We'll fight them'til hell freezes over, and then we will fight them on the ice

Started by DRiddle, August 03, 2018, 09: AM

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In order to make sense of the current goings on with the Hartlepool Labour Party, one first has to understand the processes which led to an ex-benefits clerk running the council.

The Hartlepool Labour Party is reportedly made up of around 600 members. Some are Labour stalwarts whose membership has been passed from father to son and mother to daughter like a treasured family heirloom. Many however, are new to the Labour Party and new to local politics. Invigorated by Jeremy Corbyn's leadership and filled with a sense of hope, generation snowflake have swelled the local Labour ranks. Some new members have even managed to gain significant 'behind the scenes' positions within the local group such as secretary and public relations adviser.

This may sound trivial but it's actually quite significant. For as recent events have revealed, it is the 600 strong grass roots Labour members who select (or deselect) the prospective local Labour councillors. 

The Labour Leader however, is selected not by the members but by the councillors themselves who occupy seats within the council chamber, of which there are currently 19.

It is only when one examines the 19 Labour councillors individually and collectively, that the move to end the calamitous reign of Christopher Akers-Belcher (CAB) reveals itself fully.

So long as Labour hold a majority in the council, all CAB needs to remain as leader of the council is the support of the majority of the 19 Labour councillors, in this case 10 or more.

Chistopher Akers-Belcher, Stephen Akers-Belcher, Mammy Belcher, Allan Barclay, Paul Beck, Kevin Cranney, Mad Dog, Jean Robinson, Anne Marshall and Jim 'Loads of money' Lindridge appear, perhaps for different reasons perhaps, to firmly make up that core 10 votes needed to remain leader.

Stephen Thomas, who relies on the Health Watch contract controlled by CAB to pay his mortgage presumably brings that to 11. Also appearing to support what we'll call 'Team SCAB' is, or was, Katie Trueman, with Carl Richardson, like any good Stalinist, most likely to support whichever side he thinks will win.

So let's say 'Team SCAB' currently has 12 votes of the 19. Holding this position will ensure CAB remains as leader and continues to ruin the town and destroy the reputation of the local Labour Party.

Reportedly, what we'll call 'The resistance' is likely to be made up of the following current councillors; Paddy Brown, Lesley Hamilton, Brenda Harrison and Dave Hunter.

Rob Cook and Dr Pothole appear at this stage to be 'fence sitters', but sources suggest in the event of a vote, they may well side with the resistance.

So, Labour insiders suggest that the current break down of the situation is 'Team SCAB' have 13 (one of whom is Carl), 'The resistance' have 7 (one of whom is also Carl).

A swing of just 4 votes from within the current group of Labour councillors is needed to oust Akers Belcher as leader. However, because it has become very clear over recent years the 'Team SCAB' 12 votes are unwavering, a plan was formulated to change that.

The new younger members who have swelled the ranks of the local Labour Party hatched it (supported by senior Labour Party figures and advisers) and we're currently in the middle of its execution.

The de-selection of Allan Barclay, Katie Trueman and Mammy Belcher, in time will reduce 'Team SCAB' to 9 hard core members. Assuming Labour replace those 3 with more anti-SCAB candidates and they hold the seats in May's election, that will take 'The resistance' to 10 and at that point work shy Carl will more than likely jump on board and boost that to 11.
At that point they call a Leadership Challenge and CAB would be replaced, most likely by Dave Hunter.

And it is because of this precarious situation faced by 'Team SCAB' that 'The honourable' Paul Beck resigned.

It was clear as a fully paid up member of 'Team SCAB' Back was facing certain de-selection. Such a situation would have loosened the power grip of Akers-Belcher even further were to lose a 4th member of his core supporters in little over a fortnight.

Beck resigned in what was supposed to be a surprise tactic to catch the resistance of guard. Whoever is selected to stand for Labour in the Hart ward by-election automatically becomes their candidate in May's election.

Beck resigned hoping to give the Akers-Belcher and 'Team SCAB' enough time to lobby the Labour membership in the Hart Ward and replace him with a new member of their team. Had they been successful and ensured a 'Beck clone' was selected, that would have strengthened their position and most likely allowed CAB to cling onto the leadership like an un-flushable turd.

It's a fact that Stephen Akers-Belcher and Mad Dog were observed in the HBC members lounge openly phoning Labour members who live on the Hart Ward.

The plan failed and Aileen Kendon was nominated and IF she is elected, in time that will strengthen the resistance and reduce Team SCAB to 8. At that point, Carl's position as Hartlepool's very own 'co-op Quisling' becomes irrelevant.
So, to summarise, it would appear that to get rid of Christopher Akers-Belcher, the forthcoming Hart Ward by-election is VERY crucial.

If Labour retain it, and Aileen Kendon occupies the seat, a chain of events should bring to an end what is surely the most calamitous leadership of Hartlepool Borough Council in its history.

