It’s arrived.... finally.

Started by Inspector Knacker, April 10, 2021, 03: PM

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For the sake of clarity I think we all now know who the real "fruit cake" is.

Quote from: mk1 on April 12, 2021, 03: PM

A load of old bollocks- ALL lives matter. Not just black or should I say none white?


I think you find most people have no issue with LEGAL immigrants.

Illegal Immigrants should be sent home. The difference between refugee seekers and economic migrants needs remembered. The people coming across the channel in small boats have paid a lot of money for the journey.

So to be clear

All lives matter who cares what colour somebody is ? I don't .

Arrive in UK illegaly = detain and repatriate.

If that makes me a fruitcake- fine proud to be a fruitcake

Standback light blue touch paper get ready for national front, skin head, BLM, US Police related videos none of which are relevant to life here in Hartlepool - not that MK0 will allow that to get in the way of his weird view of life in Hartlepool - a place he obviously hates.

The Morons seemed to have gone but so have the normals.....

Inspector Knacker

Quote from: mk1 on April 12, 2021, 03: PM
Quote from: Inspector Knacker on April 12, 2021, 12: PM
, to suppress debate on any topic...........
You do not want to debate. You want a platform where you and your fruitcake mates frenetically castigate BLM & immigrants unchallenged. A safe space where you can  tell each other how you won WW2  and saved the cowardly Europeans from the beastly Boche.  A pulpit to preach about an imaginary 4th Reich.
You inhabit an  alternate Trumpian reality and desperately seek the comfort of an echo chamber of like-minded low-educational standard blowhards.

I give you the ramblings of the 'Bitter Remainer'. Unable to comprehend how voters could be so incredibly stupid as not to listen to and obey his orders.

He represents that part of the retainer spectrum that believe they have been given divine foresight and know a lot better than the mere plebs, who probably shouldn't have been allowed to vote on the topic in the first place as in his eyes are too thick to understand it(in his ever so humble opinion).
He's part of that new shrill self serving elite, forget the old class system, the landed gentry have been replaced by box bedroom keyboard thumpers who align themselves with what the perceive to be the new social elite and conform to whims of their colourless, bland masters. Every organisation needs ranters, it's how they'work'.
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.

Inspector Knacker

Just a thought, but Mk1 on here castigating Cameron, a person I have no time for, (not so much a politician, more an oily Park Lane car salesman to me).
But I do find it ironic that when Mk1 goes into full circuit board melt down he does❤️ love ❤️to use some of Cameron's references such as loons and fruit cake repetitively. I suspect he rather admires the bloke.... or alternatively, may be a bit on the slow side at producing similar original comments🙈.
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.