HartlepoolPost Forum

Politics => Local Issues and Matters => Topic started by: danny_boy on January 24, 2013, 08: PM

Title: outage
Post by: danny_boy on January 24, 2013, 08: PM
Hi All

Just to let you know that the server transfer is just about complete. It took longer than expected (don't these things always) and there'll be a while yet when odd things crop up and minor irritations which I'll deal with as I can. The Google ads don't seem to be working at the moment and I've notice that the latest forum posts on the front page doesn't seem to be updating as it should. There'll be other things too, I'm sure.

That last outage earlier this evening was actually a power cut here in Seaham which took the server down completely so I'll have to sort a UPS out in case it happens again.

Just to be clear. I haven't managed to do away with the risk of DDOS attacks but we will be able to bring the site back up more or less straight away when they occur making continuous DDOS attacks a bit pointless.