Xmas Tree Lampooned on Wright Stuff

Started by craig finton, December 14, 2015, 01: PM

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craig finton

The state of Hartlepool's Xmas Tree in Church Square was lampooned on this morning The Wright Stuff. Someone had sent in a pic showing the lack of lights. In fact, it was so bad I wondered if someone had half-inched them - can't imagine Joey was paid £7,000 to switch on about 5 lights.


I haven't been down to see them simply because of the detrimental remarks from those I heard who did go. Most I've heard said that it wasn't worth going and that th y wouldn't go again ever. It was embarrassing to see such an unimpressive display in this once proud town. It would have been better not to have had one at all.

I guess that this means even more money wasted by this Council.


Matthew Wright was actually in town over the weekend watching a gig involving one of his favourite bands. There's every possibility he saw the tree first hand.

Inspector Knacker

The town centre lights are embarrassing. Did the fee for the celeb exceed the cost of the actual decorations ? It really has come to a sorry state of affairs when the celeb is the star and the lights are part of the support cast.
Can someone explain how neighbouring authorities of all political persuasions can put on better and more imaginative displays despite having the same restraints ?
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.

fred c

I can only think it has something to do with the egotistical Visions / Masterplans of the ruling cadre, they massively exaggerate these Pie in The Sky, delusionary non events & the Christmas Lights has obviously become part of them.

They trot them out on every possible occasion, Cranney did it on Thursday night whilst making an a**e of himself attempting to answer D Riddells question.

I think they actually believe their own propaganda, after all if you don`t convince yourself, how can you be expected to convince anyone else ?