However, if Labour were to LOSE the by-election and the seat is won by an Independent, 'Team SCAB' are likely to attempt to cling on to continue the battle. They would be in a position to try to tempt the likes of Cook, Carl and the good doctor into shoring up 'team SCAB'. Their block vote of 9 would mean they only needed to find one Judas amongst the rebels and the chance to remove Akers-Belcher quickly would have slipped away. Or at least until the de-selections have their impact next May.

There is an emerging school of thought that if Alieen Kendon wins the Hart Ward by-election for Labour, CAB will be gone by Christmas. He'd go on his own terms as his ego wouldn't allow him to be formally ousted from within.

So what now? What's happening behind the scenes?

Reportedly, the Labour resistance are gearing up for throwing everything they have at the campaign to try to make sure Labour hold the Hart Ward seat.

Team SCAB on the other hand, are likely to be less enthusiastic about the battle for Hart. Stephen Akers-Belcher has in fact, according to a well-placed Labour source, already stated that he will play no activate part in campaign coordination. Although quite who will be hindered by that is debatable.

So we now have a curious situation where it would appear certain elements within the local Labour Party would actually be better served if Labour LOST a by-election.

There are even unconfirmed reports leaking out from The Conservative Party that to Tories may NOT field a candidate in Hart. The would strength the position of a candidate put up by either Putting Hartlepool First or The Hartlepool Independent Group as Tory voters are still like to exercise their right to vote, but are very unlikely to vote for Labour.

If, and it's a big if, the Conservatives do NOT field a candidate, that would be a clear red flag indicating there are elements trying to prevent a Labour victory in Hart. In the past the Tories have fielded candidates to dilute the opposition vote and shore up Labour's position. If they were to do the opposite on this occasion that would indicate that despite Ray Martin-Wells removing himself from the front line, the coalition is still alive and kicking.

This whole situation of course leaves the likes of Putting Hartlepool First and The Hartlepool Independent Group in an unusual position.

On one hand there's the argument that they should work together, put up ONE candidate and try to win the Hart Ward seat for themselves. If successful they would reduce Labour's overall number of seats in the council to just 18, soften Labour up have a crack at overall control (via a coalition) next May.

On the other, there's the view that Labours opposition should, in this instance, field no candidates and allow Aileen Kendon a walk over.

It really comes down to what you believe to be the bigger danger to the future prosperity of Hartlepool.

It that danger a Labour council as a whole?

Or is that danger a Labour council led by Christopher Akers-Belcher?

However the next few weeks pan out, one thing is for sure. The local Labour Party is in civil war and it's getting ugly, very ugly.

Paddy Brown has reportedly been excommunicated by Team SCAB for refusing to lobby the Jesmond membership to vote to select Mammy Belcher. Although to be honest, being given the silent treatment by Marjorie James is a luxury Carl Richardson would have killed for during their marriage.

Allan Barclay is cutting a sad figure knowing he's out of pocket to the tune of £700 a month come next May. Equally upset at this is the manager of the King Johns Tavern.

Paul Beck has retreated to the safe haven of Macauley Road and is reportedly denying having ever legally been the owner of a spine.

Stephen Akers-Belcher can be found stomping up and down the corridors of the civic centre sweating and chuntering about the freedom of information requests reportedly submitted about the Rifty Youth Project.

A multitude of complaints have been submitted to Labour North, reportedly by BOTH sides in the battle, some of which apparently alleging quite serious allegations.

In terms of national politics of course, Brexit still dominates the landscape. With a 'No Deal' departure looking more and more likely, there's even talk of food shortages.

So to conclude, my advice to people on this forum is simple.

Stock up on popcorn.

Lord Elpus

I suppose it just a coincidence but a close friend had a visit from Lucky Jim Lindridge the other day, 'Lucky Jim' told my friend that Chris Simmons and Carl Richardson were the masterminds behind the plan to disinfect the Labour Group of the SCAB's.

Barking mad, they both have propped up the SCAB's for years and done sweet fook all to challenge them.


The biggest danger is a Labour led council as a whole who have, for over 50 years, took the people of this town for granted. They've had bad leader after bad so I can see no other option than continue doing what we (collectively) have been trying to do for years and take the council out of their control.

Next May is the perfect opportunity for that to finally happen. Take control away from them and the Labour leadership lose all support. How could anyone support a regime that oversaw the loss of one of the safest Labour held councils in England.

brassed off monkey

The last thing Hartlepool needs is to replace a bunch of self serving carpetbaggers with a bunch of "Party First Idealogues".....


Quote from: SRMoore on August 03, 2018, 11: AM
The biggest danger is a Labour led council as a whole who have, for over 50 years, took the people of this town for granted. They've had bad leader after bad so I can see no other option than continue doing what we (collectively) have been trying to do for years and take the council out of their control.

