Turned out nice again.

Started by Inspector Knacker, December 13, 2019, 06: AM

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Inspector Knacker

You can tell you don't drive.
Roads into all towns and cities are inevitably a dead end, the distance of Hartlepool from the A19 is neither here nor there, it's about how quickly you can get in and out.
I drive into several towns and cities adjoining the motorway system across the country, but the fun starts when you try to get into them. Portsmouth has it the M27 on it 's doorstep and a a motorway spur virtually into the city, then the fun begins.
Your 'expert knowledge'  appears to be based on Dickensian Stagecoach schedules for 1858 riding up the old Great North Road via Stamford complete with horses and dogs and local all celebrating it arrival  like some Xmas card scene.
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


What part of "from Greatham" did you forget about? ;)
The Morons seemed to have gone but so have the normals.....


Quote from: mk1 on December 18, 2019, 12: PM

I see clearly what others wish to forget-that they made a huge  effort to unseat Hill and were supremely  cocksure they were going to win. When reality dawned and they found they were beaten (into third, a no-show Tory even beat them!) they desperately looked for an excuse to show that they did not really lose after all. Yet again Farage did not get a single MP elected anywhere. If Tice had won you would not be saying it was insignificant so don't try and pretend otherwise.
I am not the only one who noticed this:

Forever to be known as Brories (by me anyway).


Quote from: stokoe on December 19, 2019, 02: PM
Eddy so do you think Thornbury would be the choice?

Am not sure on any of them at the mo, I dont know enough about each to make an informed view.  I know Rebbeca LB is being anointed as Corbyns heir apparent which really worries me (see previous notes on not fixing the hole in the ship).

People keep saying the like of Blair would bury Johnson, I dont think there is much to be gained reviving the new labour brand as its far too tarnished however we clearly need someone more in the middle. 

At the very least we need someone who the Mail and Sun cant spend the next 5 years completing a character assassination on, so someone who has flown below the radar or generally stayed out of trouble during their career.  The character assassination will happen regardless, but it makes it harder to complete.  Its not without a sense of irony either, given the veritable graveyard of skeltons that likely lurk in Mr Johnsons closet 


Quote from: Hubris on December 18, 2019, 02: PM

When by this afternoon you give yourself a gold star for breaking through the 5800 barrier, you will not only have individually sent in more posts than all the other posters together ever have, but when I went back through them all and measured your voluminous inputs (not just in numbers but in inches) if they were all laid end to end they would stretch from the Bull and Dog to Wolviston roundabout. And your collective YouTube clips would fill a good sized box-set.
All hail our Guru!

You have been singing that same same song for years now. 

Quote from: Hubris on June 26, 2016, 09: PM
I'll start this post titled 'referendum' with a little teaser.
Anyone want to have a stab at explaining the significance of a number?
It's 2.017
Any ideas?
Well it's the frequency of posts/day from mk1
3K odd since his first in 2012
Quite an impressive achievement. Trouble is in life there is often no correlation between quantity and quality.
Since discovering Hartlepool Post and realising how great it was to keep up to speed within the context of it's remit (to play the honest broker on the parlous state of our town's dysfunctional leadership) I was always an avid reader and even sometime poster.
However, recently I have become less and less and less inclined to even bother opening the site and view the latest offerings as it now seems to be just a never-ending, boring, predictable loop of mk1s ramblings that have little merit, little logic and even less insight.
Back to this post's title..... - as it's the number one theme in UK at this time, why don't we have a referendum? Open to all members to vote on the renaming of the site to :-  "Mk1 Post". .....because it might as well be!

Quote from: Hubris on November 21, 2016, 08: PM

For several months now, my initial passion and good-will towards this once fine medium called HTH has been inexorably ground into the dust by MKI's constant, tedious, ill-thought, monotonous, boring, one dimensional, obsessive, paranoid, illogical, adolescent rantings.
Who in Hartlepool honestly cares more about the shenanigans of some fringe political outfit than they do about:- the lack of jobs; crap transport connections; crumbling infrastructure; political pygmies lording it over us plebs; the blatant corruption; the bully's; the MRA; the Niramax; the mattress mountain; the Landing fiasco; the ignominy of a record number of write-ups in Private Eye etc etc ad nauseum.
If you must keep banging-on about UKIP, write to the Guardian, or some other that even cares.......we don't!!
It's certain that this post will be replied to with one of your much practiced and eloquent rebuttals.....but frankly......none of us care. Go and bang your drum somewhere else and stop clogging-up a HARTLEPOOL forum with stuff no-one is interested in.
Akarjl......keep it up!
SteveL....stop encouraging him.
MKi,.....over to you.

Quote from: Hubris on December 23, 2016, 02: AM
Why do you permit the inclusions of tw😬ts like mk on the HF?
Does he add anything to the furtherance of developing Hartlepool as as town?
Can't you just shut him off? We are all sick of hearing his crap.
Put a filter on him! (Please!) ..and that's not trying to be anti-democratic......its just that Its tedious beyond reason to click on to Hp and see his latest diatribe.
Is mk actually a SCAB in troll mode?