Not just the kremlin then

Started by kevplumb, January 11, 2017, 12: PM

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A councillor is an elected representative of their ward, not their political party!
Councils need communities but communities don't need councils
Party politics have no place in local goverment


Biting the hand that feeds etc.....will never happen- most of the clowncillers are completely gutless.


Quote from: kevplumb on January 11, 2017, 12: PM
pity our lot don't do something

This is in effect the UKIP tactic. Say nowt do nowt  because that way you can be all things to all men. It is only by turning up and forcing the cabbages to get on their feet and explain themselves that we can  see how dumb they are.


The labour group would be delighted if myself and others boycotted the meeting. We routinely have questions, motions etc rejected on frivolous grounds. As do members of the public with their questions being rejected.

We have far more sophisticated tactics than boycotting the meetings.

As I've said before, Labours attempts to silence the likes of myself and Paul are very easy to circumnavigate.

Take for example labours pitiful attempt to limit contributions to debate to 3 minutes.

I'm pretty sure I 'debated' the MRA issue for 12 minutes plus MYSELF last month. . . Labours front bench in Hartlepool aren't very clever. Whatever they try to do the stifle the opposition is easily tackled.

Assuming a person of course has the will to tackle it.


I didn't necessarily mean a boycott  just some show of unrest if you like
and not just the opposition I meant the performing seals as well
A councillor is an elected representative of their ward, not their political party!
Councils need communities but communities don't need councils
Party politics have no place in local goverment


I'm not sure the 'performing seals' have the will. UKIPs tactic seems to be to sit tight and do nothing in the hope the public continue to vote for them.


Ahh the theory that if you do nothing you can't do nothing wrong  >:(
but then so does a lot of what goes on in this town
A councillor is an elected representative of their ward, not their political party!
Councils need communities but communities don't need councils
Party politics have no place in local goverment


Don`t put the blame on UKIP councillors, we are dumbfounded that you keep voting for Labour in Hartlepool, you didn`t care then that your fishing industry went down the pan and fishing boats had to be scrapped with thousands out of work across the country,fishing family`s ruined. You embraced unlimited migration, You embrace unlimited welfare, You embraced 24 hour drinking which has devastated families, and individuals alike, even the Labour biased church said don`t do this madness, you embraced crack cocaine gambling machines, all introduced by Tony Blair and new Labour, The lies he told to the British people over weapons of mass distruction, Labour`s love in with the Asian voter culminating with the Rotherham Asian rape gangs, and sadly you still don`t get it, i will say it again as i have said before in the council chamber, Labour will not take responsibility for anything.
Hartlepool`s chosen champion Mr. Corbyn still cant make up his mind on immigration, well he can`t he would then have to admit  have to admit Labour were wrong and that they couldn`t do. Responsibility you see.


Well David you can always spout a lot of hot air,in the chamber looks good sounds good but what have you achieved, i remember you and your comrades, wished to remove one SAB as Mayor, not once, not twice, but three times, what happened well nothing really a firework that didn`t go off. your latest outburst re let me get this correct you alluded to councillors in the chamber as corrupt and physcologicaly flawed, you even made derogatory comments on Christopher and Stephens wedding on this very forum. What was your derogatory comment the colour of their trousers and this forum lapped it up. and after what i heard in a meeting today don`t you ever get on your moral high ground with me.


Quote from: beanzontoastWell David you can always spout a lot of hot air in the chamber looks good sounds good but what have you achieved, i remember you and your comrades, wished to remove one SAB as Mayor, not once, not twice, but three times, what happened well nothing really a firework that didn`t go off.

why didn't you back him up then?
A councillor is an elected representative of their ward, not their political party!
Councils need communities but communities don't need councils
Party politics have no place in local goverment


The attempts to get shot of SAB made local and national headlines. In any other 'normal' authority he would have resigned or been made to by his national party. But not in Hartlepool.

I'm not even going to waste time commenting on your semi-racist ramble about Muslims. It's beneath contempt.

As for CAB he wouldn't BE a councillor today if YOU had gotten your act together and sorted out Darren Prices postal votes properly.

YOU, Tom Hind were given that responsibility right? Did you even get the postal vote letter out?

As for you reference to something you were told in a meeting about me, I've had to fend off rumours and/or ignore them since I was elected. Some of them absolutely vile.


Quote from: beanzontoast on January 11, 2017, 10: PM
Don`t put the blame on UKIP councillors, we are dumbfounded that you keep voting for Labour in Hartlepool, you didn`t care then that your fishing industry went down the pan and fishing boats had to be scrapped with thousands out of work across the country,fishing family`s ruined. You embraced unlimited migration, You embrace unlimited welfare, You embraced 24 hour drinking which has devastated families, and individuals alike, even the Labour biased church said don`t do this madness, you embraced crack cocaine gambling machines, all introduced by Tony Blair and new Labour, The lies he told to the British people over weapons of mass distruction, Labour`s love in with the Asian voter culminating with the Rotherham Asian rape gangs, and sadly you still don`t get it, i will say it again as i have said before in the council chamber, Labour will not take responsibility for anything.
Hartlepool`s chosen champion Mr. Corbyn still cant make up his mind on immigration, well he can`t he would then have to admit  have to admit Labour were wrong and that they couldn`t do. Responsibility you see.

Proof positive Tom is a bong-eyed fruitcake-looney immigration obsessed individual who believes there are 'Reds' under the flowerbeds in his garden.

Tom is at about the level of this deluded m**r*n:


Quote from: beanzontoast on January 11, 2017, 10: PM
What was your derogatory comment the colour of their trousers and this forum lapped it up. and after what i heard in a meeting today don`t you ever get on your moral high ground with me.

'Sh*it brown' I believe the term was. Thanks for confirming you are a  preputial sphincter.


My comment referenced Boyzone and Montgomery I think. Not poo.

Lord Elpus

Quote from: beanzontoast on January 11, 2017, 10: PM
Well David you can always spout a lot of hot air,in the chamber looks good sounds good but what have you achieved, i remember you and your comrades, wished to remove one SAB as Mayor, not once, not twice, but three times, what happened well nothing really a firework that didn`t go off. your latest outburst re let me get this correct you alluded to councillors in the chamber as corrupt and physcologicaly flawed, you even made derogatory comments on Christopher and Stephens wedding on this very forum. What was your derogatory comment the colour of their trousers and this forum lapped it up. and after what i heard in a meeting today don`t you ever get on your moral high ground with me.

Tom, are you pished when you write this tripe?