Private Eye

Started by Lord Elpus, April 04, 2012, 08: AM

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Lucy Lass-Tick

Quote from: for fawkes sake on April 06, 2012, 03: PM
Strange to find that it had sold out when I tried to buy a copy. Is this a sign, I ask?

Most strange...there's usually a couple left on the shelves even when the new one is due out...


I'm expecting this to be picked up by the Northern Echo some time next week.
Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.

fred c

I wouldn't be at all surprised if The Echo does run with something on this.

Julie noted

I find it strange that 'cookingfat' can be arrested and out into the cells for 8 hours for a fatuous complaint by 'it', and yet, knowing this site is monitored by Cleveland's finest????, NOTHING has been done to investigate the documentation alleged to show the financial records of the Kilmarnock Road bunch.  ???
Will this end up as yet another police force investigating why Cleveland police didn't carry out an investigation into the alleged strange financial affairs?
Why are they quick off the blocks for some things and reticent in others?  :o

for fawkes sake

A very good point, Julie and one many people are trying to fathom. It may well hinge on whether or not an actual complaint has been made. What does seem to be clear is that the Mail/Labour alliance has chosen to suppress the story as much as possible. It would not involve much effort on the part of The Mail to take a look at the accounts lodged with the Charity Commission and they would only have to see the first two years to know that a rabbit was afoot.

Personally, I can't help but think that the frequent appearences of the three Owton Labour candidates in the paper is deliberately designed to counter any negative publicity.
"Remember, remember the fifth of November.
Gunpowder, Treason and Plot.
I see no reason why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot."


Julie noted and ffs, agreed! The lack of action stinks.

It would seem Hartlepool is run by these 3.

The are in positions to influence decision making, they are deciding where the money goes, they are in receipt of said monies?

How the rubber duck to they get away with it????

Lucy Lass-Tick

If anyone is still trying to get a copy of Private Eye, Sainsbury's on Seaton Lane have some on display.

Greg X

I don't buy the Mail but read it at the In-Laws when we go there. I cannot ever remember reading any 'journalism' - only reports, sob stories and the usual red-top drivel.
The sad fact is that local papers cannot afford to offend anyone. Especially where the main protagonist of a good story is the source of much of its copy and a large percentage of its advertising revenue.
Hopefully if the regional press or TV go with a story the local rag will at least have to report on it - if not have an opinion or actively investigate.

Thank God for the Eye - should be compulsory reading

The Great Dictator

When joy yates started 5 years ago i told her that if she didn't personalise the paper she would be replaced by a cd-rom. I wasn't far wrong, it could be edited by predictive text now or an office junior, they have no journalists just £6 an hour 2nd hand news gatherers.