You Naughty People

Started by steveL, May 27, 2017, 10: PM

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Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.

Lucy Lass-Tick


Well! I am offended, >:( >:(. I didn't get mentioned once :(
You are what you do. It is what it does. Everything else is illusion or Delusion.

Lucy Lass-Tick

Quote from: Stevef on May 27, 2017, 10: PM
Well! I am offended, >:( >:(. I didn't get mentioned once :(

Keep trying ...  :)

Johnny Bongo

Obviously a very bitter and twisted soul....what more can I say?  But I will ::)...why, as some one who is certainly not yet fully 'up to speed' on all the political shenanigans over the years and is only just 'discovering' what a bunch of ntcus our local 'leaders' are, here I go!  If I'm correct, then HB was an editor of the Hartlepool Mail (correct me if I'm wrong!) for a number of years.  The Hartlepool Mail, as I understand it, gets a lot of revenue from HBC.  HBC are, primarily, a Labour controlled Council, as they have been since I was a lad! Can anyone see any connections yet?  HB is bound to slag off the only 'alternative media' in Hartlepool, as it criticises the Council!  I believe he started to reveal his true colours here a few weeks ago (as Steely Dan), as he could not accept any reasoning.   I don't know what more to add, as most folk here are well aware of him!  As for him stating that the Post is 'the polar opposite to free speech', all I can say is that although people here have different views, some quite vociferous...we all tend to have a debate and put our points across..yeh, sometimes heated and perhaps occasionally insult one another...but that's FREE SPEECH.  Obviously, even certain posters ;) keep on posting...respect, even if I don't agree with them! One more thing Harry, if I a journalist and editor, you are obviously an educated man, who, I'm sure, was once respected in Hartlepool.  Do you want, now, in your later years, to to be known as someone who supported, what is basically, a morally corrupt bunch of  (so called) Labour Councillors who are dragging the good town of Hartlepool down into the depths of desperation!  You could always 'turn it around' and possibly reveal what you know from the 'dark side'!   Regards, Mr Bongo.   

Land Phil

I reported Steely Dan as the mad cyclists many months ago.
His give away was some vile turn of phrases he uses against anybody that disagrees with him, which is just about everybody.

I take it he will never have the balls to try and do what he criticises others for, i.e. Stand as a politician.

Well HB, thank you for cementing my non Labour vote.

testing times

I fear he's rapidly becoming a different version of the much missed Lawrence as the town talk-about.


I gather we've also been slagged off recently by Ian Griffiths who is one of the guys behind the sugar-coated, press release and advert composite, Hartlepool Life.
Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.

The Great Dictator

   Last week he went hysterical on HARTLEPOOL POLITICS after i had revealed his ID on here and called me and every other member on here a LIAR.

   He is obsessed with finding liars then makes this statement which reveals himself as a LIAR !!

   Soon after he lost that argument he started talking about my PENIS constantly so i reported him to FB and got him banned for 3 days  :-*

   Now he's going for Moore and Riddle and sounding even more hysterical, everyone on here knew who Steely Dan was 6 months ago.

   I've been listening to the same insults for 20 years now so i know his tone of aggression, it sticks out like a sore thumb.

   2 years ago he voted Green now its Labour, he should stand for council but hates everybody, where do you turn when that happens ?

   Even the Labour MP elect won't talk to him, i'm told by a Labour councillor he has been told to avoid him.

   Its a shame he can't harness his good points and make a good impression rather than be constantly angry.


Is this forum just a slanging match? I'm seeing it as such. There are obviously some very switched on people on here, it's a shame that you can't combine and channel this energy to work towards the good of the town instead of ripping each other to bits.


Seriously. I don't know that Griffiths guy fortunately but he does strike me as a bit of a hate filled idiot.  Was speaking to the editor of the new paper, Dirk and he described this board as full of negativity  . At first I thought he was just out to knock it because of competition but I'm starting to wonder if he was right.

The mail doesn't challenge anything, the new thing is clearly just to exploit the Ad revenue and line the pockets of some unemployable  sad old men trying to reinvent themselves as journalists. This site has an opportunity  to wake people up but all that is happening is that you are turning people off and turning into an echo chamber of negativity.

Don't loose this opportunity, it is slipping away from you

Inspector Knacker

Maybe it's a sign of his spiralling decline, a howling dog in the rain which no house will allow in.

As for Steely Dan, the unlikely done well for himselfreturning son back to enlighten us spouting a cross between loyal party drone socialist ideals and a loads a money contractor complete with capitalist lifestyle and BMW. So bad it was good.
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


Somebody once said any publicity is good publicity - I'm sure that as a result of SD's post people will look at this Forum and make their own minds up - some will not revisit but some will stay and hopefully contribute.

When there are so many perceived problems with the way the council is operated, remember our perception is our reality, and the council does absolutely nothing to alter that perception, then when people visit this site for the first time it can come across as negativity plus, of course, anybody with differing views to the some of the Labour Zealots will be seen as negative.

I always try to present facts, to try to increase awareness of the shortcomings of our council, with the hope that those people who do read the posts on this forum may go away and think about it and maybe modify their behaviour and realise that it's not all negativity and their is culpability within the Lab/Tor council.

I can understand people's frustration at what is going on, but let's not take our eye off the ball otherwise we'll lose everything.  The General Election saved us this time round, but the Constitution Committee is the one to watch because if they continue to amend the constitution to suit their ends we've had it.

Remember those famous lines from Animal Farm - All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.


Quote from: Riqueti on May 28, 2017, 05: AM
This site has an opportunity  to wake people up but all that is happening is that you are turning people off and turning into an echo chamber of negativity.
Don't loose this opportunity, it is slipping away from you

Why because Harry Blackwood aka Steely Dan thinks that?

This site is one of the few places where you can raise an issue or agree/disagree with something without ( except in the most extreme or contentious cases) comments been disallowed. Where else can you do that? The minute somebody lines up to kick the clowncil the mail turns comments off.

Regarding negativity- don't confuse that with frustration and anger at what the clowncil  are getting away with at the kremlin and just because somebody has been here years and continuously posts the same views it doesn't mean they can not/need not be challenged.= aka democracy.


I share the frustration but you guys don't seem to realise that you are fighting against people who will also share this frustration. Reading through the posts it is evident that there are some very switched on members on here.

It really does work against your aims when you are fighting each other, this energy and frustration needs to be put to good use. You have all done a brilliant job in exposing the failings of local council. However the good work you have done in doing this looses its credibility when it resorts to this.

I remember the Mail when Blackwood was editor. It was a very different voice than the cowardice that it is now or the apathetic Hartlepool life. You really are talking into an echo chamber and should look to work together with the people who are fighting against the same thing.

Hartlepool needs the Labour Party, but a clean Labour Party free of the toxic gang that exists.

The probablem they have locally is the same people getting selected and elected. Unfortunately they were elected. They can't just be removed from office. To do so goes against everything democracy is about. I suspect the reason these clowns keep getting selected is because they have so little to choose from. The barrel is empty. The intelligence of the local councillors is negligible. Some horrific decisions have been made. It is a shame that the folk on here can't do something about it, however the current approach isn't working and seems to be counter productive to the aim