Dot Page-come dine with me-Hartlepools finest.

Started by The Great Dictator, June 10, 2012, 11: AM

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The Great Dictator       

Looks like our TV chick Dotty has a skeleton in the cupboard.

You would have thought Channel 4 would have done their homework wouldn't you ?

Maybe that's where she got her table manners from  :-[

christine blakey

Please can you tell what the homework is about as I cannot open it.

The Great Dictator


dot is listed on the bnp members list as an "activist"

The Great Dictator

She is indeed, is that why she never made Black Pudding ?


dont really care if she is an activist or not to be honest, if she appeared at your door trying to get you to join i hardly think she would be inundated with wannabe members

The Great Dictator

Not with those table manners she wouldn't !

Stig of the Seaton Dump

I noticed a e-mail address on that list that appropriate use ?
I don't believe it.

The Great Dictator


I found the  and also noticed a hartlepool member with

testing times

I don't think that means they work for Tesco. Doesn't Tesco offer it's own Broadband service?


ahhhh, makes sense. I'm not too technologically advanced  ;D


That's OK. If their self-service tills are anything to go by - neither are Tesco.  ;)
Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.

Lucy Lass-Tick

I seem to be able to leave a wake of chaos at the ordinary till, never mind the self service ones - a surreal little insight into their secret life.... 8)