What Hartlepool Needs

Started by Jamescampbell78, April 04, 2014, 08: PM

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You will anyways if Politicians get their way ....  so pre-empt the buggers.

I'm begining to think that you are a whole lot of wind and no substance Mr Kenny, and I don't even know who you are .... not a word of positivity comes from your gut


Extremes never get elected. That is not because their is some great conspiracy to deny them power but because ordinary people are frightend by extremes.
You will never ever get elected and thus have to construct a parallel universe where you are gifted office.

Enjoy your time in the wilderness.

for fawkes sake

Yes let's do away with politicians, councils and Government by not voting. Let's do away with the law and taxes (3 cheers). We'll replace them all with anarchy and the survival of the fittest.

People will solve matters themselves by getting together in small communities and by making their own decisions.

Well actually, no.

They'll find that not all of them can agree on what should be done so they will then decide that instead they should do what most of them think should be done.

How would they know that? - well they would have to vote on it wouldn't they.

Then they would decide they had too much to do to spend all day making decisions and voting on what they should all do so they'll off-load the responsibility onto someone else who would do it for them.

How would they do that? Well they'd elect someone.
"Remember, remember the fifth of November.
Gunpowder, Treason and Plot.
I see no reason why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot."



Bit like Politicians, today in particular, you DON'T GET IT.

Politicians are slowly, slowly, slowly becoming unelectable, NOBODY trust them, that is now reflected in local politicians, people who WERE traditionally trusted.

People don't trust local politicians either, PARTICULARLY in Hartlepool

Don't vote for the buggers, you only get politicians,  who THE PEOPLE don't trust.

Blue, Red or Yellow, all you get is self-serving, thieving, corrupt politicians, nationally, and increasingly, locally

Inspector Knacker

Brave new worlds soon descend into mobs with torches
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


Depends what books you've been reading Riddler. Agree nature abhors a vacuum and if the day comes when it all looks like it's going tits up for the establishment there'll be those who'll have their new icons and leaders lined up ready to steam in and save the country.

This is why you often have revolution and counter revolution in quick succession.

Inspector Knacker

....and counter revolutions are usually worse than the original revolution. People want peace...not the demented turmoil of some political obsessives acting out their sad fantasies at a human cost.
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


If the Hartlepool Vision had been structured like the OP but with an action plan under each point and no video/artists impression then I'd be singing the praise of the current Labour group.

But what instead you have is waffle versus pragmatic common sense from people who don't have to think about this stuff for a living.

Prosperity is chicken and egg, but I would place a sizable bet that if an expensive store like John Lewis opened in the town centre more smaller shops would follow. People would think I can't afford to shop in these places but I want to.

That major employer who has been given a massive rates reduction and easy planning would begin hiring. 

They'd look for work, some would find low skilled work, others would motivate their teens to focus on apprentiships, the colleges of the town would end up having to cater for more inspired adults, this of course would create more jobs.

People would become entrepenurial and start setting up their own firms, new businesses would be born and new lesssons learned.

All that planning permission for houses would become welcome as Hartlepool becomes a place to be not a place to leave.

Private firms would pump cash into the leisure sector, HBC would be managed by those who embrace change and modernity not cling bitterly to a past that never was and the town would thrive as the place to be in the North East.

Sure I'll admit some of that post is a bit of a stretch but none of it impossible and its a lot more possible in small chunks than some random redevelopment of a failed retail venue, especially if you've got the drive and the right people to deliver change while bringing the whole town along for the journey. We should aim for the stars then even the shots that miss will end up higher than some would dream.