop Cuthbert my house were cut at work and it would have been financially irresponsible for us to mortgage ourselves to the hilt so we chose the same style house in Sedgewick Close.
My wife has set her heart on a larger home in Bishop Cuthbert and anyone who knows her/us will tell you that I will not argue with her.

2. The "lies" you refer to on the manor house leaflet was not referred to as "bollocks" by Peter Devlin. You can continue to use this as the excuse for the loss of this election but the reality is that you cannot just turn up to a ward a few weeks before full of hell and expect to win.
I won't comment further on this as I am aware that it will move ua away from the actual discussion we are having here, so forgive me for not playing into your trap.

3. "Prostituting myself" in Seaton eh? As I explained to you earlier today when you sent me a text message, I stood in Seaton as a last minute stand in as our previous candidate Jean fell ill during the nomination period. If, on the slim chance I had been elected you can bet your bottom dollar I'd have given everything to represent the people there. Much more than the PHF councillor they were tricked into voting for who has failed to live up to any of the promises made and has left the people of Seaton under represented. Funny how PHF keep quiet about Kelly.

You are quick to lash out against me. It is ok, I understand. You are upset that you thought I wouldn't be standing this time around due to other commitments (I hold my hand up and state that I initially thought this may be the case) so you thought you could be opportunistic and hope that people forget PHF had absolutely no interest in the Hart ward in the last election, or indeed at any point until after the gypsy site saga when it is easy to cry outrage in hindsight. Or that they forgot you stated on numerous occasions that you believe that a candidate should not stand in a ward unless they live there and that you would only stand against Ged Hall because he wronged you. All very noble until the prospect of an 'easy' seat came along which may give you a platform to stand on.

The funny thing is that you think your style of hard hitting, personal attack politics is new. The reality is that it isn't and it has been going on for years. I myself fell into that trap initially and alienated a man who, strangely, I seem to have much in common with. Ask Stephen Allison.


Quote from: Pwilson on April 09, 2014, 12: AM
Quote from: SRMoore on April 08, 2014, 11: PM
I've continued to campaign in and around the Hart ward since I last stood for election there. It is a ward I know, I know the many of the people and, once our current house is sold, is the ward I will reside in. And I'll be campaigning there long after PHF have lost there and jump on another bandwagon elsewhere in town as they did with the gypsy camp.

You'd stand more chance of winning a vote if your party told Wells to join the party he actually supports.

Hartlepool Conservatives are Labour with blue ties and I'll never believe otherwise while Wells has his seat.

I don't ask anybody to vote Conservative, PWilson. All I ask is that you look at each candidate individually and vote for them by the answers they give you and their actions. I stand as a conservative because is my political view point and I am a member and supporter of the conservative party nationally.

It might be easier for me to stand as an independent or pretend to be a socialist but then I'd be lying and I try not to make a habit of doing that to people.


Let's have a series of public debates then Shane. In Hart, Clavering and Bishop Cuthbert.

Invite Fisher, you, me, which ever relative/friend of the Akers-Belchers they're putting up, and whoever else.

We could organise it through the residents associations executives. You know their names right?

You can talk about how the Tories supported and voted WITH Labour on their decision to put the gypsy site at Hart. (You could explain to people from Hart why they did that).

You can talk about how they've voted with Labour on EVERY SINGLE major issue in the council in recent years. (you could explain to people from Hart why they do that).

You can talk about how they've basically formed a coalition with Labour in exchange for 3 seats on the planning committee. (you could explain to people from Hart why they did that).

Go on fella. I'd love that.


According to you and Cllr Lilley there was not vote on choosing Hart as the preferred gypsy site. Which is it now?

I have absolutely no problem explaining anything to residents and I can easily quash the half truths you spin. I have no problem doing that and I have no problem then pointing out that you continue to attack me for the actions of others because you know that you can't attack me for the positive contribution I made before you bothered to turn up in the ward on the back of a band wagon to try your chances and the effort I continue to put it today as well as what you know I'll continue to do once you've rolled back out.

You claim to be standing on for the best interests of Hart but actually you are only standing as you believe that standing up in one meeting and shouting your mouth off has somehow elevated you superstardom in the ward and you along can overcome not only the nearly double (200) amount of votes it would take for PHF to come level with the base conservative vote but then go on to find another 300+ to get to Labours lowest amount of votes last time around.

