Wright is wrong--he must go

Started by grim reaper, April 15, 2014, 01: PM

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grim reaper

Our brainwashed MP is at it again.  ::)
Two weeks ago he stated the nasty Tory party cuts were making the 'poor' people of Hartlepool resort to 'food banks' to live.  :o

Days later he complained that the Tory Govt. were failing to control betting shop 'one arm bandits', as the 'poor' people of the town were spending £22,000 (or thereabouts) a day on them.  :o  ::)

Hey, dipstick; If the 'poor' people of the town have £22,000 a day to spend on gambling, then they are CHOOSING not to spend it on food.

Now he states the Tory Govt. and its 'cut backs' has made the crime figures in the town rise, as the 'poor' people can't find the money to live any other way.

Instead of finding excuses for the criminal fraternity and blaming the Tory Govt., why doesn't he tell the 'poor' people to stop using the gambling machines and spend the £22,000 a day on food and real life purchases?  ???

Even the police stated it isn't down to 'poor' people being unable to eat, more a case of the magistrates not handing out severe enough punishments to dissuade them from crime.

Our MP is nothing more than a disgrace to the town and, like the rest of the Labour politicians, does nothing positive for the town or country, they just keep looking for ways to snipe at the Govt.

Which is exactly why Hartlepool can't move forward; Labour point scoring rather than bringing something tangible to the town.

I only hope the almost 70% that don't vote turn out over the next 12 months and help us to bump start a new Hartlepool.


Any member of this forum would be an improvement on Wright as MP.


Saw Wright  at the Labour building in South Road last week. His female companion parked the big 4x4 in the car park of the Adult Centre over the road.


A thieving heroin addict would be an improvement on Wright.

Inspector Knacker

He really is our MP....? I always thought he was the longest running April Fools joke....
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


Well someone voted him in didn't they?

Inspector Knacker

Of course they did....but you have to question their reasoning. But...... the problem is where people vote for the party and not the candidate...as well as voting for the party who'll protect their perceived interests. ...... and this is what you get.
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


 >:( Apart from the fact that he does nowt for the town............. >:(

He should be turfed out purely and simply for his unforgivable involvement in the closure of our hospital.

Unfortunately regardless of how useless he is, people will still vote for him >:(
'They don't like it up em'

craig finton

Wright is such a dead loss that if he was ever going to get voted out he would have gone by now. The walking dead will vote him back in I'm sure.


I honestly don't know what the point of Ian Wright is. I can't think of anything he can personally claim as having done for the town. When the Tories are in he just blames everything on them; when Labour are in its just one excuse after another. All we are offered is a slim hope that one day, for no particular reason, things will get better and there will be more jobs to go round and I don't mean bar jobs or latte-making jobs in Hartlepool's thriving 'café culture'.

Inspector Knacker

He's the ideal party foot soldier... never strays from the script and a safe pair of hands the party can rely on. He's a lightweight babysitter of his core vote.... just keep up the folksy profile and return the  seat to the fold and your safe.... sadly!
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.

grim reaper

My biggest dislike for this disgusting hypocrite of a MP is his stance on;
a) OUR hospital and
b) the Manor Residents debacle and his lack of support for those employees working for less than the legal minimum wage.  >:(

Wright and his stooges in the Civic crow about the loss of 'poor' peoples standard of living, due to the nasty Tory party and here they are, failing to support people of this town, that no doubt have voted Labour all of their lives.
That's some reward for Lynda and her friends and the rest of us.  >:(

Maybe NOW they will realise that a vote for Labour in this town is a vote for people to remain under the yoke.  >:(

Forget all of the bluster about 'food banks'; 'Rifty buses'; Extra swimming lessons for kids etc.  ::)
When it came to the crunch and Labour voters of this town NEEDED true Labour support, they turned their backs on the residents of the town and the employees of Manor Residents.  >:(

I only hope Lynda and her friends are letting Owton Manor residents see through the hype and two-faced nature of our so-called MP and those 'chancers' in the Civic, currently running our town into the mire.

Please, vote them OUT!