
Started by Disgruntled voter, October 29, 2017, 09: PM

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Disgruntled voter

Who does this description remind you of ? Replace the word congregation with labour council and faith with labour ethics

A Culture of Secrets: Because Covert Narcissistic Personality Disordered leaders in congregations are highly manipulative in ways that do not fit with the faith, they tend to foster a great deal of secretiveness in their decisions, dealings, and interactions. It will give the feeling that there are things you are 'missing' but cannot put your finger on. There is an overall lack of transparency, with the feeling that many decisions and actions are made in private deals and conversations that bypass the official protocols.

A Negative Atmosphere: There will be either a shallow sense of joy and purpose, a sense of deadness, or outright negativity in the larger congregation. There may be pessimism that any new idea can work (usually an effect of the only ideas that are seen as valid and good are the NPD's ideas). Or, there may be a plethora of special interest in-fighting between ministry groups (NPD's seem to enjoy pitting people against each other). Still yet, there may be predictable campaigns against perceived enemies of the NPD leader. Once one enemy is eliminated, the NPD leader will predictably find a new enemy to purge, and yet another and another until the congregation is a mere shell of its former vibrancy.

People Walk on Eggshells: The closer the individual is in function to the NPD leader, the greater there will be a sense that they are 'walking on eggshells'. There will be avoidance of speaking about the NPD individual, or the NPD's issues or failings, there will be eye rolling when the NPD is mentioned, or a spooky silence.

Imbalance of Power: There will be a clear imbalance of power; if the NPD is the pastor, the congregational council or other elder leaders will be quite impotent and only serve as seat fillers to required positions. The NPD individual will be the puppeteer to the other leadership. If the NPD person is not the pastor, their committee or area of responsibility will gain an uncanny centrality to the congregation. For example, educational programming decisions or new ministry developments having to be approved by the property board.

Check and Balance Bodies Are Dying or Dead: Committees or boards that are supposed to be the ones responsible for oversight and supervision of staff are essentially non-functional or simply rubber stamp approve what the NPD leader wants. For example, a Staff-Parish Relations Committee that is 'in the back pocket' of the NPD leader; they would not dare to challenge the NPD person.

Group-Think Predominates: There is a strong tendency for any committee or individual to avoid any conflict or open difficult discussion at any cost. The group simply ratifies anything that the NPD leader wants, and even goes to work to keep others 'in line' by being the 'axe-men' for the NPD leader.

Strong Avoidance of Mention: No one is willing to speak up about the eight hundred pound gorilla in the room; the NPD leader may be doing outrageous things and the congregation may be in dire straits, but no one mentions the problems at all.

Rumor and Gossip are Rampant: Though the NPD leader is likely to rail against talk behind their back (some of which may be quite true), the NPD leader has created a culture in which non-transparent communication is the norm. The NPD leader may preach vehemently against rumor and gossip, all the while being a major producer of the same.

Communication Is a Mess: There is no consistent method of communication flow; there is confusion of what information is private, confidential, general knowledge, or public. There are no clear norms about how information is managed. Triangulation, the habit of not communicating openly and honestly face to face between two people, but communicating through a third party is common. Communication is not clear; it is covert, vague, and often very confusing.

Tone of Intolerance: Despite the well-crafted 'Christian speak', there is an uncomfortable sense that there is an unstated intolerance of particular classes of people, or those 'outside' the sphere of influence of the NPD leader are not worth the effort to even address. There may be occasional 'leakage' of shocking levels of intolerance, such as the NPD leader openly derisive of a class of people, other denomination or religion, or politic.

Vision and Mission are Disorganized: The effect of an NPD leader in a congregation is that the entire congregational effort gets tainted with the toxicity of the NPD style of interacting with others. This skews the central mission and blurs the vision of a congregation. The tell-tale signs will be an inconsistent vision, mission statements that are laughable in light of the functioning of the congregation, and frequently stated plans that never reach fruition, or run off the rails soon after decided upon.

Good People Disappear: Congregations that have an NPD leader will methodically lose good, skilled, and motivated people; they just don't hang around for the abuse that NPD leaders mete out or tolerate the frustration of fighting the devil right inside the Church.

The Backdoor is Wide Open: There will be a constant hemorrhage of members leaving via the 'back door'. People leave quietly to get away from the sick (and ultimately dying) congregation. There will be no one doing follow up on these departures, because everyone already knows why people are leaving, but no one will talk about it. Meanwhile, the few new members will be celebrated with great attention.


couldn't have put it better myself
sums it up to a tee  ;)
A councillor is an elected representative of their ward, not their political party!
Councils need communities but communities don't need councils
Party politics have no place in local goverment

Inspector Knacker

The obvious remedy to the problem of the self important, strutting narcacsist is for the 'congregation' to act like adults not whimpering followers. Till that happens, the 'congregation'  deserve all they get.
Unfortunately, this spills over and effects those outside the 'congregation' because of the 'congregations' timidity.
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.

fred c

Can't argue with that description, unfortunately there's more than one suffering from NPD within the ruling coalition.