lucky for some

Started by marky, April 14, 2012, 11: AM

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Inspector Knacker

Why do they always promise 'up to a thousand jobs'.....? Always the bridesmaid. ::)
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.

Lord Elpus

Way back in 2003 Greenpeace commissioned a report focusing on the opportunities for the North East and the renewable energy sector;

Drummond and senior HBC Officer were sent a copy.  We should have been ahead of the game instead we've been an also ran.  One North East also failed us miserably on this golden opportunity.


One North East were too busy being hoodwinked by Able UK.

Remember the headlines in the Mail about 'Return of the Shipyard', 400, 500, 800 and finally 1,000 Job down a Graythorpe???

Apart from the fact that all the people who actually know how to build ships are retired or dead, how was this return to happen, maybe bring in a load of Koreans?

I wonder how many people are working at Graythorpe now??? Certainly not 1,000!
How many of them are British???
How many of them who are not British are housed in the decommissioned accommodation units that have come back onshore from old platforms???

It was heralded at the time by a well known paragon of honest business 'Stig of the dump' as a future major contributor to the local economy?

It was highlighted at the same time as being a complete fairy story designed to get tax payers money to fund the ambitions of a privately owned business???

Funny the Fail never followed up on the many 'stories' it published in support of the project, apart from once, after Able UK got its planning permission there was a banner headline along the lines of 'Now bring on the Jobs'!

1,000 'highly skilled' jobs did not come, the Fail got rid of its journalists and hired some kids to trawl the internet for stories, our MP Mr Carpetbagger who was know to Stig, became a 'Europe Man' and crawled away!


is it legal for workers to be housed on a site?


It would be very interesting to re-visit some of these stories and compare the actual outcome with the initial sales pitch.
Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.


Staff are not housed in the block at all.

They are all housed in the various B&B in Seaton and around the town.

Most of the workers on the rig renovations are Scots and most of the workers cutting up ships seem to be from the Boro and Stockton.
There is a tiny, tiny amount of workers from abroad but I can only think of two.

The block is used for offices and canteen and serve a great breakfast too.

Stig of the Seaton Dump

I am not the stig mentioned  :)

I don't believe it.