What if.............

Started by mk1, June 01, 2015, 06: PM

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I was just wondering. If we had a hypothetical situation where a power-crazed egotistical leader decided to misuse money he collected for 'chariddee' how would he go about it.
Let us look at the current football situation.
Say we had a man consumed by an inflated opinion of his standing (let us call him Sab Fatter) who commanded all his underlings to toil on his behalf to raise money for one-legged lesbian black footballers in Saudi Arabia. Perhaps he  managed to extort 10000  pink shekels by promising  his filth-dumping/property speculator mates light-touch regulation on all future  planning matters.
Would this money be held by him personally or would it be held by an outside body?
Would any  charity donations/cheques be made out to him?
Would Sab Fatter have this money as his own personal money to do with as he pleases or has anyone else any say in the matter?
Would the money be held by him and thus would he be able to claim the interest on it?
As I say pure speculation about Sab Fatter and nothing at all to do with how our own fine body of elected councillors behave.


Johnny Bongo

I would assume that if it is a registered charity (it should be, if it's 'above board'!) then the accounts, etc, would be available to the public, along with the names of any trustees ::).  Maybe someone at the Civic Centre has more information on these matters...perhaps one or two local councillors ;)

fred c

I asked the question at a full council meeting about the costs of Handsome Lying Ste`s charity work to HBC, the reply was the usual woffle, it is the norm that the mayor has access to HBC staff for normal mayoral duties bah blah blah.

Since the abolition of verball questions it is very rare to get an actual answer out of The Mob, Calamity Chris usually replies to questions in a monotone barely audile drone.

Despite all of that, the points made by mk1 would make an interesting question for full council, The Fat Boy has used the name of Hartlepool is his charity often enough & it would appear that HBC staff have neen involved in his charity endevours, I would have thought it perfect legitimate to pose questions on the matter.

As Johnny Bongo also points out, if it is a registered charity & as he also says,"It Should Be" there will be registered accounts going back to the start of his 3 years as mayor..... those accounts should be available to public scrutiny.

testing times

One of the frustrations of all this is appreciating that we are dealing with an alternative view of reality. If you transpose events into normality then the matter becomes quite clear cut.

Stephen Akers-Belcher is a proven liar and he's vindictive with it. He was sacked for lying about the reasons for his absence from his job and there have been suggestions that he was sacked from a previous job for fiddling his time sheets and claiming to have worked more hours than he actually did. He went on to claim expenses for his Portsmouth trip even though he was already claiming a days pay from Newcastle City Council; he fabricated disgraceful claims against Newcastle Council, lied about being too ill to attend an industrial tribunal and still maintains in all of this that he has done nothing wrong.

In the normal world where the rest of us live, would anyone trust such a person to be involved in the collection of charitable money?


Household thing for the AB family being dismissed.

What's happening with the other ones sickness? He back at work yet, or another who claiming to be unable to work but out about on jollies

Land Phil

Makes you wonder about past lies we are not aware of and just how honest the reasons for past compensation payouts were.


Such a shame these comments won't  be printed in the mail isn't  it,then you would think that a good majority of the people who voted these 2 odious gentlemen in, would begin to understand what a mistake they made.

fred c

I have it on good authority that.......

The Mayors charitable endevours are "Not Registered" as a Charity with the Charity Commision & this appears to be correct