Next May is the perfect opportunity for that to finally happen. Take control away from them and the Labour leadership lose all support. How could anyone support a regime that oversaw the loss of one of the safest Labour held councils in England.

Totally agree. Labour losing control of the council will have a more positive impact on Hartlepool than just getting rid of that idiot.

If he jumps and Labour then lose control, he'll say it's because he was pushed out. Leaving the possibility of a return open.
If he stays and Labour lose control, he's finished for ever.

If he jumps and labour keep control, nothing changes as far as they're concerned, well maybe less tantrums and vanity projects.
If Labour lose control then Labour know they've got to change and having independents in charge might create something positive for Hartlepool, like weeding the paths...

Stig of the Seaton Dump

I hope the chief exec realises she has been backing the wrong horse repeatedly.
Hopefully her calling will be a full time one soon. I imagine a big pay off is already accounted for just like the mysterious giant sum paid to the chief solicitor.

The downfall of the mob would be celebratory. I think some champagne would be very appropriate.
In the longer term, I would be much happier seeing party politics thrown out of HBC.
All credit to the independents that have put Hartlepool before self and party.

50 years of failure, ward favouritism, underhand contract awards, cliques, unfounded planning decisions, big bills, gold medals, deprivation, unemployment, low life expectancy, loss of services, crumbling infrastructure ...there is always some other party to blame. I blame them all. 

I don't believe it.


A councillor is an elected representative of their ward, not their political party!
Councils need communities but communities don't need councils
Party politics have no place in local goverment


Swapping one group of myopic believers in one mans infallibility (CAB) for a group who believe their own man (Corbyn)is infallible will not help Hartlepool one little bit. Labour could increase its vote share in Hartlepool by 300%  will not make any difference and nationally they know this.  Labour are far more concerned in bribing wooing a handful of voters in Wimbledon than any issues to do with Hartlepool's deprivation. The only change we will see is a new tranche of grants to groups  dealing with esoteric issues that dominate the thinking of the Islington Set.  As we speak Cranney will be forming a CIC to deal with Transgender Rights and making sure he cancels any orders for Jaffa oranges for his 'hungry kids'.

Inspector Knacker

Quote from: brassed off monkey on August 03, 2018, 12: PM
The last thing Hartlepool needs is to replace a bunch of self serving carpetbaggers with a bunch of "Party First Idealogues".....
Group thought replaced by a slightly different group thought. Nothing new. They will remodel othe town in their own image.
I want local people with civic pride untainted by party obedience. Free thinkers resident in the town following their consiences and not prepared to surrender their thought process at the call of the Party.
The people and good of the town come first and any elected Councillors duty is to the electorate, not the dog whistle call of any Party.
You cannot serve two masters.
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.

Johnny Bongo

As I commented on recently, if Hart ward has another by election due to Councillor Jean Robinson's lack of appearance over the past year (for whatever reason) , then Labour could lose that seat also and maybe Hart would have three independants in.  Now that would be a big blow for Labour.  Has anyone from the Hart ward asked why she has only been to a few meetings? 


As an addendum to the opening post, a well placed Labour source contacted me today to confirm the summary was almost spot on. The key error being that of the position of Slim Jim Lindridge.

Reportedly Lindridge is now ready to side with the resistance and turn against the SCABs. Rob Cook is apparently wavering the other way and is the more likely of the two to possibly prop them up.

So basically i had the numbers right but with two pawns in the wrong places.

Personally, i've no time for Lindridge. Anyone who gets elected on a ticket claiming he would, quote, "sort out those Akers-Belcher's", but then spends the next three years having his tummy tickled more willing than that panther in Thailand . deserves no respect

After what happened to Alan Clarke, this is more likely to be a case of Jim sticking his finger in the air and finally sensing which way the wind is currently blowing.

He needs de-selecting and replacing with somebody with the courage to back up their convictions when it really matters.

fred c

His "I don't need the money" comment precludes him from ever winning a seat in Hartlepool........and rightly so, his smugness will follow him the rest of his 'political career' which will be May 2019


There was a time when Labour's councillors managed to try and keep certain things 'in house'. As Akers-Belcher took charge however, such was his own groups lack of respect for him, things gradually became more porous. Information regularly seeped out. Now it's as if someone has removed their finger from the dyke.

Water is metaphorically flooding in.

There is currently NOTHING secret in committee room B.

The latest information is that 'team SCAB' believe they can have ALL the recent de-selections over turned because certain processes were apparently not followed.

However, given that recent events are being if not orchestrated, but at the very least abely assisted by individuals high up within the Labour ranks, i'm assured that such cries of 'foul play' will fall on deaf ears.

You need to pick a side Rob.

Don't pick the wrong one.

Lucy Lass-Tick


A councillor is an elected representative of their ward, not their political party!
Councils need communities but communities don't need councils
Party politics have no place in local goverment