You claim to want to put the beat interests of the people of Hart first and ensure they don't get another Labour councillor. Looks to me like you are going to hand Mrs Belcher and the Labour party exactly that.


Shane, you got about 150 more votes than us back in 2012. A lots changrd since then. Your parties brand has become toxic because your leaders have sold out to the Labour Party. The Akers-Belchers wont give a damn whether Labour, the conservatives or Fisher win because you will all do what you're told.

Nobody pulls my strings.


 Residents are right when they refer to you as the Nigel Farage of PHF. A one man band full of empty rhetoric and populist sound bites.

I've been quite straight here and answered the questions and false statements put to me so perhaps you'll do me the courtesy of actually answering something I put to you?

Why aren't you standing in your home ward of Burn Valley? The ward you stated on numerous occasions would be the only ward you would stand in and against Ged Hall. PHF (going on the 2012 elections have a head start on the Conservatives when it comes to a base vote. You clearly drew a line in the sand and challenged Ged Hall and vowed to stand against him, ridding the ward of the man who wronged you. Not up for the fight now? Or is that the plan for next year after your bandwagon rolls back out of Hart?

Lord Elpus

Moore your a knock out every ward you've ever stood in has always been where you're heart is and you will be moving to.

Hypocrite, The good people of Hart ward know what the Tory's did to them. I doubt they'll forget.


More lies Geoff. I understand you may need to run to the rescue of one of your own but don't lie in an attempt to deflect the argument.

"What the Tories did to them"? Once again attacking me on the actions of others. It would be very, very easy for me to do the same. Let us not forget that there was only one proposed site situated in a ward represented by a PHF councillor, your 'leader' non the less. When Throston was thrown out he claimed victory but the screenshots from angry residents show that he did nothing to support them
Quoteha councillor Dawkins did nothing to help Throston residents, we did it all ourselves... None of our councillors need thanking. All a pack of liars and in it for the money
So you can clearly see that in the one ward where PHF were expected to take an interest they did nothing. Yet when the wrong decision was made to put the site at Hart you were quick to jump all over it and play the hero.

The reality is that once again you failed to take an active part in the process and failed to propose an alternative site or another option altogether. Preferring instead to grandstand afterwards for political gain. Much like the majority of other decisions being made by council.

But I'm the hypocrite...


Hahaha the false statements put to you. Here, see how you get on answering these:

(1) Why did the Tories vote NOT to 'call in' the Gypsy site decision and have it brought back to full council?

(2) Why did the Tories have Briarsfield ruled out as a site due to land value, even though that's not actually allowed?

(3) Why do the local Tories support subsidised union members that costs the Hartlepool tax payer £100,000+ pa even though the national Tories have spent decades trying to destroy the unions?

(4) Why have the local Tories said literally NOTHING about the whole Manor Residents Association scandal?

(5) Why do the local Tories vote WITH Labour on literally every single major issue in council?

(6) Why do the Tories, who are typically supportive of heritage and conservation want to bulldoze Jacksons Landing?

(7) What do you think caused the local Tory leader to so vehemently support Akers-Belcher in ditching the local plan and push through the developments at Wynyard?

(8) Who was behind the proposal to sell the park lodge even though the council don't technically own it?

(9) Why did the chief solicitor Peter Devlin say to me that the tories were QUOTE "I'm coalition with Labour" in a meeting I had with him?

(10) What will you do if you DO get elected about standing to be an MP next year? Will you ditch 'your' residents in Hart to get on board the Westminster gravy train? 


Bless you, David. Still refusing to answer any question put to you. Enough said.

So much for being open and transparent... Just the same (if not worse) than those you claim to be better than.

Good luck in May, wherever you decide to stand.


anyways, as I was saying, and now backed up by the personal animosity between politicians above ......


Don't vote for the buggers, you're only encouraging them, red, blue, yellow, all you get is politicians

My father and mother would be turning in their grave if their hard, life-long sacrifices came down to numbchuck local self-serving politicians and national thieving, lying self-serving politicians


Dowager. Well said. They are ALL the same. Just different coloured rosettes. But some are worse than others. I find that political opportunists are the worst kind. A few of those about ATM.