Traveller Sites: Hart Village

Started by admin, August 07, 2013, 08: AM

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so is this for definite that the least favourable site will get the gypsy site or does it mean that it is more than likely that hart will get it??????? for once I am lost for words.. only in Hartlepool can a place of beauty or to be honest only here can a residential area get a gypsy site........ other towns/cities put there sites away from residential areas... and without upsetting some.. I thought if you were a traveller you moved about?? so why a permanent site.. is that just the same as crimdon happy valley.. glorified caravans now made into permanent homes.. where one pays ones council taxes.. or am I way off mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ALSO..SAB bragging how lovely and well done labour/Manor ward on not getting the gypsy site... how can he be so happy .. does he have nothing at all to do with who does get it?? guess not many councillors live in hart, so Is it a case of oh its ok its not on my doorstep


 >:(  Why would your local councillors not turn up to such an important meeting?
You can safely assume that the views of the people they supposedly represent mean nothing to them.
If I lived in Hart or any of the surrounding areas I would be furious.....
The people who have allowed your local hospital to be taken away have now dumped a massive load of 5hit on you.
They are a total disgrace... >:( >:(
'They don't like it up em'


The Inspectors name is Kevin Ward BA (Hons.) MRTPI

However, in correspondence from Mr Ward it states that all correspondence on the examination must be addressed to the Programme Officer at

Letter from Planning Inspector (worth a read)

Mr Mister

Jimmy Riddle..

Is he taking the p**s?


Don't be dragging up my nickname at school...  ;)

(*Fights off confidence destroying childhood flashbacks*)

Mr Mister

I want to know what the excuses of the three Councillors will be for not turning up.


The sites near Hart are the largest of any of the originally proposed areas.

The sites near Hart may well be worth more in terms of building land than any of the others.


Quote from: perseus on August 08, 2013, 08: PM
Allow me.

Paul Beck, Labour.

Jean Robinson, Labour and...

Keith Fisher, technically independent although widely perceived as in the pocket of Labour given his former membership of their party and the way he was easily neutered via a chair on the new committee system.

He may have got in via a campaign to 'save the hospital' (how's he doing with that by the way?) but where was he today as it was decided that a gypsy site would not only be potentially built on your ward, but potentially it could cost the Hartlepool tax payer around a quarter of a million quid to build?

It might be an idea to ask him.

Keith Fisher........ Busy picking up his 30 pieces of silver >:(
'They don't like it up em'

clavering codhead

Never heard a thing from Fisher since he was elected, more the pity as I voted for him, and walked through town in the hope of keeping our hospital open.

Jean is woefully out of her depth and will do as she is told to keep her holiday fund (allowance).

Beck is just a wannabe, he wants to be liked, wants to be popular, don't think this decision will help, he stands outside of Clavering school trying to talk to people, always seems to be standing near the female police officer so he has someone to hide behind.

Hope they all lose their seats at the next election.


I was wondering how many gypsies and/or travellers were living in Britain today.

The government doesn`t have much of a clue either.

The following website (which may be of interest) suggests that there may be between 120 thousand and 300 thousand.

Taking the lower figure of 120,000 in a total national population of say 60 million suggests that Hartlepool should make provision for some 180 travellers.

At the end of the day the travellers might not wish to come here.   


Quote from: rabbit on August 09, 2013, 03: PM

At the end of the day the travellers might not wish to come here.   

I hope you are right....... But there are plenty of so called travellers just up the road in Thornley, it could be that some of them like the idea of a new site and travel the short distance to come to Hartlepool
'They don't like it up em'


Quote from: rabbit on August 09, 2013, 03: PM
At the end of the day the travellers might not wish to come here.   

The Council have a history of 'build it and they will come' thinking.
If I read this right they do not intend to do anything more than designate the land as a gypsy site and hope that this will get them out of the hole. However someone mentioned that once a site is designated then travellers can turn up at any time and demand (and get by law) facilities. Again I heard that the Council do not intend to apply for currently available Government Grants to convert the land and this grant is time limited. This means if travellers turn up after the grant runs out the whole of the cost falls on the council.
Is that right?
If so I see a very expensive bluff that could (and most certainly will) be called.  If the vocal  'I know my rights' travellers turn up  the Councils own 'One legged BLT(sic) ethnic minority single mother with aids' Equality Department will make sure  no expense will be too much for this oppressed minority.


The potential sites are not actually for travelling gypsy & traveller families per se.
Hartlepool is required to build 6-10 plots because the last census (I believe) identified 6 families currently living in Hartlepool who identify themselves as of gypsy or traveller ethnicity. Therefor HBC must have a plan in place to house these families should they decide to go 'travelling' (2 miles to the other side of town) again. I sh*t you not!

What about the travelling gypsies that regularly turn up at B&Q then? Well, apparently they only come to Hartlepool to visit the gypsy families in the town (again I sh*t you not, this is what wlthe public were told by council officers at Miers Avenue) so HBC have allocated an extra bit of land, a driveway if you like, next to each of the 6-10 plots so that the visiting gypsies can park there.
Though the same council officer also admitted that the travelling gypsies would still use the B&Q sites regardless, so fair play to him for being honest.

So the proposed gypsy & traveller sites won't be built unless one of the 6-10 gypsy families in Hartlepool come forward and say 'I want to give up my house and live in a caravan and I want the taxpayers to pay for it'.

That isn't going happen, right?


Well i am is a disgrace that the Hart Councillors didn't even bother to turn up. An absolute disgrace. I hope they are reading the comments on the Mail article and realise what a c**k up they have made. Say goodbye to your ward!!!!! Idiots.

The residents of Clavering, Bishop Cuthbert and Hart should stick together and fight the council to the last over this. I think it is a ludicrous decision, you know what the gypsies are like - if they see something they are taking it. Everything will need to be nailed down, CCTV on, barbed wire on the fence...! We haven't worked hard to buy a relatively expensive house, in a nice area, and pay a higher council tax band, to be subjected to this.

There will be serious trouble *shakes fist*

Mr Mister

Anyone wanna buy a caravan?