Goodwill to all men-as long as they are divisive racist looneys.

Started by mk1, December 25, 2016, 04: PM

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Hey mk, happy Christmas and all that, but as we move into 2017 can I politely ask you to spend a bit more of you obviously generous amount of free time in doing a lot more reading/research/investigation into :-  world politics.. .history..  .religion.. .phobias.. .economics....etc

Your view of the world is so, so, so short of reality that it's almost charming in its naivety. Sat behind your laptop, and comfy in your armchair, and with your subscription to the Guardian, you clearly see the world in black and white tones that normal people eschewed long ago.
You are a numpty of the first order and I sincerely hope this coming year you either wake-up and smell the coffee, or if you can't, then at least disable your modem and give us all a rest from your infantile ramblings.